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Acknowledge and appreciate the media for accepting the invitation to be part of the Ministry’s end-of-year press engagement to inform the nation of some developments undertaken in 2023 and highlights of the focus for 2024.
Mandate of the Ministry
Remind the Media of the mandate of the Ministry as outlined in Gazette Notice 1123 of 21, as follows:
a. promoting a decentralized and good local governance system,
b. Managing development control in line with the Urban and Regional Planning Act No. 3 of 2015
c. facilitating the delivery of quality municipal services
d. overseeing the implementation of delegated functions and responsibilities of the local authorities.
e. Providing policy guidance to the local authorities to ensure the provision of quality municipal services
f. Managing the affairs of Chiefs and traditional leadership.
g. Coordinating rural development.
Highlight the strides made in 2023 in line with Ministry Mandate.
1. Promoting a decentralized and good local governance system and overseeing the implementation of delegated functions and responsibilities of the local authorities.
State that to actualize the constitutional provisions for decentralization, the New Dawn Government revised the National Decentralisation Policy, which the Republican President launched in February 2023.
Highlight that the Government has since devolved eight (8) functions to the Local Authorities, and the 2024 budgets for the local authorities include the budgets for the devolved functions. The budgeting for the devolved functions was done collaboratively with the local authorities.
o Highlight the devolved functions as follows:
A. Ministry of Tourism
i. Cultural Matters
B. Ministry of Health
ii. District Health Services including Ambulance Services
C. Ministry of Transport and Logistics
iii. Vehicle Licensing
iv. Harbours
v. Pontoons, Ferries, Jetties and Piers
D. Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
vi. Veterinary Services
E. Ministry of Youth, Sport, and Art
vii. Community Sport
F. Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security
viii. District Archives
Further state that financial resources for the devolved functions shall be transferred to the local authorities from 2024 onwards.
State that in enhancing the local authorities to handle the increased responsibilities resulting from decentralisation and preparing them for full decentralization, the Government, with support from the World Bank, is implementing the Zambia Devolution Support Program, whose objective is to strengthen the financing, institutional performance, and accountability of all the 96 Town Councils in Zambia. The program aims to strengthen the Local Authorities’ (LAs) ability to provide improved access to devolved public services through efficient and robust decentralized and participatory planning systems.
The program has a financial outlay of US$ 210 Million with a component of grants to the local authorities. The program became effective in November 2022 and is expected to end in 2027.
Also, indicate that the Government is enhancing the efficiency, accountability, and transparency of the local authorities, and to this effect, the Ministry, working with the Smart Zambia Institute, has developed standardized websites for all the 116 local authorities. These websites are expected to be updated regularly with relevant information for enhanced information sharing. The ministry is transforming the websites into payment gateways that will facilitate electronic revenue collection.
2. Managing development control in line with the Urban and Regional Planning Act No. 3 of 2015
State that one critical mandate of the Ministry is to ensure controlled development to achieve orderly human settlements that facilitate social and economic development.
This is done per the Urban and Regional Planning Act No. 3 of 2015, which provides the republic’s framework and process for spatial planning and physical development.
Indicate that spatial and physical development is guided by integrated development plans or planning agreements in jurisdictions that fall under traditional leadership.
Indicate that the Ministry facilitates and supports the development of IDPs and Planning Agreements by the local authorities.
State that A local authority may, to develop a customary area and facilitate the implementation of an integrated development plan or local area plan in the customary area, enter into planning agreements with one or more Chiefs responsible for the customary area. Emphasis that Planning Agreements are a tool for determining the future of traditional territories within a context of cultural responsibility.
State that so far, 31 IDPs were approved in 2023, bringing the total to 45 Districts with approved IDPs as follows:
o Eastern Province – 14
o Southern Province – 13
o North-Western – 11
o Copperbelt – 5, and
o Northern 2
State that the Government is committed to ensuring that all the outstanding IDPs are completed in 2024, with all local authorities nationwide having IDPs.
State that the Ministry has been conducting sensitization activities with Traditional Leadership on the importance of planning even in traditional land. As a result, three (3) Chiefs, namely Sandwe, Nyamphande, and Mapanza, have signed Planning Agreements this year.
Emphasis that the Government desires to have developments in all customary land adequately planned for through the Planning Agreements with the local authorities.
Highlight that the Ministry, with Support from JICA, is facilitating the development of the Comprehensive Greater Lusaka Regional Development Plan, which covers the whole of Lusaka City as well as neighboring wards in the neighboring districts of Chibombo, Chongwe, Chilanga, and Kafue. The wards that are part of the plan are:
a) Chibombo District
Cholokelo ward, Kamila ward, Katuba ward, Chunga ward and Mungule wards
b) Chilanga District
Chilanga ward, Mount Makulu ward, Chilongolo ward, New Farms ward, Nakachenje ward, Kalundu ward, Namalombwe ward, Kasupe ward, Nyemba ward, Chinyanja ward and Mondengwa ward
c) Chongwe District
Kapwayambale ward, Kasenga ward, Kasisi ward, Ngwerere ward, Madido ward, Ntandabale ward, Chinkuli ward, Chainda ward, Palabana ward, Nakatindi ward and Njolwe ward
d) Kafue District
Chisankane ward, Malundu ward, Shimabala ward and Kabweza ward
Indicate that the Greater Lusaka Regional Development Plan aims at providing land use development that will address nagging urban development challenges such as traffic congestion and poor mobility, poor water and sanitation management, unplanned settlement, urban sprawl, and other spatial development issues that have continued to elude Lusaka city and it’s neighboring districts.
3. Facilitating the delivery of quality municipal services and Coordinating rural development.
State that the Ministry supports the local authorities’ provision of quality municipal services and coordinates rural development by developing relevant legal and regulatory frameworks and providing various infrastructure facilities.
To this effect, the following were achieved in 2023.
1. Solid Waste Management
State that in managing solid waste in various local authorities, the Ministry undertook the following:
Supporting the rehabilitation of the Chunga Landfill, which will now be able to receive more waste.
The collection of historical waste in the city,
S/N City/Town No. of Skip-Loaders No. of Skip-Bins
1 Kafue Town Council 1 4
2 Lusaka City Council 2 10
3 Chililabombwe Town Council 1 5
4 Chilanga Town Council 1 4
5 Mazabuka Town Council 1 4
6 Monze Town Council 1 4
7 Chibombo Town Council 1 4
8 Solwezi Municipal Council 1 5
9 Choma Municipal Council 1 5
Total 10 45
New equipment for managing solid waste was acquired not only for Lusaka but for other local authorities as well as per the table below:
The Ministry has developed a communication strategy for the Keep Zambia Clean, Green, and Healthy campaign. This will facilitate heightened communication on the KZCGH campaign.
2. Sanitation Facilities
Indicate that to support improved sanitation across the country, 27 sanitation facilities were completed in 2023, broken down as follows: 15 new constructions and 12 rehabilitations.
Sanitation Facilities From Completed
Total request Completed Rehabilitation New Comments
1. Luapula 4 3 0 3 • 3 fencing of disposal Facilities – Chiengi district
2. Eastern 2 2 0 2 • 1 ablution block at Vubwi Centre in Vubwi District
• 1 ablution block at a Health Post in Chipangali District
3. Northern 17 17 12 5 • 10 are boreholes rehabilitated
• 2 ablution blocks rehabilitated
• 4 new construction at markets and Bus Stations
• 1 new borehole drilled in Mpulungu District
4. Central 5 4 0 4 • 3 new construction of waste bays at markets
• 1 ablution block in Chibombo District
5. Southern 1 1 0 1 • 1 Fencing of disposal facilities in Mazabuka district
TOTAL 35 27 12 15
3. Markets, Bus Stations and Fire Stations
Indicate that the Ministry completed markets and bus stations that had stalled to improve the trading spaces. The Ministry completed the construction of the Kawambwa, Sinazongwe and Buteko markets.
4. fire safety and rescue services
State that to decentralize fire services in Lusaka, three fire stations in Chelston, Chilenje, and Makeni were completed and are expected to be fully operational in 2024.
5. Roads
State that 15 km of roads in Lusaka were paved with bituminous surfacing layers.
List of Roads Under 15km Lusaka City Roads Project
Lot 1 – Roads Under Kailjee Construction
No. Road Name Length (km)
1 New Kasama Road 1 0.92
2 New Kasama Road 2 2.27
3 New Kasama Road 3 0.61
4 Makishi Road 2.49
5 Civic Centre 0.38
6 Thabo Mbeki 0.3
7 Kasangula Junction Improvements 0.3
8 Tokyo Way 2
Total 9.27
Lot 2 – Roads Under AVIC International Zambia Limited
No. Road Name Length (km)
1 Twikatane Road 3.9
2 Manda Road 1.3
3 Chandwe Musonda Road 0.6
4 Post office Driveway and carpark 0.5
5 Dc office driveway and carpark 0.4
Total 6.7
State that the Ministry also concluded the planning to rehabilitate 120 km of township roads in eight (08) towns and has commenced procuring consultancy services for the road designs.
Further indicate that a total of 800km of township roads were put on routine maintenance during the year 2023 in order to preserve the road infrastructure.
6. Rural Crossing Points
Indicate that 46 crossing points were fully constructed in the following areas:
o 24 in EASTERN Province Kasenengwa, Chadiza, Katete, Vubwi, Mambwe, Chama, Sinda
o 9 in SOUTHERN Province Gwembe
o 4 in WESTERN Province Mulobezi, Mongu
o 1 in MUCHINGA Province Mafinga
o 1 in LUAPULA Province Chembe
o 7 in NORTHWESTERN Province Kabompo, Mufumbwe, Zambezi, Manyinga, Kabompo and Ikelenge
7. Storm Water Drainage
Indicate that the Ministry commenced the construction of a stormwater drainage downstream of the Arcades Flyover bridge. So far, 100 out of the targeted 500 meters have been completed. The work will continue and will be completed in 2024.
4. Managing the affairs of Chiefs and traditional leadership.
State that the government earmarked the construction of 110 chief’s palaces in 2023. So far, the tender processes have been completed, and the contracts are in two categories. Zambia Correctional Service will construct 82 Palaces, and private contractors will construct 28 Palaces. The Ministry is currently handing over the sites to the contractors for the commencement of the construction.
Indicate that the Groundbreaking for the construction of the palaces was done on 25th November 2023 at Chief Chimese’s Palace in the Mansa district of Luapula Province.
State that the palaces will come with a 4-bedroomed house, two (2) Retainers houses, and a meeting room with an office for the Chief.
State that in addition to the 110, the Government will complete the 16 palaces whose construction started in 2015. The completion works for the 16 will run concurrently with the new construction.
5. Implementation of the Constituency Development Fund
The total disbursement to CDF is
1. The Total Budget (including supplementary) for the CDF in 2023 is Four Billion Seven Hundred and Fifteen Million, Two Hundred and Eighteen Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirteen Kwacha (K4,715,218,513.56)
2. The Funding from the Ministry of Finance National Planning as of November 2023 was Three Billion, Eight Hundred and Eighty-one Million, Four Hundred and Thirty-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Forty-Nine Kwacha (K3,881,437,149.82)
3. The Disbursement to the Councils Three Billion, Seven Hundred and Thirty-Four Million Eight Hundred and Twenty-One Thousand and Fifty-Five Kwacha K3,734,821,055.18
Burn rate
The burn rate increased to an average of 58% As of October 2023 compared to 22% in 2022. The target is to reach a 98 percent burn rate by 2025.
Breakdown of CDF implementation by category
Highlight the following:
1. Community Projects
In 2023, 3,877 community projects were approved at a cost of Three Billion, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Seven Million, Eight Hundred and Seventy Thousand One Hundred and Seventy-One Kwacha (ZMW3,877,870,171.17) compared with 3,745 projects approved in 2022 costing Two Billion, Two Hundred and Thirty-Five Million, Five Hundred and Fifty-Four Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-One Kwacha (ZMW2, 235,554,471.31).
o The education sector has consistently received a significant portion of the CDF at a cumulative percentage of 51%. Major projects funded under this sector include the construction and rehabilitation of classroom blocks, the construction and rehabilitation of staff houses, and the procurement of desks.
o Projects in the health sector accounted for a cumulative percentage of 18. This included the construction of maternity annexes
o Agriculture received a relatively small allocation compared to other sectors, with a cumulative percentage of 1%.
o Water and Sanitation accounted for 4 percent of total requests for approval.
o Projects for Markets and Bus Stations accounted for 3%.
o Road Construction projects increased accounted of 10, and.
o Other categories accounted for 17% of the approvals. These include but not limited to;
• procurement of CDF monitoring vehicles
• Procurement of Police vehicles,
• Procurement of earth-moving equipment,
• procurement of furniture,
• Rural electrification,
• Construction of palaces,
• construction of police posts.
2. Secondary School Bursaries
In 2023, 28,512 beneficiaries were approved at the cost of One Hundred and Nine Million, Four Hundred and One Thousand Three Hundred And Twenty-Nine Kwacha (ZMW109,401,329.07) compared with 19,440 beneficiaries approved in 2022 at the cost of Sixty-Five Million, Four Hundred and Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-Eight Kwacha ZMW65,413,928.33.
3. Youth Skills Development Bursaries
In 2023, 57,921 beneficiaries were approved at Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two Million, Six Hundred and Seventy-One Thousand Eighty Hundred and Thirty-Nine Kwacha (ZMW792,671,839.37), compared with 41,419 beneficiaries approved in 2022 at the cost of Seven Hundred Thirteen Million, Three Hundred and Fifty-Seven Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-One Kwacha ZMW713,357,121.52.
4 Grant Empowerment
In 2023, the component witnessed a slight reduction in the number of beneficiaries to 16,040 beneficiaries approved at a cost of Five Hundred and Seventeen Million, Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-Nine Kwacha (ZMW517,779,189.43) compared with 16,523 beneficiaries approved in 2022 at a cost of Four Hundred and Ninety-One Million Four Hundred and Fifty-One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty-Three Kwacha (ZMW491,451,583.03). However, the amount disbursed to beneficiaries was higher in 2023 than in 2022.
5. Loans
In 2023, 4,641 loan beneficiaries were approved at a cost of Three Hundred and Twelve Million, Six Hundred and Forty Thousand, Four Hundred and Three Kwacha (ZMW312,640,403.13) compared with 4,867 beneficiaries approved in 2022 at a cost of Five Hundred and Ninety-Six Million, Six Hundred and Thirty Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven Kwacha ZMW596,630,827.07.
6. Other achievements
Procurement of 156 Police Motor Vehicles
Procurement of 480, 077 Desks
Providing for the CDF hour Radio programmes in all 116 Local Authorities
Measures undertaken to enhance CDF Implementation
Delegation of approval of projects from the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development to the provincial level
Establishment of provincial CDF Committees
Review of the CDF Act to align it with the increased amount and scope of the CDF
Approvals and treasury authority to vary funds have been delegated to the principal officers in the local authorities
CDF Monitoring Dashboard is being developed in collaboration with other key stakeholders, including Smart Zambia Institute and the Decentralisation Secretariat
A Comprehensive Electronic Financial Management Information System is being developed
A CDF communication strategy is also be developed for enhanced and targeted communication
Focus for 2024
State that the Ministry in 2024 will focus on
1. completing the outstanding infrastructure projects before embarking on new ones;
2. Undertake the construction and rehabilitation of 50 Km of township roads in Lusaka, Solwezi, Kitwe, Ndola, Luanshya, Choma, Mazabuka, and Sinazongwe;
3. Rehabilitation of approximately 400 Km of feeder roads in various districts of the country;
4. Finalising the CDF Bill and developing revised guidelines for the enhanced implementation of the CDF;
5. Enhanced communication of the CDF and other programmes being implemented by the Ministry; and
6. Turn the local authorities’ websites into digital payment platforms by integrating payment channels and e-services. The focus will also be providing local authorities with digital skills through capacity-building programs to reduce the digital divide and enhance service delivery using digital platforms.
7. Conclusion
Remind the media of their role in the country’s development agenda of ensuring the citizens have the necessary information that empowers the communities. Emphasis the importance of giving a correct narrative of what is happening to the citizens
Thank the media and invite questions.