Zambia Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit…“Visit and Invest in Zambia Homecoming Campaign”
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By Tendai Posiana, Media and Communications Officer Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) ZAMBIA’S celebrated think-tank the Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) on the weekend of the 08 – 09 February met in Siavonga to plan the Zambia Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit to be held from the 18 – 22 May 2020, says Economics Association of Zambia National Secretary Mutisunge Zulu. Mr. Zulu explained that Zambia Wakanda1 Diaspora Summit will be co-hosted in conjunction with Astria Learning of the United States (U.S) and will be targeted at boosting diaspora investment into Africa’s second largest copper producer Zambia. The President of the Republic of Zambia Dr....