Response to Hon. Gary Nkombo’s allegations against UPND officials defecting PF in Western Province
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By Sunday Chilufya Chanda
Media Director
Patriotic Front
Party Headquarters
Saturday 18th April 2020 – We have taken note of Hon Garry Nkombo’s allegations raised this morning that former United Party for National Development (UPND) councillors and senior party officials resigning to join the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in Western Province have been bought by the ruling Party.
We wish to remind Hon Nkombo and the UPND family that every counsellor starts out with a dream to lead the people in their respective wards and contribute to improved service delivery.

Cornelius Mweetwa with Gary Nkombo and President Lungu
We hold the view that this is a calling, first of all at individual-level. The party affiliation they chose to have it realized is therefore secondary.
The former UPND councillors in question chose to affiliate with UPND as the time because they deemed it as a reliable vehicle fit for purpose.
It is common knowledge that this vehicle called UPND has clearly failed to take anyone to their desired destination, least of all the elected councillors and members of Parliament. It is a vehicle pushing in one regional direction to the exclusion of all others. This vehicle has not worked for them; it has failed them as it needs a complete overhaul, like a vehicle needing serious realignment and servicing for it to become functional again.
Once more, we take great exception to the notion advanced by Hon. Garry Nkombo that UPND-elected officials are articles for hire and sale. This goes to show how much of low regard the UPND Leadership has for its own officials and members. Now, if they can have such low regard for the officials, what more for the ordinary Zambians?
On the contrary, PF is an open church that holds the view that elected officials comprise of honorable men and women born free to exercise their democratic right and freedom of association with any political family of their choice.

Kasama MP Kelvin Mutale Sampa with Paramount Chief Chitimukulu on Sunday 12th April 2020
There are so many things that have gone wrong in the UPND such an an egocentric leadership, insulting the Bemba Paramount Chief without any sense of shame, launching an anti-mask COVID-19 campaign, failure to rise above armchair criticism and altering a Party constitution to provide for a life President among other criminal wrongs. Instead of the blame game, we ask our brothers and sisters to look at the “man in the mirror and ask him to change his ways.”
Issued by: Sunday Chilufya Chanda Media Director Patriotic Front Party Headquarters

Sunday Chanda is PF Media Director