Chief Zingalume calls subjects to embrace community forestry
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Daniel Bili in an office Chadiza District of the Eastern Province
By Daniel Bili Chadiza, August 5, 2021, ZANIS
Chief Zingalume of the Chewa speaking people of Chadiza district in the Eastern Province has called on his subjects to embrace Community Forest Management.
Chief Zingalume observed that with high rates of deforestation in Zambia, community forestry plays an important role in addressing the drivers of deforestation.
He emphasised the need for communities to be sensitised so that they understand and see the benefits of protecting their forests.
He stressed the important role that community Forests program play towards mitigating the negative effects of climate change.
“The immediate drivers of deforestation include agricultural expansion, unsustainable charcoal and wood production practices, unmanaged fires and uncontrolled livestock grazing. So if we embrace the ideas of community forestry then surely, we can address the negative effects of climate change in our country,” he said.

Chief Zingalume of the Chewa speaking people of Chadiza district of the Eastern Province
Chief Zingalume was speaking in Chadiza yesterday when the District Multi- Sectoral Team (DMT) visited his palace to engage him on the 1,500 hectares of Khumba Community Forest Project.

Forestry Management
And Chadiza District Administrative Officer Masauso Banda informed the chief that Zambia’s Community Forestry Management grants rights to community groups to manage and own proceeds from specified forest resources to enhance socio-ecological benefits.
Mr Banda explained that community groups living near the identified forests will be introduced to alternative sources of livelihood as an incentive for protecting forest resources.
He added that blending protection with business enterprise development is critical in poverty reduction around the forest reserves.
“Some of the enterprises that these communities can undertake include piggery, beekeeping, and nursery tree planting among others,” he said.
Chadiza district so far has three recognised community Forests, namely Makwangwala, Kapachi and Tadyela, all measuring up to 48 hectares.
The Forest Management groups around these communities have all been trained and provided with startup capital to engage in different enterprises in view of combating house hold poverty, thereby reducing the net pressure exerted on forest ecosystem.