AARON CHANSA commends ECL over King Lewanika University project
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President Edgar Chagwa LUNGU
National Action for Quality Education in Zambia “Quality education begins with me” P.O. Box 31782, Lusaka MEDIA STATEMENT- 17th JANUARY, 2017. NAQEZ commends government for commencing construction of King Lewanika University in Mongu of Western Province. We sincerely hope that this very important project will make significant progress this year and be completed in good time.
We are also very happy that Robert Kapasa Makasa University In Chinsali of Muchinga Province has opened doors to its first students. This will go a long way in decongesting the few old public universities. However, we are very uncomfortable with the management status of Robert Kapasa University.
Instead of placing it under care of CBU management, NAQEZ strongly feels that the ministry of higher education must quickly constitute an independent management team to run this institution.
Zambia is littered with a lot of highly educated and talented citizens who can ably run this promising University.CBU management is already burdened with its own challenges, and should not be given another big task to handle. NAQEZ further appeals to the ministry of finance to quickly release funds in order for contractors to resume construction of student hostels at UNZA, CBU, Mulungushi University and Evelyn Hone College. These projects have been on the cards for too long and we feel that they deserve urgent attention. Issued by: AARON CHANSA Executive Director 0979 552885