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Rainbow news zambia

U.S. Embassy Announces the 2019 GIST Tech-I Competition

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  By  Sean McIntosh Public Affairs Officer October 26, 2018 Phone: 357000  NR/1193/26/10/2018   Lusaka – The U.S. Embassy enthusiastically announces the 2019 Global Innovation through Science and Technology Initiative (GIST Tech-I), a competition organized by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs. The 2019 GIST Tech-I Competition offers young science and technology innovators and entrepreneurs an opportunity to compete for mentorship, training, and seed capital to advance their ventures. Eligible applicants for the 2019 GIST Tech-I competition are startups from all areas of science and technology innovation, such as agriculture, education, energy, environment,...

Speech Analyst Mile Sichula …writes on  Happy struggling journalists 2017

Speech Analyst Mile Sichula …writes on  Happy struggling journalists 2017

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Speech Analyst Mile Sichula …writes on Happy struggling journalists We have come a long way and we are far from our desired destiny. Our destiny will and it can never be free from conflict with those who want to hide information from citizens. It is time for the media to adapt to unfriendly authorities than to complain because those with power to cage and brutalise Journalists seem to be happy with the status quo. Remember the saying, there is no sweet without sweat. To inform, educate and entertain requires and demands hard work. Imagine a World without Journalists, just think...

Dr Kenneth Kaunda cannot reconcile HH and Lungu, but the reason why Zambia is going through all this mess

Dr Kenneth Kaunda cannot reconcile HH and Lungu, but the reason why Zambia is going through all this mess

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By SIKAILE SIKAILE ©2018 “BUILDING STRONG COMMUNITIES BY PROMOTING JUSTICE FOR ALL CITIZENS” LOOKING at what our nation is going through today, it always gives me more appetite to read about Zambian political and cultural history time and again. My OPINIONS are that Kaunda did lay a bad foundation for this nation and probably he is one of the key culprits why we are in this mess. There are serious issues that needs or rather would have needed serious Kaunda’s attention but he has ignored them all. 1. The Balotse Land agreement. Kaunda has been very mute on this matter as...

Daniel Sikazwe’s SWEET HOME COMING

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After such a gorgeous welcome in my clan on the banks of Lake Tanganyika, I want to go to Ngabwe to think about what was going through the mind of the person who told my people that once there was a beautiful place called paradise; the place where the ancestors of people I have no historical connection with were booted out for sinning. I really want to go to Ngabwe to find out what was going through the mind of that person who said there is a place, somewhere in the future, a beautiful place in which we will live...

Zambia needs very good leadership, pleads Dr. Fred Namakando M’membe

Zambia needs very good leadership, pleads Dr. Fred Namakando M’membe

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Zambezi Express Editor’s choice: 06.09.18 By Fred Namakando M’membe If there has ever been a time when our country has needed very good leadership, it is now. This is the worst this country has ever been since independence in terms of leadership. The problems and challenges our country and our people face today would stretch to the utmost, even the best leadership possible. Today, 66.2 per cent of our population is below 25 years and 28.5 per cent of our people are between 25 and 54 years old. We have 2.9 per cent of our population between 55 and 64...

American Similarities Abraham Lincoln elected2Congress 1846 while John F. Kennedy elected2Congress 1946

American Similarities Abraham Lincoln elected2Congress 1846 while John F. Kennedy elected2Congress 1946

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Have a history teacher explain this if they can. Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost a child while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head. Now it gets really weird. Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy’s Secretary was named Lincoln. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson....

Ministry of National Development Planning staff donate sanitary products, foodstuffs to female prisoners

Ministry of National Development Planning staff donate sanitary products, foodstuffs to female prisoners

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By Chibaula D. Silwamba (Mr.) Spokesperson MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Tel: +260211252409 Email: Website: LUSAKA, Friday, 26 October 2018 – Staff of the Ministry of National Development Planning have donated assorted sanitary products, foodstuffs and other essentials to female prisoners and their children at Lusaka Central Correctional facility as part of the commemoration of Zambia’s 54th Independence anniversary. In a message read on his behalf by Director of Human Resources and Administration Mr. Ignatius Daka during the donation, Ministry of National Development Planning Permanent Secretary (Development Planning and Administration) Mr. Chola Chabala encouraged the prisoners to be of...



Notice: Undefined index: catFilterList in /home/zambi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-likes/api.php on line 243 ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN (25 October 2018) – United Nations Member States today unanimously agreed to the Declaration of Astana, vowing to strengthen their primary health care systems as an essential step toward achieving universal health coverage. The Declaration of Astana reaffirms the historic 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata, the first-time world leaders committed to primary health care.  “Today, instead of health for all, we have health for some,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). “We all have a solemn responsibility to ensure that today’s declaration on primary health care enables every person, everywhere to exercise...

“The Depth of My Footprints” by Ng’andu Peter Magande

“The Depth of My Footprints” by Ng’andu Peter Magande

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“Perhaps as a way of fixing me, Government ministries and departments, that were customers of ZANACO, were directed to divert their deposits to private commercial banks. As part of liberalisation, government ministers refused to bank their ministry’s public funds with the people’s bank. Some ministries withdrew money held in ZANACO accounts and opened new accounts with private banks. They preferred to deal with private banks where they personally negotiated and got higher interest rates, some of which was deposited into their personal accounts. One minister even drove to the Bank of Zambia with trunks to collect money for his ministry....

U.S.-Zambia Research Partnership Offers Innovations for Small-Scale Farming

U.S.-Zambia Research Partnership Offers Innovations for Small-Scale Farming

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By Sean McIntosh Public Affairs Officer Phone: 357000 Tuesday October 23, 2018 Lusaka – Small-scale farmers in Zambia are now leveraging new techniques to boost harvests of maize, sweet potatoes, and groundnuts.  This is the result of knowledge gained from a partnership between the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI), international agricultural researchers, and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Africa RISING activity.  Formerly known as Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation, Africa RISING is a product of the U.S. government’s Feed the Future Initiative and Global Food Security Strategy. With over $1.7 million invested in the...

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