Saturday 30th May 2020 State 55 Africa President Sikwindi S. Situla’s Open Letter to President Donald Trump displeasure over Racially Motivated Police brutality and killings of Afrodescendants—The case of George Floyd; “I can’t breathe!”
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THE PRESIDENT OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP Saturday 30th May, 2020 His Excellency, President, Donald Trump, President of the United States of America, Washington. DC, United States of America. Your Excellency, RE: OUR DISPLEASURE OVER RACIALLY MOTIVATED POLICE BRUTALITY AND KILLINGS OF AFRODESCENDANTS—THE CASE OF GEORGE FLOYD; “I CAN’T BREATHE”. We all “can’t breathe” and are deeply appalled by the growing reports of racial intolerance particularly targeting people of Afrikan origin in your country. This deep frustration should serve as a warning that can easily plunge the world in racial recrimination as the Afrikan race has been pushed far...