Zambia hosts 15-17 April 2018 Micah Regional Consultation
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Micah Zambia National Coordinator Martin Kapenda
By Derrick Sinjela
The Micah Regional Consultation which was rescheduled from November 2017 will now be held from April 15 to 17 in Lusaka, Zambia, says Micah Zambia National Coordinator Martin Kapenda
Mr. Kapenda says the Micah Regional Consultation conference is themed: Peace, Reconciliation and Healing Ethnic wounds Southern Africa Consultation.
Kapenda observed that most communities in Africa have been wounded by acts of impunity.
“These deep wounds have affected the identity and self-confidence of communities and societies are receiving end of the devastation brought about by violence. Colonial and post-colonial Africa has witnessed painful struggles, with words and weapons, major political changes, internal struggles for power, military rule, civil wars and the flight of millions of people as refugees within their countries or mostly other countries,” recollected Kapenda.
Kapenda restated that the roots of most of these conflicts in Africa date back to the nineteenth century or even earlier, noting that these historical factors remain intricate and intertwined and impact on the current context.
Political tensions are intertwined with ethnic conflicts which makes it hard to resolve most of the issues.
“Justice, peace, good governance, and reconciliation, thrive in contexts where stable democratic values and impulses prevail, and where there is a culture of constitutionalism to constrain arbitrariness and abuse of power,” admonished Kapenda pointing out that ending impunity and promoting justice and reconciliation needs to be the goal of Faith Based Organizations and cros-cutting interest groups in Africa.