Rainbow news zambia

EAZ Chairperson Energy and Mines Mathews Muyembe outlines “Financial losses arising from the expired bulk supply agreement (BSA) between ZESCO and CEC for ZESCO”.

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    THE ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION OF ZAMBIA Thursday – 18th June 2020 FINANCIAL LOSSES ARISING FROM THE EXPIRED BULK SUPPLY AGREEMENT (BSA) BETWEEN ZESCO AND CEC FOR ZESCO As Economics Association of Zambia, we have been carefuly studying the issue surrounding the BSA between ZESCO and CEC. It should be noted that we enjoy warm relationships with both companies and pronouncements that have been made in the energy sector the past few years have been very encouraging because they promote win win situations for all players in the energy sector including ZESCO, CEC and above all the Zambian people who...

Zambians must apologise to Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda for destroying economic infrastructure built by the United National Independence Party (UNIP) leadership,” prods Economic Association of Zambia (EAZ) President Lubinda Haabazoka

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Whilst he is still alive, we should apologize to President Kenneth Kaunda for having destroyed that which he created… Posted by Dr Lubinda Haabazoka on Tuesday, June 16, 2020     Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Ref: ‘Inciting Youths to attack News Diggers’ Managing Editor Joseph Mwenda responds to Information Dora Siliya’s Dora Siliya’s letter

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Honourable Ms Dora Siliya, MP Minister of Information and Broadcasting, New Government Complex, Nassar Road. P.O. Box 51025. Lusaka. June 14, 2020 Dear Madam, REF: INCITING YOUTHS TO ATTACK NEWS DIGGERS We are in receipt of your letter dated June 12, 2020 in which you, as Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, expressed concern over what you termed as the use of a derogatory word “stupid” by ourselves in reference to one of our editorial comments. We are grateful, Honourable Minister, that you reached out to us to express your concern and to offer your advice on behalf of government....

*Spare Chrispin Chiinda (Chris Mall) out of your ‘Dirty Politics’* 

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View this post on Instagram *SPARE CHIINDA OUT OF YOUR DIRTY POLITICS* By Francis Chipalo It is shocking to learn that a certain individual who owns a pub around Kaunda Square stage 2 Hybrid road has continued to spread malicious Information against Chrispin Chiinda (Chris Mall) the people's candidate for Munali in 2021. We would like to caution and remind this frustrated individual who is a former civic leader that Chiinda does not have time for politics of character assassination but he's focus is on development of Munali constituency. Chiinda has earned his support from Munalians due to his continuous...

Friday 12th June 2020 Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) Press Statement on Granted Water Permit Applications

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  By Joshua Kapila Public Relation Officer – Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (WARMA)  PRESS STATEMENT Friday 12th June 2020   PRESS STATEMENT ON GRANTED WATER PERMIT APPLICATIONS The Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) Board convened on Thursday 11th June 2020 to consider and grant Water Permits to applicants for commercial water use across the country. This is in accordance with the Water Resources Management Act No 21 of 2011 section 76, which mandates the Authority to grant water permits to applicants. The Authority wishes to inform the esteemed public that out of 209 applicants considered, a total...

Political Parties Pledge To Strengthen Fight Against Political Violence Against Women

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    Political Parties Pledge To Strengthen Fight Against Political Violence Against Women   Pictures, Video and Audio Attached Authored and Distributed By DASCO Media +260977691133 and dascomedia@gmail.com   Political Parties have pledged to strengthen the fight against political violence against women during and after elections. The Political Parties hope to see a lot of women not just taking part in politics but to also take key leadership positions which will thence enable their enjoyment of human rights. And Zambia Centre for Inter-party Dialogue (ZCID) Chairperson Jackson Silavwe says women need to be given the space for them to exploit their...

June 2020 ZCID WORKSHOP; NRP represented by Secretary General Mr. Chikula Clive Paul

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ZCID WORKSHOP, NRP was well represented by it’s SECRETARY GENERAL MR CHIKULA CLIVE PAUL. The deliberations was inspiring and for this trainers of trainers workshop,am sure political parties will take it upon themselves to combat political violence,more women participation in decision making processes,conflict management and mediation in finding solutions if any need arises. The ZCID is our body and we are going to do everything possible to safeguard our interests and that of the Zambian pipo. Nrp president Rev.Dr.Cozmo Mumba has appreciated the board members of ZCID and it’s chairperson a Mr Jackson Silavwe for a proactive approach in mitigating...


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COMACO BECOMES THE FIRST IN AFRICA TO ATTAIN INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION OF ORGANIC GROUNDNUTS PRODUCTION Chipata – The Community Markets for Conservation COMACO has attained international organic certification for groundnuts grown by selected COMACO-supported farmers in Eastern Province These farmers grow groundnuts without chemicals instead they use natural and nature-based farming practices. This international certification by ECOCERT, a company based in France, will see COMACO exporting groundnuts to the international market. COMACO Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dale Lewis said that it is exciting for staff and farmers to become the first in Africa to get the certification which was done...

I have disappointed my wife in bed and it has almost ruined my life!”

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    I have disappointed my wife in bed and it has almost ruined my life!” For most, if not all men, making their special women happy is usually top priority – they live for it In Africa, married couples are constantly under pressure to ensure generational continuity by siring a brood of children. Pressure that man face daily While women have the crazy task of taking good care of their men from how they look to ensuring they’re well fed and the home and children are in order, men have the heavier task of bringing home the bread and...

PRESS STATEMENT Friday 12th June, 2020 GENDER EOUALITY AND WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP KEY TO DEVELOPMENT By MARY S. MULENGA BOARD CHAIRPERSON North-Western Province Luapula Province Coordinating Office Mansa District

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PRESS STATEMENT Friday 12th June, 2020 GENDER EOUALITY AND WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP KEY TO DEVELOPMENT By MARY S. MULENGA BOARD CHAIRPERSON North-Western Province Luapula Province Coordinating Office Mansa District NON-GOVERNMENTAL GENDER ORGANISATIONS’ COORDINATING COUNCIL P.O.Box 37879 Fax: NGOCC Lusaka, Zambia E-mail: info@ngocc.org.zm Website: www.ngocc.org.zm Building Solidarity For Women’s Empowerment Plot No. 5168 Tel: +260 211 224727/227529 Nchoncho Road Cell: +260 966 640760 +260 211 227 514 THE Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) commends the Government on the recent appointment of more women to the Board for the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR). Not so long ago we...

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