Category: Latest News


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WWF ZAMBIA WELCOMES NALUCHA BERNADETTE NGANGA-ZIBA AS NEW COUNTRY DIRECTOR WWF Zambia proudly welcomes Nalucha Bernadette Nganga-Ziba, a distinguished leader with over 15 years of expertise in public policy and non-profit development, as the new Country Director for the country office. Making the announcement recently, WWF Africa Regional Director Daudi Sumba said that Nalucha’s wealth of experience is a perfect fit for WWF Zambia’s strategic direction. “We are delighted to welcome Nalucha who has a wealth of experience in program design, strategic planning, and resource mobilization, with a strong focus on promoting a human rights-based approach to conservation and development,”...

Commonwealth Secretary-General to attend Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Uganda

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Commonwealth Secretary-General to attend Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Uganda Friday 12th January 2024 The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, will attend the Non-Aligned Movement Heads of State Summit from 19 to 20 January 2024 in Kampala, Uganda, as a Special Guest.   Established in 1961, the Non-Aligned Movement – which shares 44 of its 120 members with the Commonwealth – is a grouping of mostly developing countries working together to advance shared interests.   During her visit, the Secretary-General will consult with leaders from Commonwealth countries, seeking their perspectives on economic and environmental challenges and collaborating on...

GOVT invests US$10 million in TEVET Institutions – brags Félix Chipota Mutati

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…in procuring training equipment that has been distributed in institutions By Hellen Bwalya Minister of Technology and Science Felix Chipota Mutati says in order to improve the quality of practical training delivery, government as so far invested over US$10 million in procuring training equipment that has been distributed to all Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training (TEVET) institutions in Zambia. Meanwhile,TEVETA Board Chairperson Ngoza Chibesakunda Nkwabilo said that continuous collaboration with industry and other stakeholders is central to the ongoing quality improvements of skills development. Mr. Mutati says the utilization of the newly procured equipment requires upgrading of some trainers...


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By Hellen Bwalya 11.01.24. ….as it intends to support and promote postal and Telecommunications in Zambia. Habeenzu. Government through the Ministry of Technology and Science says that it shall continue to create an enabling environment for Zambia Postal Services (ZamPost) to thrive and move to enhance access to Postal and Courier services throughout the Country. Gracing the Launch of the ZamPost 2023-2027 strategic Plan: Technology and Science Permanent Secretary Brilliant Habeenzu says that in this respect, his Ministry is going to undertake a review of the Postal Service Act 22 of 2009 in order to address the inadequacies in the...


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    By Alfonso Kasongo Public Health Specialist (PHS) Dr. Canisius Banda has described the cholera outbreak in Zambia as a national disaster, attributing escalation of the diarrhoeal disease to leadership failure on account of apparent shelving of the Multi-Sectoral Cholera Elimination Plan (MCEP) 2021-2025, which is in line with the roadmap for the Global Task Force on Cholera Control’s (GTFCC). Daring Zambia’s Seventh Republican President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema (HSH7) to take earnest interventions, Dr. Banda attributes the outbreak of the disease to high poverty levels which he said has been triggered by high cost of living and lack of...


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…for now , it’s a grey area, we have only concentrated in developing the STI policy – says Jane Mubanga-Chinkusu By Alfonso Kasongo Zambia’s quest to embrace new agricultural scientific technologies and innovations such as genome-editing with the aim to boost productivity continues to face resistance despite fears of food insecurity due to impacts of climate change. In December, 2022, with the support from Africa-Europe Foundation (AEF) and the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), Zambia began the process of developing a genome-editing communication strategy with the aim of disseminating information on the importance of the new biotechnology technique,as well as...

A New Home for Fonted Youth Centre

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Fontes Foundation Hellen Griberg home  blog  hellen griberg A New Home for Fontes Youth Centre by Hellen Griberg on 06/12/2017 No comments With our lease for the plot in Muyenga due this year, Fontes faced the challenge of finding a suitable location for our Youth Centre. Several factors were taken into account while searching for a new place, including dispelling myths associated with the Muyenga location. Some of the misconceptions were related to how the students perceived the area. Muyenga has become an affluent residential neighbourhood in recent years, and some of our students found this very intimidating. Secondly, access to the youth centre...

Lusaka Convene inclusive MMD convention, Gaston Sichilima dares Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba

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Convene inclusive MMD convention, Gaston Sichilima dares Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba By Simon Banda and Derrick Sinjela “Once we have held an inclusive National Convention and elected a legitimate Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) president, then, we shall definitely be ready to go into an alliance with any political grouping, prods a tart former Deputy Minister in the Office of the Vice President, Mr. Gaston Sichilima, in an interview with this Kwilanzi Newspaper Zambia (KNZ) authors. Mr. Sichilima argues that for now it is not tenable to tie MMD into a political matrimony with President Hakainde Sammy Hichilema’s United Party...

Watch ALL 52 GAMES OF THE #AFCON2023 Live in HD, with the best commentary & analysis on SuperSport! Dial *668# to pay and stay connected

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Watch ALL 52 GAMES OF THE #AFCON2023 Live in HD, with the best commentary & analysis on SuperSport! Dial *668# to pay and stay connected. Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Redefining the ‘Marketing Mix’ by Henry Kyambalesa

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Redefining the ‘Marketing Mix’ By Henry Kyambalesa 1. INTRODUCTION This article is intended for Marketing students, instructors, researchers, theorists, practitioners, as well as casual readers who may have an interest in gaining an understanding of the nitty-gritty of the elements of what is commonly referred to as the “marketing mix.” It is devot¬ed to a cursory description of the following: (a) the four elements of the classical or traditional marketing mix; (b) an organization’s personnel, decision makers or the group of executives who make and/or implement decisions relating to the traditional elements of the marketing mix; and (c) the nature...

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