Rainbow news zambia

Chapter One Foundation Press Release dated Saturday 23rd May 2020 in Celebration Africa Freedom DAY

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By Linda Kasonde Executive Director   https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-kasonde-4025a08/ No. 1 of Plot 6941 Suez Road, Cathedral Hill (Next to the Cathedral of the Holy Cross) P.O. Box 51378 Lusaka, Zambia Tel: +260 211 257001 Email: linda.kasonde@cof.org.zm PRESS RELEASE DATED 23RD MAY 2020 IN CELEBRATION OF AFRICA FREEDOM DAY DATED CHAPTER One Foundation promotes and protects human rights, human rights defenders, constitutionalism, social justice and the rule of law in Zambia, primarily through strategic litigation, advocacy and capacity building. Our aim is to promote and protect the Constitution and the rights included in it and by so doing, free the space for Zambians...

Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) General Secretary Canon Emmanuel Chikoya joins other Africans in commemorating Africa Freedom Day on Monday 25th May 2020

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By Michael Mazakaza (Mr) Communications Officer COUNCIL OF CHURCHES IN ZAMBIA, Stand No. 377A, Ecumenical Centre Bishops Road, Kabulonga P.O. Box 30315, LUSAKA Tel: 260-211-267739; (+260) 977 571535/967420600 www.ccz.org.zm  All correspondence to be addressed to the General Secretary PRESS STATEMENT ON AFRICA FREEDOM DAY Monday 25th May 2020 LUSAKA THE Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) joins other Africans in commemorating this year’s Africa Freedom Day which falls today, 25th May of each year. Sadly, not every African country currently celebrates Africa Freedom Day, among them Ethiopia which hosts the African Union. We pray the African Union will continue to...

SACCORD Statement on Commemorating Africa Freedom Day

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Monday 25th May, 2020 Boniface Cheembe Executive Director THE Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) would like to join the rest of the African continent in celebrating a day that is dedicated to everything there is about the African continent and her people. SACCORD welcomes this year’s theme of “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development.”  There is no doubt that since independence conflicts of a different nature have characterized the African continent to an extent where there has been a peace deficit and thereby challenges where development is concerned as peace is a...

Communications Specialist Kelvin Chisanga prods Government and stakeholders to panel beat labour laws to favour both parties!

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Government and stakeholders should panel beat labour laws to favour both parties! THE contra verse seen in the new employment laws need to strike some balances by promoting the plight of workers and also ensuring that economic activities also do remain reliable and sustainable in order to be able to cater for the macroeconomic factor, which is highly required complimentary puzzle fit for the nation. The Employment Code Act which was amended in 2019, has been widely criticised for not balancing up with both fiscal requirements and economic actors. Statutory Instrument that was issued on 10th May 2019 catered for...

Communications Specialist Kelvin Chisanga elated as ‘covid 19’ sparks the zeal for studying online!

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ONLINE courses are now great opportunities to exposed to, and we should definitely need to seek ways and means in taking full advantage of online studies like never before. Knowledge should be pursued with a deep sense of solving challenges that the country and regions are facing, as opposed to just passing examinations. We all need to increase our knowledge economy especially for this country and within this time such as this, when the economic shapes have really been totally disrupted with Novel Coronavirus popularly known as COVID 19, its actually good to seek a broad range of online based...

PMCR Press Statement for immediate release Monday 25th May 2020

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PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday 25th May 2020 AS we celebrate this year’s Africa Day under the theme “Silencing the Guns: Creating Conducive Conditions for Africa’s Development” it is important that we take stock of our progress towards a more prosperous future in which all African citizens, young, old, female, male, of all creed and backgrounds are empowered to realize their full value and potential. The African Union (AU) has made significant progress in driving Agenda 2063 which is the continent’s blueprint and masterplan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the near future. In line with this...

TI-Zambia’s Reflections on this Year’s Africa Freedom Day

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House No. 128 Mwambula Rd Jesmondine P.O. Box 37475 Lusaka, Zambia Telefax: +260 1 293649 E-mail: tizambiageneral@gmail.com Website: www.tizambia.org.zm Monday 25th May, 2020 For Immediate Release The News editor TI-ZAMBIA’S REFLECTIONS ON THIS YEAR’S AFRICA FREEDOM DAY Maurice K. Nyambe TI-Z Executive Director TRANSPARENCY International Zambia (TI-Z) joins the rest of the African continent in celebrating this year’s Africa Freedom Day. We believe that this day provides an opportunity for us as a continent, and for individual countries including Zambia, to take a moment to look back on our journey and reflect not just on the strides we have made...

“Zambia is slowly been taken away by foreigners,” cries Leadership Movement President Dr. Richard Silumbe

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*Zambia is slowly been taken away by foreigners* As a 21st Century Government – The Leadership Movement we have noted with concern lack of land ownership to our cizitens. Today, we are seen thousand of hectares been auctioned to foreigners in the name of Investors. As we observe the African Freedom Day – we challenge our cizitens to rise up, dust yourselves and learn from country we call great nations that developed themselves and gave land ownership with title deeds to there own cizitens so that they can own land, access loans and be able Invest. It is the fact...

Lewis Mwape asks an Africa Freedom Day question – Do we have Freedom as Africa?

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Lewis Mwape Development Activist FREEDOM may be seen in many aspects of life. We have defined freedom around political and economic!! There is no problem with this focus. Africa has a challenge of defining long term strategy and establishing leadership around the long term strategy. Our education system needs to be aligned to africa long term development strategy and ensure that leadership in whatever model is framed around integrity, honest and rule of good laws. Science, Technology and Innovation remains the pipedream for african education systems. Africa education curricula still produces job seekers and not innovators. The doctrine of “WORKING”...

Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) Monday 25th May 2020 Press Statement on Mistreatment of Zambian Workers by Foreign Investors as Africa commemorates African Freedom Day

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