Category: Latest News

Accelerating Africa’s industrialization based on agriculture as a business

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Written by: Silomba Thomson +260971602312 Most of African countries got independence in the early 60s. Since then, this has remained only political independence, that, evidently, this has been the thick genesis to most of countries experiencing conflicts and pandemonium provisions that have left most of people homeless and bursting them in informal sector. Without a thick doubt, most countries has suffered economically due to lack of accountability, transparency and not knowing the game they are in, leaders. I say so, because poverty has not been reduced but instead it has been getting debilitating in nearly most of countries if...

NRFA building a homegrown sustainable National Road Tolling, says Engineer Wallece Mumba

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By Derrick Sinjela published in The Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited on Page 7 in Issue Number 067 March 23-29, 2020 NATIONAL Road Fund Agency (NRFA) Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Wallece Mumba says the overall implementation of the National Road Tolling Programme (NRTP) as a home grown solution to sustainable road maintenance is attested by a local contribution at K 2.7 billion raised while foreign was at 76 per cent K3.4 billion was received from external contributions. Engineer Mumba is elated that the National Road Fund Agency team in 2019 recorded a 90 per cent budget target performance,...

Three things ‘Champions do! – ‘Recipe for Greatness’

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By Nelson Longesha +260 97 2560423 STUDIES have shown that man has an intrinsic desire to be a champion in every aspect of life. Champion in this context is being used in reference to dominance. Biblically, God created ‘MAN ‘to dominate in every area of life. Interestingly, in order to be a champion, you must know what champions do. You may ask but why Nelson? The reason is that if you don’t do what champions do, then you won’t have champions have either academically, in relationship or business world. Champions don’t live life like everybody else lives; they live their life...

Coronavirus: News and live updates by Dylan Stableford

Coronavirus: News and live updates by Dylan Stableford

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Yahoo News Staff , Yahoo News•March 23, 2020 Live updates tracking the coronavirus pandemic from Yahoo News reporters in the United States and around the world. LIVE UPDATES D Dylan Stableford The latest on the pandemic • Global coronavirus cases surpassed 380,000 to date, with more than 16,000 deaths. • In the United States, there have been more than 46,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases and nearly 600 deaths. • The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo have been postponed until 2021. • Chinese authorities announced Tuesday that they would end a two-month lockdown of hard-hit Hubei province at midnight. • Worried you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms? Here’s what the...

Patrick Daniel Chisanga (PDG) authors ‘The Development and Practice of Corporate Governance in Zambia – Success and Challenges

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By Ashton Kelly Bunda “I have finally managed to finish writing my book on ‘The Development and Practice of Corporate Governance in Zambia – Success and Challenges’, and the book has been successfully published by Pensulo Publishers. The first 1,000 copies arrived in Zambia yesterday (Friday 13th arch 2020),” says a delighted Patrick Daniel Chisanga (PDG). “This is a fulfillment of one of my lifetime goals – to write!” Dr. Chisanga said with a second book in mind. The book chronicles the development of Corporate Governance in Zambia over the last 20 years and proceeds to discuss the challenges and successes...

Rufunsa District Water Blues drilled by Srujara Tech. Limited

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Rufunsa District Water Blues drilled by Srujara Tech. Limited By Rainbow Zambia The challenge of Water will soon be cushioned in Rufunsa District. Srujara Tech. Limited is drilling 25 boreholes in Rufunsa, a project that has been funded by UNICEF through the Emergency Drought Response Project under Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU). Thanks to our cooperating partners for the gesture. The project which has since commenced will be completed on Sunday 31st May, 2020. Be the first to like. Like Unlike


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MQHZ PRESS STATEMENT – MONDAY 23RD MARCH, 2020. MINISTRY OF HEALTH MUST STOP USING CLINICAL STUDENTS TO COMBAT CORONA VIRUS Medical for Quality Healthcare in Zambia (MQHZ) is demanding that the Ministry of Health should stop using clinical students in trying to combat the spread of the Corona Virus.Using students is heavily compromising this crucial struggle against Covid 19 in Zambia. Instead of deploying students,MQHZ implores the Ministry of Health to recruit trained health workers who are currently jobless. We are aware that thousands of health workers all over the world have contracted the Corona virus in their course of...

Vernon Mumba-Survivor of ‘Mob injustice’ shares his story

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By The Speech Analyst – Mike Sichula His names are #VernonMumba, a Zambian small scale Contractor, through this business, he provides employment to other locals who support their families and life goes on like that. By today, had it not been through this alertness to eminent danger, Mr. Mumba, could have died together with his first born son #ThokozaniMumba, at the hands of a mob injustice that has left several others murdered on suspicion of gassing homes. He narrates the ordeal….which happened two days ago. “We went to Kabwe, Central province with my Grade 8 Son from Arakan Boys Secondary School, Thokozani...

The Speech Analyst –Mike Sichula  History of Access to information (ATI Law) in Zambia

The Speech Analyst –Mike Sichula History of Access to information (ATI Law) in Zambia

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The Speech Analyst –Mike Sichula History of Access to information (ATI Law) in Zambia: January 2003, Vice President Enoch Kavindele: Government needs sufficient search before the ATI Bill is tabled in Parliament. February 2005, Information Minister, Mutale Nalumango: ATI Law should not be rushed though there is no shift in government’s principles of transparency, accountability and good governance. January 2006, Vice President Lupando Mwape ATI Law can bleed chaos as excess freedom is dangerous. The Bill will be reintroduced before Parliament after allaying fears. February 2016, Information Minister, Vernon Johnson Mwaanga. Government is consulting locally and abroad and has no...

Launch Speech by Charles Chanda United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ PRESIDENT)

Launch Speech by Charles Chanda United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ PRESIDENT)

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By Charles Chanda, United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Tuesday, October 25, 2016 · Pretoria, South Africa Distinguished guests, friends from the media fraternity, ladies and gentlemen. I count this as a great honor to lead an organization which is about to shape the political field of our nation though being in its infancy stage Today is a historic day in the history of our nation. We are standing up as expressed in our nation Anthem “Stand and sing of Zambia Proud and Free”. Future generation will remember that on this historic day, we stood up against all odds...

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