Rainbow news zambia

Early Christmas as 25 Shoprite Zambia customers win 25 red single cab Isuzu D-MAX pick-ups

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By Derrick Sinjela in Lusaka, Zambia FRIDAY 6th November 2020 can be summed as an early Christmas gift day, as 25 Shoprite customers won 25 red single cab Isuzu D-MAX pick-ups, following a competition designed to celebrate the firm’s silver jubilee existence on the Zambian market. Franked by brand ambassador Brandina Lubili, and Isuzu Action Auto Limited Zambia dealer principal, Michael Bentley, a delighted Shoprite Zambia General Manager Charles Bota explained that the genesis of the prize giving event was to give sustainable empowerment and mobility to lucky customers. Beckoning a mining engineer, recently retired, an optimistic Mr. Bota acknowledged...

Democratic Party President Harry Kalaba outlines agriculture and industrialization as priority sectors to Zambia’s economic recovery

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Democratic Party President Harry Kalaba outlines agriculture and industrialization as priority sectors to Zambia’s economic recovery By DP Media Team Monday 2nd November, 2020 DEMOCRATIC Party (DP) has reiterated that Zambia has enough resources that if put to good use can improve the economy and subsquent end the high poverty levels being experienced in the country. This is achievable once right policies are put in place. The Party believes that agriculture and industrialisation agenda remains the solution to the problems the country is currently facing. DP President who is also the 2021 Presidential candidate Mr. Harry Kalaba observes that Zambia’s...


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STATEMENT BY THE YOUNG AFRICAN LEADERS INITIATIVE (YALI) ON THE FAILURE OF THE CONSTITUTION OF ZAMBIA (AMENDMENT) BILL NO. 10 OF 2019 AND THE WAY FORWARD. DELIVERED MONDAY, 02 NOVEMBER 2020 AT MIKA LODGE, JESMONDINE, BY ANDREW NTEWEWE, YALI PRESIDENT On Thursday last week saw the failure by the National Assembly of Zambia to open up the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No. 10 at Second Reading for any further amendments and passage further passage at Third Reading. When the Bill was tabled in Parliament, two things were expected to happen: either pass the Bill with or without amendments or...


Global crimes against journalists worry Zambia’s Media Liaison Committee Chairperson Enock Ngoma

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Global crimes against journalists worry Zambia’s Media Liaison Committee Chairperson Enock Ngoma By Derrick Sinjela THE Zambian Media Liaison Committee (MLC) joined the rest of the world in commemorating ‘The International Day to end Impunity for Crimes against Journalists which falls annually  on November 2, under the auspices of the United Nations, desiring a better and safer reporting environment for pen-pushers and media workers. The Zambian Media Liaison Committee Chairperson Enock Ngoma called on political players, the police and the general citizenry to desist from harassing journalists during the course of their reporting duty. In a Monday 2nd November, 2020...

U.S. Invests K4.5 million in Women-Owned Businesses, Launches Second Phase of Women Entrepreneurship Training

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EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LUSAKA, ZAMBIA The United States and Zambia Partnering Together NR/1252/10/29/2020 CONTACT: Sean McIntosh FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Public Affairs Officer October 29, 2020 Phone: 357000 U.S. Invests K4.5 million in Women-Owned Businesses, Launches Second Phase of Women Entrepreneurship Training LUSAKA – The U.S. Embassy, in collaboration with the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) and Women’s Entrepreneurship Access Center (WEAC), has today awarded nine women entrepreneurs a total of K4.5 million ($225,000) in seed funding to support women’s entrepreneurship and women’s economic empowerment. Each of the winners received K500,000 ($25,00) from USADF following a...

United States Enables Zambia’s Leadership Role in SADC Regional Seed Export Policy

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The United States and Zambia Partnering Together EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LUSAKA, ZAMBIA NR/1251/10/27/2020 CONTACT: Sean McIntosh FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Public Affairs Officer October 27, 2020 Phone: 357000 United States Enables Zambia’s Leadership Role in SADC Regional Seed Export Policy LUSAKA – Today, U.S. government, through its Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in close partnership with the Government of the Republic of Zambia, commissioned a pilot seed export from Zambia to Mozambique produced by emerging seed company, Lake Agriculture. The USAID-funded Feed the Future Southern Africa Seed Trade Project awarded...

Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) Acting Chairperson Judith Mulenga’s Statement on the ‘Fall of Bill 10’

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  CiSCA Statement on the Fall of Bill 10 Lusaka, Friday 30th October 2020: The Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) joins the rest of Zambia in celebrating the fall of the infamous Bill 10. The fall was the only logical conclusion because the National Dialogue Act and its accompanying National Dialogue Forum gave birth to a stillborn Bill 10. We further resoundingly applaud the patriotic judicious Members of Parliament that refused to betray the people of Zambia. By defeating Bill 10 in Parliament after so many ploys by the PF Government and their cronies to hoodwink Zambians into believing that if...

The Centre for Trade Policy and Development(CTPD) is a non-profit, membership based trade policy think tank established in 2004. Formerly known as the ‘Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia’ (CSTNZ),

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About Us The Centre for Trade Policy and Development(CTPD) is a non-profit, membership based trade policy think tank established in 2004. Formerly known as the ‘Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia’ (CSTNZ), the organisation has progressed from being a network to being a think tank. The organisation is affiliated to Africa Trade Networks (ATN), Our World Is Not For Sale Network (OWINFS), Southern African People Solidarity Network (SAPSN) and has a membership of 16 local Non-governmental Organisations and individual members. CTPD aims to promote equitable pro-poor trade policies and practices in Zambia through trade reform at national, regional and international...

THE DEATH OF A YOUNG LION…James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku

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THE DEATH OF A YOUNG LION…James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku By Dr. Cephas Mukuka Political Researcher I WOKE up early on the Sunday 1st November 2020 not to exercise as I do on daily basis, but to write my assignments from school. Suddenly I went into a trance,I saw myself writing a message of condolence; it was on James Kasanda Musendeka Lukuku, and that he had died. Slightly after 5 minutes I got a call from my elder brother, Charles Mukuka , from Ndola. The message was that the Republucan Progressive Party (RPP), President Lukuku had died. I then explained the...

…meet Gershom Kapalaula ‘aspiring Member of Parliament Chipili Constituency

…meet Gershom Kapalaula ‘aspiring Member of Parliament Chipili Constituency

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Kapa MP Manifesto 2020 Eng word Kapa MP Manifesto 2020 Eng   …meet Gershom Kapalaula ‘aspiring Member of Parliament Chipili Constituency POLITICS IS ABOUT NUMBERS AND COMPETING IDEAS”  Aspiring Member of Parliament Chipili Constituency MY 7 PRIORITIES FOR CHIPILI CONSTITUENCY   MY POLITICS WILL RESPECT THIS MANIFESTO AND THAT OF THE ELECTED GOVERNMENT OF THE DAY FOR PROGRESS   My politics are about WORK and DEVELOPMENT with people   My politics will have my expertise focus on the 4 pillars of community development on infrastructure, social, mental wellness, and Spirituality of people.   My politics will be highly interactive with people...

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