Category: Latest News


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OFFICE OF THE 6th REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT, HIS EXCELLENCY EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU Tuesday 7th June, 2022 The office of the Sixth Republican President, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is dismayed with continued attempts to put his name in disrepute by use of false and alarming statements attributed to him in the media. This is in response to a recent post trending on social media platforms, suggesting that Dr. Lungu is contemplating making a return to active politics. However, the former Head of State has requested well meaning Zambians to be critical of every statement alleged to have been issued by...

A Gripping Story of Righteous Vengeance — And Its Costs

A Gripping Story of Righteous Vengeance — And Its Costs

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Austin, TX, June 6, 2022 — Everything is going Gabe Russell’s way. He’s successful in his new job, he’s a martial arts expert, his novel’s about to be published, and he’s got a crush on a woman at work that appears to be reciprocated. There’s just one problem: Gabe is a priest. And he’s coming undone. In the gripping new book from Tom Hogan, The Empty Confessional, a newly minted priest finds release for his religious and sexual frustration through violent penance — retribution against abusers and rapists he discovers through the confessional and the pedophilic priests within his own...

“JESUS!!!! SON OF DAVID – HAVE MERCY ON ME, US,” pleads Mutotwe Kafwaya, US.

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JESUS!!!! SON OF DAVID – HAVE MERCY ON ME, US By Hon Mutotwe KAFWAYA, MP Restoring EVERYTHING PATRIOTIC Don’t pass me by, don’t pass us by, don’t pass Zambia by. Yes, things were not so great. But they are worse now. I went to church today. And a preacher man spoke well. He talked about GOOD LIFE. He said good life is one that is saved, secured and satisfied.🙏🏻🙏🏻. Son of David, your people are not yet saved, they are not secured and they are not satisfied. I even remembered one sermon by a Mega Preacher in a mega church...

World Environment Day 2022!!! ‘One Earth’ by Josephine Namakau Pumulo

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World Environment Day 2022!!! ‘One Earth’ By Josephine Namakau Pumulo … courtesy Derrick Sinjela Prisoner of Conscience (PoC) Lus 4818/18 I had the honour to moderate a Pre-World Environment Day dialogue meeting that brought together environmental interest groups and stakeholders such as the Ministry Of Green Economy and Environment, the European Union, WWF, ZANACO and ZEMA among others. Agents Of Change Foundation Zambia (AcFZ), the Young and Emerging Farmers Initiative (YEFI)and a business entity SEVENTEEN in Lusaka’s Avondale, Munali Constituency are at the heart of this milestone. The dialogue which was anchored on the Theme “Adapting Business Systems...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hakainde HICHILEMA [The Case of Wine and Time]

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  By Dr Canisius BANDA PILGRIM Wednesday, 1st June 2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hakainde HICHILEMA [The Case of Wine and Time] __________________ This is June, my man. The month of your birth, mine too. On the 4th it is your day. On this day, spare a fond thought for Violet, your mother. On this day, her day, give her a call of gratitude. Mothers survive mankind, remember that. I sincerely wish you a happy birthday, my friend. I hope that, like wine, you are getting better with age. Better. Wiser. I know that you are a good man. Miyanda, your daughter,...

Delayed Tobacco Control law irks Prof Fastone Matthew Goma

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Delayed ‘Tobacco Control Law’ irks Prof Fastone Matthew Goma By DERRICK SINJELA and Citizen Journalist SAEED SIMON BANDA Zambia Tobacco Control Consortium (ZTCC) President reiterated optimism that the forthcoming sitting of Parliament will see Health Minister, Sylvia Tembo-Masebo table the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) for domestication. Though 14 years has passed since it’s ratification, Professor Goma remains optimistic that Ms. Tembo-Masebo will table a Cabinet Memorandum to facilitate eventual presentation to the Zambian Parliament. In a Monday, 31st May, 2022 Press Briefing at Lusaka’s Belvedere Lodge, on the occasion commemorating the WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY 2022 themed-TOBACCO: A...

Credo Nanjuwa reprimands Serenje DC Andrew Mpyakula

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Credo Nanjuwa reprimands Serenje DC Andrew Mpyakula By Daniel Bili/ZANIS in Kabwe, Central Province, Monday, 30th May 2022 Central Province Minister, Credo Nanjuwa, has reprimanded Serenje District Commissioner (DC), Andrew Mpyakula, for allowing illegal mining activities at Kabundi mines. Mr. Nanjuwa wondered why the District Commissioner allowed the United Party for National Development (UPND) youths to continue mining after the mine was closed by the Minister of Mines, Paul Kabuswe. “DC, can you take charge, don’t bring issues of chairman, chair what no? When you are given an instruction by the minister, it’s you to implement. There is no negotiation...

Paul Kabuswe signs Sakania Border Statutory Instrument (SI)No. 36 of 2022

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  By Citizen Journalist Saeed Simon Banda and Derrick Sinjela Acting Minister of Finance and National Planning PAUL KABUSWE signed Statutory Instrument No. 36 of 2022, on Friday, 27th May, 2022, which includes Sakania Border among the borders through which goods for exports and transit can exit Zambia into the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). With the issuance of this SI, transporters of designated goods as outlined in the SI can now legally exit through Sakania Border. This is in addition to Mokambo and Kasumbalesa borders in the same geographical direction. Mr. Kabuswe says Statutory Instrument No. 36 of 2022,...

UPND Alliance New Dawn eyes Kasaba Bay, to build Northern ‘Tourism’ Circuit

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UPND Alliance New Dawn eyes Kasaba Bay, to build Northern ‘Tourism’ Circuit  By DERRICK SINJELA and Citizen Journalist Saeed Simon Banda CHITIMBWA Community Resources Trust (CCRT) a local based organization with the mandate to sustainably develop manage and conserve all the natural resources available in Chitimbwa Chiefdom of Mpulungu district in the Northern Province is delighted with a pronouncement by Tourism Minister Rodney Malindi Sikumba targeting revival of Kasaba Bay as an anchor to Zambia’s Northern Circuit. CCRT Coordinator Given Mung’omba showered praise on the United Party for National Development (UPND) Alliance News Dawn Administration for securing a US$100 million...

Discover the Magic of Lucky Numbers

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Lucky numbers attract good fortune to those who use them, because their energy vibrations resonate with the energies of the people they bring luck to. But before you can discover your lucky numbers and start using them, it is important to understand the concept and learn about some areas of your life where using these numbers could help you attract luck every day. Here you can find out how to apply the magic of lucky numbers in your daily life. What are lucky numbers? Numerologists believe that all numbers carry energy vibrations that have an influence on our lives. Some...

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