Democratic Party President Harry Kalaba outlines agriculture and industrialization as priority sectors to Zambia’s economic recovery
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President Harry Kalaba interacts with the electorate in the Eastern Province – Picture by Democratic Party Media Team
Democratic Party President Harry Kalaba outlines agriculture and industrialization as priority sectors to Zambia’s economic recovery
By DP Media Team
Monday 2nd November, 2020
DEMOCRATIC Party (DP) has reiterated that Zambia has enough resources that if put to good use can improve the economy and subsquent end the high poverty levels being experienced in the country. This is achievable once right policies are put in place.
The Party believes that agriculture and industrialisation agenda remains the solution to the problems the country is currently facing.
DP President who is also the 2021 Presidential candidate Mr. Harry Kalaba observes that Zambia’s challenges are driven by leadership crisis which has failed to put in place policies that lead to economic emancipation.
Mr. Kalaba added that the failed Constitutional amendment Bill 10 is one issue that should not have been considered under the current economic pressure.

President Harry Kalaba interacts with the electorate in the Eastern Province – Picture by Democratic Party Media Team
And speaking on a Radio programme at Radio Maria in Chipata, Mr. Kalaba who is in Eastern province for party mobilization buttressed his priority as Republican President will be enhancing agriculture which will move in tandem with the manufacturing agenda for value addition on agricultural products, employment creation and foreign exchange earnings.
The DP leader added that from the DP four-pillars manifesto, he is confident that the agriculture and industrialisation pillars will enable the country be demarcated. He stated that DP in power will introduce different international agricultural companies in each province. The companies will enable the farmers to be out-grower schemes. Farmers will be farming and supplying to these companies. The said companies will further render agricultural advice to farmers depending on the available area and soil.
He also observed that this agenda will encourage farmers to produce more as the agenda outlines readily available markets and profits for their produce adding that it will be also possible for farmers to be paid in advance.

President Harry Kalaba interacts with the electorate in the Eastern Province – Picture by Democratic Party Media Team
And speaking earlier in Nyimba during another radio programme at Valley FM yesterday , Mr. Kalaba promised that it will be his desire as Republican President and that of the Democratic Party to within 30 days of assuming office after 2021 elections victory to have mealie meal prices reduced.
Commenting on the recruitment currently being taken by government, Mr Kalaba said, if he was President he was going to recruit teachers who have graduated from 2012 to date. It emphasised that it is the DP agenda to recruit all the teachers within the first six months of our victory.