On Friday 5th June 2020 MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale caned Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Chilosha Lusambo insisting that ‘Freedom of Expression essential in a ‘democracy’
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President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Religious Affairs and National Guidance Minister Reverend Godfridah Nsenduluka- Sumaili
LUSAKA, Friday, June 5, 2020
MISA ZAMBIA has noted with concern remarks from the Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo aimed at named citizens who were exercising their right to express themselves on various matters that concern the nation.
In a video which has gone viral, Mr. Lusambo is heard calling on Mr. Kings Malembe Malembe, Artist Brian Bwembya popularly known as B-Flow and un named photographer to desist from making statements that would bring the name of the country into disrepute.
This is after the three released separate unrelated videos where they were expressing their concerns on different topical issues in the country.
After looking at the said videos, it is clear that the position taken by the Lusaka Province Minister is meant to intimidate and silence dissenting voices as none of the content in the videos brings the name of the country and government into disrepute.
MISA Zambia wishes to remind Mr. Lusambo and other duty bearers that Zambia is a democratic nation and as such, one of the characteristics of such a nation is the ability of its citizens to fully express themselves through the right to freedom of expression. Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right provided for in the Zambian Constitution and in several International protocols and declaration which Zambia is a signatory to.
The constitution of Zambia fully guarantees this right under article 20 where it reads, ‘Except with his own consent, no person shall be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, that is to say, freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to impact and communicate ideas and information without interference, whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class of persons, and freedom from interference with his correspondence.’
In a democracy, effective citizen participation through the freedom of expression plays a key role in promoting good governance, transparency and accountability from duty bearers.
When duty bearers are elected or appointed to positions of power, it is often based on the premise that they will seek meaningful engagement with citizens who are the rights holders to deliberate on issues affecting the masses and formulate progressive ideas that address the concerns raised by citizens instead of intimidating citizens with threats whenever they exercise their constitutional right to express themselves.
MISA Zambia calls upon leaders in the country to desist from intimidating and threatening citizens whenever they use their constitutional right to express themselves and voice out their opinions.
Our leaders should instead provide a listening ear and engage in meaningful dialogue using the vast available platforms for Zambia to attain sustainable development that leaves no one behind.
We would want to encourage Mr Lusambo to do self introspection and ask himself whether he is making a meaningful contribution towards achieving the principals of good governance in this country and what legacy he will leave behind once his tenure of office comes to an end.
Issued by Hellen Mwale
Chairperson – MISA Zambia

MISA Zambia Vice Chairperson Hyde Haguta at a Civil Society Organisation (CSOs) Press Brief on the eve of Bill 10 Presentation Monday 16 March 2020 in Lusaka with SACCORD Executive Director Borniface Chembe and MISA Zambia Chairperson Hellen Mwale. Justice Minister Given Lubinda is expected to present Bill 10 for Second Reading on Tuesday 17th March 2020, 483 days before Zambia Votes on Thursday 12th August 2021 – Picture by Derrick Sinjela ZCYPWD & ZADEMA.