Governance: “Prodigal Son Bizwell’ …ditches sinking ‘PF Titanic’ Comes Home” to UPND
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Bizwell Mutale and Chrispin Maoma

Bizwell Mutale and Chrispin Maoma
……..’We’ll actualize our campaign promises, change the narrative’
Wednesday, 25th January. 2024
Lusaka (Zambia Informer) ——-
‘I have come back home to help fulfil what we had promised the people during our campaigns and even when I was away (opposition), I never forgot the United Party for National Development because that is where it all begun” says Bizwell Mutale, the prodigal son, moments after jumping and swimming ashore from the sinking ‘Patriotic Front (PF) Titanic (boat).
Mutale, a multifaceted personality with hands on in engineering Procurement Construction and Project Funding, business acquisition and recapitalisation, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer for MKP Global Corporate Partners-cum politician his return, was prompted by the UPND’s desire to fulfil the people’s aspirations of seeing a country embracing equality and attaining economic emancipation.
Announcing his return to the UPND, which he abandoned two years ago in preference to the former ruling Patriotic Front where he aspired for a presidential seat and formed part of the mobilization team said his efforts will be fused in other well-meaning members that believe in fulfilling the party’s manifesto.
Arguably, Mutale, accompanied by his wife, reiterated his desire to work with party hierarchy stating that even after his defection remained loyal and continued communicating with party President Hakainde Hichilema (HH) and other senior party members on the future of ‘under-performing’ Zambia, economically.
“I have come back home because we are a family, and today, I’m celebrating that I have finally come back home, ‘elo, takuli ukubwelela kunuma iyoo’ (there is no turning back).” He told party zealots while franked by party chairperson, Collins Maoma with assurance he had come to stay.
” I pledge to unreservedly serve the party, President HH to fulfil what we promised the party during campaigns because, we want to change this narrative that the ruling party has failed to fulfil its campaign promises”.
Mutale reiterated his desire to help in mobilizing the party in mobilizing more members, including those seeking to join from the opposition, arguing the future of the country lied in UPND and its leader whose vision was for the betterment of the poor, the demented and the ‘haves in society’.
He claimed the country’s economic potential had been under-utilized because of lopsided policies and needed people like him and others with a vision to devise a tenable destiny of the country while striving to maximize the country’s natural resources to rejuvenate the country.
And Chairperson, Maoma in welcoming Mutale back to the party reminded him that UPND was set to change the course of Zambia for the better and stated that the grouping did not segregate as politics were for numbers and not individuals.
He challenged all party members to welcome those returning and others seeking to joining their progressive policies.
“You have seen how they (members) have welcomed you, this means we (UPND) is home for everyone because our agenda is to rebuild the country and we’ll ensure we fulfil what we promised the people during our campaigns (2021)”
President Hichilema, Maoma, assured members, meant well for Zambia, hence his (HSH7’s) tireless approach to governance as a resolve to reviving the economy and provide better living conditions.
He reminded Mutale to rejoin the mobilization team of the UPND and ensure that the structures across the breadth and width of the country were approached and persuaded to appreciate what the Government intended to do.
Earlier, UPND youth Chairperson, Gilbert Liswaniso, eulogized Mutale for the bold decision and urged all others seeking to join or rejoin the party to act now because the emerging of the party, now in Government was a step in the turnaround of the economy and enhancing good governance that was devoid previously.
However, Liswaniso reminded his party (UPND) that majority citizenry remained poor and were fending for food day on end because of the harsh economic realities, which should be redressed as expectations remain high of seeing a better country under the new administration.
Liswaniso was hopeful the escalating cost of living which has seen cost of mealie meal skyrocket to over K300x25kg would be overcome with the Government’s intervention and the expected yields from most of the 2023- 2024 harvest as citizens have ventured into agriculture as espoused by the Government.
Said an optimistic Liswaniso: “Many people are suffering because of the high cost of living and I believe as a party we need to provide solutions to the problems. What is comforting is that we expect many people to have their own maize after harvesting this year.” – Geoffrey Kapembwa/ Kwilanzi Newspaper Zambia (KNZ)/ Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA)
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