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Rainbow news zambia - Rainbow news zambia - Rainbow news zambia - Page 103

Rainbow news zambia

Zambia Police hunt suspected Chililabombwe defiler

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By Esther Mwaata Katongo Zambia Police Spokesperson Saturday 28th August, 2021 – POLICE in Chililabombwe District of Copperbelt Province are looking for Weston Mwendia for allegedly defiling and impregnating his double orphan grade seven niece aged 14. The sexual abuse is alleged to have occurred on several occasions from April, 2021 at the suspects house in Chililabombwe District where the victim was being kept. The report was made by the grandfather of the victim aged 72 and the victim is reported to be five (5) months pregnant. The victim was staying with her uncle (maternal uncle) now suspect at the...

Message of Goodwill to HH – Zambia’s Roads Sector Require Reforms

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By Mthoniswa Banda Group Admin – Zambia Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) +260977 405086  Lusaka 26/08/21 – THE Zambian Roads & Highway Safety Group (ZRHSG) would like to express its message of goodwill to President Hakainde Hichilema for being elected 7th Republican President of Zambia and for the United Party for National Development (UPND) for emerging victorious in the just ended General and Presidential elections. The Highway Safety Group wishes President HH and the UPND success in their term of office. The Highway Safety Group is pleased to note that President HH is a proponent of a free market economy in which...

CiSCA on HH’s victory in the 12th August 2021 General Elections

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By Judith Mulenga Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) Chairperson Lusaka, Tuesday 17th August, 2021: THE Civil Society Constitution Agenda (CiSCA) congratulates the people of Zambia for once again demonstrating to ourselves and others of our unshakable belief in democracy. The large numbers that voted and in doing so unequivocally replaced a corrupt stifling dictatorship of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with that of the President Elect Hakainde Hichilema under very oppressive and repressive conditions is nothing short of a miracle. CiSCA wholeheartedly congratulates the United Party for National Development for affirming the tenets of democracy by the Party’s consistency, perseverance in the...

U.S. Presidential Delegation Attends President Hichilema’s Inauguration

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The United States and Zambia Partnering Together Embassy Of The United States Of America Lusaka, Zambia                                                                                NR/1273/08/26/2021                                                                            CONTACT:  Nicholas Hersh Public Affairs Officer Press Release Thursday August...

Zambia must boost agro-sector, Mundia Paul Hakoola prods Hakainde Hichilema

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By Derrick Sinjela Continental Leadership Research Institute (CLRI) Executive Director Mundia Paul Hakoola is urging the United Party for National Development (UPND) Government to place priority on agriculture. As Zambia is positioning herself as an agricultural hub and food basket in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Common Market for East and Central Africa (COMESA), Hakoola wants President Hakainde Hichilema to prioritise the agricultural sector. Advised Hakoola: “As the new Government settles, it is imperative for President Hichilema to focus on agriculture. We must utilise our strategic water resources to produce crops to supply around the region. A number...

Zambia readies for Russian partnership in agro-sector

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Wednesday August 25, 2021 LUSAKA-Zambia is getting ready and positioning itself to be an agricultural hub and food basket for the southern African region. The country which has been predominantly a copper mining economy, is now embracing partnerships from agricultural advanced countries such as Russia, Portugal and China in a stride to diversify its productive sectors. Economic experts have observed that during the first decade of the 21st century Zambia’s economy posted one of the fastest rates of growth in Africa, with its capital Lusaka being among the fastest growing cities on the African continent. Decrease in copper prices has...

OYV’S Statement Congratulating the President Elect and 7th Republican President His Excellency Mr. Hakainde Hichilema

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18TH AUGUST, 2021: OYV STATEMENT CONGRATULATING THE PRESIDENT ELECT MR HAKAINDE HICHILEMA Operation Young Vote (OYV) would like to join the rest of the country and world at large in congratulating Zambia’s President Elect and 7th Republican President – His Excellency Mr. Hakainda Hichilema and the UPND for the resounding victory in the August 12 Presidential and General Elections. This victory indicates that Zambians are one and can never be divided on anything. The voting pattern and outcomes show that Zambians were fed-up with the challenges brought about by the outgoing regime for not only failing to resolve but also...

UPF Press Release of President Elect Hakainde Hichilema

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Wednesday 18th August, 2021 By Mr. Lawrence Banda Deputy Secretary General Universal Peace Federation Zambia Chapter The Peace Council and the general membership of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Zambia Chapter sends its compliments to the UPND and the Zambian people for exercising their democratic right during the just ended elections and wishes to congratulate the President-elect, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema for becoming Zambia’s seventh Republican President. Mr. Hichilema is a member of UPF and the organization has no doubt that he will govern the country based on principles of promoting peace, unity and sustainable development that are also UPF objectives. UPF...

Congratulatory message from the Joining Forces Alliance to President Elect – Mr Hakainde Hichilema

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Joining Forces Press Statement: CONGRATULATIONS TO PRESIDENT-ELECT Mr HAKAINDE HICHILEMA For immediate release Friday 20th August 2021 Lusaka The Joining Forces Alliance welcomes the Zambian Electoral Commission’s declaration of Mr Hakainde Hichilema as the President-Elect after the 12th August 2021 General Elections. We congratulate him and the Vice-President-Elect Mrs Mutale Nalumango. We are pleased that your acceptance speech highlighted your commitment to uphold citizens’ human rights, freedoms, and liberties and that you will seek to ensure a holistic government response to all issues that will give children a better future. We further commend the outgoing, President Dr Edgar Lungu, for...

HH will shock many, brags Amb. Dr. Edgar Ngoma

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  ZAMBIA HAS THE RIGHT PRESIDENT NOW FOR THE KIND OF ECONOMIC CHALLENGES SHE IS GOING THROUGH*….HH will shock many….as he fulfils the dream many prophets that Zambia will be the Dubai of Africa. *By: Dr. Edgar Ng’oma~Philosopher/Political Analyst/Commentator.* Indeed under the Sun time and chance happen to all, there is always time for everything…time to start and time to finish…time to be born time to die…time to laugh and time to cry… time to celebrate and time to despair…it is no longer strange that all these things happen to all under the Sun. Having said that… a wonderful sequence...

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