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Rainbow news zambia - Rainbow news zambia - Rainbow news zambia - Page 180

Rainbow news zambia

Panos urges IBA to rescind the cancellation of Prime TV broadcasting license

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Issued by: Vusumuzi Sifile Executive Director, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) Email: Lusaka, 09 April 2020: Panos Institute Southern Africa is saddened by the cancellation of Prime Television’s broadcasting license, and calls on the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) to rescind its decision and reinstate one of Zambia’s leading privately owned media houses. In a letter to Prime TV proprietor Gerald Shawa on 09 April 2020, the IBA Board Secretary/Director General Josephine Mapoma said the TV station’s broadcasting license had been cancelled “with immediate effect”. The IBA said the cancellation of Prime TV’s broadcasting license was in line with provisions of Section...

Accelerating Africans’ industrialisation based on agriculture as a business, prods Thomson Silomba

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  ACCERALATING AFRICAN`S INDUSTRIALIZATIONS BASED ON AGRICULTURE AS A BUSINESS WRITTEN BY: SILOMBA THOMSON – Agents of Change Foundation Zambia (ACFZ) +260971602312 Kabwe, Central Province Most of African countries got independence in the early 60s. Since then, this has remained only political independence, that, evidently, this has been the thick genesis to most of countries experiencing conflicts and pandemonium provisions that have left most of people homeless and bursting them in informal sector. Without a thick doubt, most countries has suffered economically due to lack of accountability, transparency and not knowing the game they are in, leaders. I say so,...

JCTR – Zambia Deputy Executive Director Father Alex Muyebe Press Release Wednesday 8th April, 2020 ‘Upholding Social Justice at the Workplace in the Wake of COVID-19’

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Press Release 8th April, 2020 Upholding Social Justice at the Workplace in the Wake of COVID-19 On 31st December 2019, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organisation (WHO) of an outbreak of a novel strain of coronavirus causing severe illness and even death in some cases. The WHO subsequently named this as COVID-19. As of April 5th, 2020, over 1.2 million COVID-19 cases with over 60,000 deaths were recorded globally. Zambia has so far recorded 39 cases, 7 recoveries and 1 death as of 8th April 2020. Various measures have been promoted at both local and global level in order...


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BNNB Statement Tuesday 7thApril, 2020 POOR ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE: MORE DAMAGING ON POOR HOUSEHOLDS. The country has in the past month been faced with both economic and social difficulties. We have seen the country’s currency losing value against major currencies. From the 2nd to the 26th of March 2020 the Kwacha depreciated against the US dollar by 18.6 percent. On 2nd March 2020, the Kwacha traded at K15.22 to US$1. By 26th March, the Kwacha had moved to K18.05 to US$1. About the same time, we were faced with a shortage of the country’s staple food; mealie meal, which in turn...

Quotations about Democracy, Politics and Government, and Related Matters

Quotations about Democracy, Politics and Government, and Related Matters

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Quotations about Democracy, Politics and Government, and Related Matters “The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern.” —Lord Acton “The Spirit that prevails among Men of all degrees, all ages and sexes is the Spirit of Liberty.” —Abigail Adams, 1775 “A government of laws, and not of men.” —John Adams “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right … and a desire to know.” —John Adams, 1765 “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a...

Free Press Initiative (FPI Zambia) founder Joan Chirwa welcomes the jailing of a Chipata PF cadre Frank Mwale to two years imprisonment for assaulting Breeze FM journalist Grace Lungu

Free Press Initiative (FPI Zambia) founder Joan Chirwa welcomes the jailing of a Chipata PF cadre Frank Mwale to two years imprisonment for assaulting Breeze FM journalist Grace Lungu

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FPI WELCOMES JAILING OF A CHIPATA PF CADRE FOR ASSAULTING A JOURNALIST The FPI Zambia welcomes the jailing of a Chipata PF cadre to two years imprisonment for assaulting Breeze FM journalist Grace Lungu. Grace was assaulted by Frank Mwale while covering the Mkomba ward by-election in February, 2019. The judgment passed by the Lundazi Magistrates’ Court on Monday, April 6, 2020, should serve as a strong warning to all political party cadres, regardless of affiliation, that an assault on journalists will not go unpunished. Journalists deserve total protection and freedom to carry out their duties. Inflicting fear in them...

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