“Financial irregularities in Government Institutions need to be addressed and bring ‘Culprits’ to book,” IPPR- Zambia Director for Policy & Research Department- Fidelis Solomon Ngoma
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Fidelis Solomon Ngoma is Director for Policy & Research Department- IPPR- Zambia
*FINANCIAL irregularities in Government Institutions need to be addressed and bring ‘Culprits’ to book* -IPPR- Zambia
By Fidelis Solomon Ngoma
Director for Policy & Research Department- IPPR- Zambia
In order to maintain a stronger economy, Government will need to continue to dismantle the stock of public expenditure arrears and improve Commitment controls and monitoring with the a view to ensure that there is no uncontrolled build-up of arrears.
To augment Public expenditure management further, including cash-flow flow management, Government will need to roll-out the treasury single account to all administrative units under the central government.
This entails consolidating several accounts held by government institutions, thereby improving utilisation of Public Funds and reducing administrative costs!
We can not have over 1, 000 banks accounts for for government it’s not okay something is wrong and it’s our hope that new dawn administration will address this challenge!
The United Party for National Development (UPND) Administration should contract loans only for economically viable Projects and in accordance with the constitution we expect the Parliamentarians to continue providing oversight on public debt Contraction as debt sustainability is pivotal in re-balancing the economy.