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Rainbow news zambia - Rainbow news zambia - Rainbow news zambia - Page 57

Rainbow news zambia

International Labour Organization (ILO) ADG & RDA Ms. Cynthia Samuel- Olonjuwon dates President Hakainde Hichilema

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International Labour Organization (ILO) ADG & RDA Ms. Cynthia Samuel- Olonjuwon dates President Hakainde Hichilema By Malvin Nkhoma, Henry Chunza, Saeed Simon Banda and Derrick Sinjela INTERNATIONAL Labour Organization (ILO) Assistant Director General (ADG) and Regional Director for Africa (RDA), Ms. Cynthia Samuel- Olonjuwon arrives in Zambia on Sunday, 15th January, 2023 to attend the annual Retreat for ILO Directors in Africa in Lusaka from Wednesday, 18th to Friday, 20th January, 2023. Prior to the Retreat, convened under the theme: ‘Delivering of the 2019 Abidjan Declaration for ILO constituents in Africa and implementation of the Global Coalition on Social Justice’,...


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Comprehensive Press Statement issued by the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon Gary Nkombo, MP, Friday, 13th January, 2023. REPUBLIC OF ZAMBIA MINISTRY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT STATEMENT ON MEASURES TO ADDRESS COVID 19 AND DIARRHEAL DISEASES DELIVERED BY THE MINISTER OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT, HON. GARY NKOMBO, MP. ON Friday, 13TH JANUARY, 2023 Prepared by: Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development LUSAKA Members of the press Ladies and gentlemen Country men and women I welcome you to this press briefing today. As you may recall, the Honourable Minister of Health, yesterday, presented...

DStv welcomes the launch of Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV onto screens this month Featuring Jazz, Soul, Blues, Hip-hop, Rnb, Afrobeats, and Dance – only on DStv DStv welcomes the launch of Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV onto screens this month Featuring Jazz, Soul, Blues, Hip-hop, Rnb, Afrobeats, and Dance – only on DStv

DStv welcomes the launch of Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV onto screens this month Featuring Jazz, Soul, Blues, Hip-hop, Rnb, Afrobeats, and Dance – only on DStv DStv welcomes the launch of Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV onto screens this month Featuring Jazz, Soul, Blues, Hip-hop, Rnb, Afrobeats, and Dance – only on DStv

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DStv welcomes the launch of Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV onto screens this month Featuring Jazz, Soul, Blues, Hip-hop, Rnb, Afrobeats, and Dance – only on DStv • Available to DStv Compact Plus and Premium customers • Open to Compact Customers from Friday, 20 January, 2023- Sunday, 19th February, 2023 Lusaka, Zambia – Friday, 13th January 2023 Press Release WITH exclusive access to high-end music, great concerts, documentaries and never-seen archived interviews, the global music streaming platform QWEST TV will officially be DStv channel 330. The channel will be open to DStv Compact Plus and Premium customers, with an open window...

“Do not drop your Covid 19 guard,” Sylvia Tembo-Masebo warns Zambians

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“Do not drop your Covid 19 guard,” Sylvia Tembo-Masebo warns Zambians …coronavirus is real, prevention is better than curing! …a Healthy people, build a wealthy nation By Saeed Simon Banda, Henry Chunza, Malvin Nkhoma and Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka, Zambia HEALTH Minister Sylvia Tembo-Masebo is urging Zambians not to drop the guard with regard to keeping Coronavirus (COVID-19) five (5) golden rule guidelines and ensuring that communities are kept neat and tidy. Preaching a message of prevention is better than cure, Ms. Tembo – Masebo implored citizens to augment Government resolve to nip Covid 19 and diarrhea in the bud...

Dr. Keabetswe Modimoeng  appointed Corporate Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Group Executive for Multichoice Africa

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  Dr. Keabetswe Modimoeng has been appointed as Corporate Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Group Executive for Multichoice Africa with effect from January 2023. Dr Modimoeng will report to Collen Dlamini (Group Executive Corporate Affairs), and he will be a member of the Multichoice Africa Executive Team. Dr Modimoeng is the former executive chairperson of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA). His achievements at ICASA include the historic radio frequency spectrum auction in 2022, which was widely hailed as a key structural economic reform to improve competition in the South African economy. He is a former award-winning Sunday Times...

COMACO in Nyalugwe Chiefdom, Eastern Province

COMACO in Nyalugwe Chiefdom, Eastern Province

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  COMACO in Nyalugwe Chiefdom, Eastern Province By John T. Njovu COMMUNITY Markets for Conservation (COMACO) operates out-grower schemes in poor communities to supply it with agro-products for its factory. It produces mealie meal (milled maize), peanut butter and, refines and bottles honey. It has been operating in the Nyalugwe chiefdom for almost two decades. An outgrower scheme is an economic system that is commonly being used by foreign owned companies and social enterprises in Zambia. Mainly due to poor service delivery of the government (bad governance), poor citizens are at the mercy of exploitative companies and social enterprises. The...

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  Socialist Party central committee member Barbra Maramwidze writes: WHAT we see in the UPND today, the lack of a sense of direction, a lack of vision and the lies, remind us of the hard truth that Dr Fred M’membe spoke of before the 2021 elections: ababufi balaya ifingi. We heard so many promises but have seen the opposite being done. Many Zambians are in shock. Has the UPND abandoned its manifesto? If it has, which plan or manifesto is it now implementing? The current 12-hour blackouts are painful, and what makes them more frustrating is that we don’t know...

Zambezi Magic kickstarts the new year on an exciting note with returning favourites Uncle Limbani and Date My Family

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  Zambezi Magic kickstarts the new year on an exciting note with returning favourites Uncle Limbani and Date My Family Wednesday, 4th January, 2023 Press Release Lusaka, Zambia: Zambezi Magic has an exciting new year planned for our viewers! Two audience favourites are returning for new seasons this January – a good reason for Uncle Limbani and Date My Family Zambia fans to celebrate! The raucous comedy Uncle Limbani’s season 3 premieres on 6 January 2023, while the hilarious dating reality series Date My Family Zambia returns for season 4 on 29 January 2023. “As a premium content channel, Zambezi...

Voters in Shadows by Zambian author Hicks Sikazwe

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Book Review Title: Voters in Shadows Author: Hicks Sikazwe Publishers: HPS Communications Pages: 323 WHILE many scholars argue that only ethnicity drives voting behaviour in Africa, recent quantitative work finds government performance also matters. But under what conditions do Africans use ethnicity or performance to inform their vote? Veteran journalist and author Hicks Sikazwe answers all these electoral intricacies in his classic latest book Voters in the Shadow by arguing authoritatively that the importance of ethnicity and performance is conditional on whether voters evaluate co-ethnics and incumbent candidates. In chapter one under the title Violence, murder, fraud, intimidation in Africa...

Leadership Movement and Dr. Richard Silumbe ready to work with Zambian media

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    By Henry  Chunza  Leadership Movement (LM) President Dr. Richard Silumbe says his party and its leadership will always consider the media as its biggest partner and not using them as tools as other political parties think of them. Dr. Silumbe said that they as a party, want to grow with the media in Zambia, work with them until the end of time because the successes that the country will depends on how informed the public are. Dr. Silumbe said that media houses in the country should be part and parcel what is happening in the world by ensuring...

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