Stinking Corruption under Patriotic Front (PF) and the need to ‘Inspect the Voters Roll’
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Secretary to the Cabinet Dr. Simon Miti with Vice President Inonge Mutukwa-Wina and Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu
By Movement for a Better Zambia
ALL peace loving and democratic citizens must agree that Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the UnPatriotic Front have removed lawful and democratic means of competing for power in the 2021 elections.
The Zambia Police have become PF cadres. There is no freedom of assembly for the opposition. ZNBC has become PFBC. ECZ, ACC, DEC and every other acronym you can think of are now PF branches.

The Secretary General (SG) Davies Mwila appointed Edwin Lifwekelo as PF Deputy Media Director on Thursday 10 June 2020
The worst is the creation of a PF Voters roll. Why is ECZ refusing an audit of the voters roll? How come registered voters in opposition strongholds have reduced drastically? In answer to this, Mr. Edwin Lifwekelo, PF Deputy Media Director, indicated that PF won the 2021 elections in 2020 by employing ‘winning tactics’. Lifwekelo categorically stated: “We registered more voters in our strongholds than in opposition”.
This was done during the issuance of NRCs and Voters Registration Cards by ensuring that only their strongholds registered more voters.
This was confirmed by former Defence Minister Davies Chama, that the voters roll was doctored.
Clearly this was the first stage of rigging.
Signals were first sent when Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampongo announced that registration of voters would first start in Luapula, Northern and Muchinga provinces before moving to Western, North Western, Southern and Central in the second phase.
Why was this necessary?
Registration of voters has always been done simultaneously throughout the Republic.
The issuance of NRCs is supposed to be a continuous exercise. The motive was clear. To disadvantage the opposition!
The voters roll does not reflect the youthful population of Southern, Western, North Western and Central provinces.
One wonders what happened to the youth in these provinces. Did they all die?
Opposition, this is where we must wake up and ensure ECZ unveil the voters roll for inspection.
Otherwise, we are going into an election already rigged.
Lastly, we have witnessed unprecedented corruption by PF in lobbying for votes through donations of cars, bicycles, vitenge materials, cash, cattle, sinking of boreholes and all manner of gifts, led by Edgar Chagwa Lungu himself, his Ministers and Senior cadres.
This is against the Anti Corruption laws and he must be held accountable and brought to book!

Antonio Mwanza at a Chrismar Hotel Patriotic Front (PF) Interactive Forum in Lusaka, Zambia, Central Africa

PF Secretary General Davies Mwila (Centre) and PF Media Director Antonio Mwanza (Left) arrive in Luapula Province June 2021
How can the PF Media Director Antonio Mwanza state that the leadership of President Lungu has fought corruption?
That is utter nonsense. If anything, Edgar Chagwa Lungu has promoted corruption to stinking levels. It has become a cancer under PF.
Country men, women and youth, we need a better Zambia and the revolution must surely be won on Thursday 12th August, 2021. Vote for President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND Alliance.
Movement for a Better Zambia

United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema greets Shikulu Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda 300×282