Ordaining Youths Key to Church Growth, Responsibility Elder Dube
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Ordaining Youths Key to Church Growth, Responsibility Elder Dube
Ashton Kelly Bunda
CHURCH of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Zimbabwe mission Elder Dube’s ordinance of baptism is only pathway to keeping the covenant with the savior Jesus Christ.
Speaking during the annual general meeting that took place on Sunday 11th of September 2022 at Lusaka stake elder Dube said ordaining young people and setting the apart to receive Aaronic and Melchezideck priesthood will instill responsibility as they will mentally prepare themselves to serve a mission in the near future.
Elder Dube who quoted the book of Moroni Chapter 4 verse 3 to explain importance of renewing God’s covenant through part taking of sacrament having anointed bread and water which represent the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ the savior.
He initially explained securing of young people in church spiritually, 2Nephi chapter 1 verse 2 and” may the consecrate also unto thee this land ,which is most precious land ,for thy inheritance and the inheritance thy seed with thy brethren, for thy security forever,”he read in part.