Lusaka Mayor Miles Bwalya Sampa prods corporate world to help fight COVID 19 … Government alone cannot defeat covid 19-Jonathan Kays
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Lusaka Mayor Miles Bwalya Sampa, Wash Zambia CEO Jonathan Kays, Brand Ambassador Mutale Mwanza, Councillor George Daka and Simon Mwewa Lane TV man Chitambala Mwewa at Kulima Tower Bus Terminus at WASH Covid Away campaign Wednesday 13 January, 2021 PICTURE by Derrick Sinjela
By Ashton Kelly Bunda and Derrick Sinjela
HIS WORSHIP the Mayor of the greater City of Lusaka Miles Bwalya Sampa says business leaders in the corporate world have spent most of the times making eloquent speeches in their fight against COVID 19 as they address people during meetings ,but less action.
Mayor Sampa, used a platform as Guest of Honor during the COVID 19 disinfection exercise at Kulima Tower Bus station in Lusaka led by Wash Laundry and Dry Cleaners Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jonathan Kays said there has been a lot of lip service from the corporate world leaders and individuals in the nation than taking up practical corporate responsibility duties.
The Lusaka Mayor assured the audience that his team that has been going round Lusaka City bars, markets, shopping and public places vigorously advocating for citizens to Practice Social Distancing (PSD).
Letting the cat of a presidential hat, in an off the cuff address, Mayor Sampa explained that as most citizens operate on a hand to mouth basis, President Edgar Chagwa Lungu prefers businesses move on as opposed to a total locking down, to curbing COVID 19.
“Let us adhere to the COVID 19 guidelines by wearing masks and maintaining social distance, we just have to learn to live with this disease just like HIV and AIDS, businesses and other activities that will help build the economy should continue somehow,” Mayor Sampa impressed it on Lusaka citizens at Kulima Tower Bus Station, at a launch witnessed by Councillor George Daka of Lusaka Central’s independence ward 14 and Wash Laundry and Dry Cleaners Brand Ambassador Mutale Mwanza.

Lusaka Mayor Miles Bwalya Sampa with Councillor George Daka of Lusaka Central’s independence ward 14 and Wash Laundry and Dry Cleaners Brand Ambassador Mutale Mwanza and Wash Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jonathan Kays at Kulima Tower Bus Terminus at WASH Covid Away campaign Wednesday 13 January, 2021 PICTURE by Derrick Sinjela
And WASH LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaning Company Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jonathan Kays says citizens must sacrifice their time and resources to compliment government effort in the fight against Coronavirus (covid 19) pandemic, whose second wave attack has claimed many lives and disturbed the smooth flow of the global economy.

Lusaka Mayor Miles Bwalya Sampa with Wash Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jonathan Kays and Kulima Tower Bus Terminus Station Manager Collins Mulenga at WASH Covid Away campaign Wednesday 13 January, 2021 PICTURE by Derrick Sinjela
Mr. Kays says K1.5 million is budgeted in the battle against COVID 19 as way of giving back to their clients.
Flanked by Lusaka Mayor Miles Bwalya Sampa and Patriotic Front (PF) Councillor George Daka of Lusaka Central’s independence ward 14, Kays said his team is going flat-out disinfecting 500 hundred homes in Lusaka including non-clients of the Wash laundry and Dry Cleaning Company free of charge.

Mandamu Matildah Mayowe
In a Press Release issued by Mandamu Matildah Mayowe, Kays explained that the virus has a tendency of sticking to clothes from contaminated surfaces then into various homes and that ‘Wash Laundry and Cleaning Company’ have the equipment that can get rid of Coronavirus.
Wash Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company Chief Executive Officer told citizen and well-wishers to feel compelled to join the noble cause of fighting covid 19 to contact his team at E-mail: WASHCOVIDAWAY@WASHZAMBIA.COM OR Call Our Team at 0974635555, and they will be embraced with both hands.