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BISHOP Evans Chinyama Chinyemba of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Western Province

BISHOP Evans Chinyama Chinyemba of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Western Province
By Mwenya Mukuka , Communications Officer Zambia Conference OF Catholic Bishops (ZCCB)
BISHOP Evans Chinyama Chinyemba of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) has advised society to desist from the tendency to fight over land and God-given rivers, lakes, wells, and swamps, noting that such action does not build harmony in communities.
Bishop Chinyemba said that in the rural setup conflicts over land were common and many people have run away from their traditional homesteads seeking refuge in other parts of [western] province all because of fear of being killed over land conflicts.
Writing his monthly reflection in the Mongu Diocese Bulletin, Bishop Chinyemba, OMI made reference to Allan Smash’s ‘Litaba ZaMubu’ song in which he counsels people to learn to live in harmony with each other instead of spending time fighting and killing each other over land, lakes, and rivers.
Bishop Chinyemba noted that singers like Allan Smash and Barotse Family Band speak of the ills of fights over land and advises on the best way to view land as a gift given by God and not something that we should get by force.
“On another level and in another song entitled Lukulu Road, Alan Smash points to the challenges people go through on this road. Part of this song reflects on how politicians at every election use the bad state of Lukulu Road in order to get votes. The sense of the song is that even when people continue to enjoy a good life in Lukulu yet when they think of the bad state of Lukulu Road, that joy evaporates,” Bishop Evans Chinyama Chinyemba O.M.I. (born 9 Aug 1967 ) said.

BISHOP Evans Chinyama Chinyemba of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Mongu
The Mongu Diocese prelate has advised that people should take seriously the messages such songs bring out every time they listen to them.
“Let me hasten to point out that, while listeners are many our musicians are challenged to sing songs that add value to the social life of our people. I will explore more on some of our social songs in the course of this year. At another time, I will reflect with you on some of our Religious songs that are sung in our Churches,” Bishop Chinyemba, OMI said.
Bishop Chinyemba implored people to listen to songs on the airwaves that help to reflect on the deeper social issues of the community and messages that discourage appetite for conflicts.
Bishop Nicola Agnozzi, O.F.M. Conv. †, Bishop Emeritus of Ariano Irpino-Lacedonia, Italy, Archbishop Luciano Angeloni †, Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Portugal, Archbishop Orlando Antonini, Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Serbia, Bishop Alick Banda, Bishop of Ndola, Archbishop Clemens P. Chabukasansha †, Archbishop Emeritus of Kasama, Archbishop Ignatius Chama, Archbishop of Kasama, Bishop Evans Chinyama Chinyemba, O.M.I., Bishop of Mongu, Bishop Patrick Chilekwa Chisanga, O.F.M. Conv., Bishop of Mansa, Bishop Andrew Aaron Chisha, Bishop Emeritus of Mansa, Bishop James Corboy, S.J. †, Bishop Emeritus of Monze, Bishop Firmin Courtemanche, M. Afr. †, Bishop Emeritus of Chipata, Bishop Marcel Daubechies, M. Afr. †, Bishop Emeritus of Kasama, Bishop Dennis Harold De Jong †, Bishop of Ndola, Bishop Paul Francis Duffy, O.M.I. †, Bishop Emeritus of Mongu, Father Killian Flynn, O.F.M. Cap. †, Prefect Emeritus of Victoria Falls, Bishop Adolf Fürstenberg, M. Afr. †, Bishop Emeritus of Mbala, Archbishop Nicolas Girasoli, Apostolic Nuncio to Antigua and Barbuda, Antilles, Bishop Moses Hamungole, Bishop of Monze, Father Rupert Hillerich, O.F.M. Conv. †, Prefect of Solwezi, Bishop Heinrich Horst, M. Afr. †, Vicar Apostolic of Lwangwa, Bishop Valentine Kalumba, O.M.I., Bishop of Livingstone, Bishop Charles Joseph Sampa Kasonde, Bishop of Solwezi, Adam Cardinal Kozłowiecki, S.J. †, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, Bishop Etienne-Benoît Larue, M. Afr. †, Vicar Apostolic of Bangueolo, Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza, Apostolic Nuncio to Czech Republic, Bishop Paul Lungu, S.J. †, Bishop of Monze, Archbishop Marcel Madila Basanguka, Archbishop of Kananga, Congo (Dem. Rep.), Father Fernand Martin, M. Afr. †, Prefect Emeritus of Fort Jameson, Medardo Joseph Cardinal Mazombwe †,, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, Bishop Francis Costantin Mazzieri, O.F.M. Conv. †, Bishop Emeritus of Ndola, (Layman) Emmanuel Milingo, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, Bishop Charles Phillip Richard Moth, Bishop of Arundel and Brighton, England, Great Britain, Bishop Raymond Mpezele, Bishop Emeritus of Livingstone, Archbishop Telesphore George Mpundu, Archbishop of Lusaka, Bishop Clement Mulenga, S.D.B., Bishop of Kabwe, Bishop Justin Mulenga, Bishop of Mpika, Archbishop Adrian Mung’andu †, Archbishop Emeritus of Lusaka, Archbishop Julio Murat, Apostolic Nuncio to Zambia, Archbishop Elias White Mutale †, Archbishop of Kasama, Bishop Noel Charles O’Regan, S.M.A., Bishop Emeritus of Ndola, Bishop Timothy Phelim O’Shea, O.F.M. Cap. †, Bishop Emeritus of Livingstone, Bishop René-Georges Pailloux, M. Afr. †, Bishop Emeritus of Mansa, Bishop Emilio Patriarca, Bishop Emeritus of Monze, Bishop Benjamin S. Phiri, Auxiliary Bishop of Chipata, Archbishop Alfredo Poledrini †, Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Lesotho, Bishop Severinah Abdon Potani, O.F.M. Conv. †, Bishop of Solwezi, Bishop Alexandre-Auguste-Laurent-Marie Roy, M. Afr. †, Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Bangueolo, Archbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro, Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Serbia, Archbishop James Mwewa Spaita †, Archbishop Emeritus of Kasama, (Layman) Joost (Joseph) Van den Biesen, M. Afr. †, Vicar Apostolic Emeritus of Abercorn, Father Bruno Wolnik, S.J. †, Prefect Emeritus of Lusaka, Bishop George Cosmas Zumaire Lungu, Bishop of Chipata, Archbishop Giorgio Zur and Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus to Austria.