Don’t be distracted by purpotedly Corrected Bill; Original Bill 10 still Before Parliament Media Statement Thursday 16th July 2020 by Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) General Secretary (GS) Reverend Canon Emmanuel Chikoya
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Don’t be distracted by purpotedly Corrected Bill; Original Bill 10 still Before Parliament Media Statement Thursday 16th July 2020 by Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) General Secretary (GS) Reverend Canon Emmanuel Chikoya By Council of Churches in Zambia General Secretary (GS) Rev. Canon Emmanuel Chikoya FRATERNAL greetings to the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) ecumenical fraternity and all citizens. OUR Mandate and Purpose as ably summed by *_Christopher Sugden_* is *_”To declare that Lordship over the whole created order, demonstrate what creation looks like when acknowledging its master, summon all people to acknowledge His Lordship and seek ways...