Category: Entertainment

Ref: ‘Inciting Youths to attack News Diggers’ Managing Editor Joseph Mwenda responds to Information Dora Siliya’s Dora Siliya’s letter

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Honourable Ms Dora Siliya, MP Minister of Information and Broadcasting, New Government Complex, Nassar Road. P.O. Box 51025. Lusaka. June 14, 2020 Dear Madam, REF: INCITING YOUTHS TO ATTACK NEWS DIGGERS We are in receipt of your letter dated June 12, 2020 in which you, as Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, expressed concern over what you termed as the use of a derogatory word “stupid” by ourselves in reference to one of our editorial comments. We are grateful, Honourable Minister, that you reached out to us to express your concern and to offer your advice on behalf of government....

Singer and activist Youssou N’Dour, Zambia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Chitalu Chilufya, African Development Bank Vice President Dr. Jennifer Blanke headline call to build African solidarity post-COVID-19

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Singer and activist Youssou N’Dour, Zambia’s Minister of Health, African Development Bank Vice President headline call to build African solidarity post-COVID-19  COVID-19 crisis could exacerbate inequalities in education, health and employment opportunities that exist on the continent ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, June 4, 2020/ — How can Africa build on the solidarity shown during the coronavirus pandemic to achieve the continent’s development goals in the post-COVID world? That was the question posed at a webinar hosted by the African Union’s Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU-ECOSOCC) and the African Development Bank’s Civil Society and Community Engagement Division to mark Africa Day...

Media must serve the poor-says Professor Fackson Banda

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By Derrick Sinjela Before I delve in this weeks message, let me allude to the over 500 delegates from across the continent expected to gather, converge at the 11th Highway Africa collaboration, in Grahamstown, from 9 to 12 September, 2007 as confirmed by conference organiser Chris Kabwato. The 2007 HWA conference will look at issues relating to Internet governance, ICT policy and media for democracy affecting Africa and the globe. The three-day conference will follow the theme of  “Quality and professionalism in Journalism and the media”, with a focus on new media and technology. Highway Africa is a partnership between...

Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited ‘Long Tour of Duty’ by Derrick Sinjela – Monday 18th May 2020

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Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited ‘Long Tour of Duty’ By Derrick Sinjela – Monday 18th May 2020 RAINBOW Newspaper Zambia Limited took a bus into town, then reached Cairo Mall, and took a walk to Lottie House, found lifts not working and had to leap to sixth floor, then walked to Kabwe Roundabout after passing Lotus House. When I reached Kabwe Round about I took a stretch between Great East Road or the Zesco Limited Bridge and Star Motors which young people call pa Toyota Zambia, with Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia (PICZ) on my left. Then heading east, I passed the...

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