General Ashton Chitoshi Bunda,a World War Profile Narrated
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HOMEVincent Bunda Second World War soldier c1940
General Ashton Chitoshi Bunda,a World War Profile Narrated
Thursday 7th May 2020
By Ashton Kelly Bunda, Derrick Sinjela and Teddy Jilapi
Former freedom fighter Dr.Ashton Mwansa Mulongoti Bunda has appealed to the authorities of Luapula province the current and future government leaders to remember his Grand father Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda who fought in the world war 1 and 2 and attained the rank of Lieutenant General in his life ,and was killed in action during world war 2, he received a posthumous promotion to General from the 14th Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1945 after helping Britain conquer Germany.
Speaking ahead of annual the 25th November end of world war 1,celebrations whose last shots happened in Zambia Abercorn , now called Mbala “that falls on 25th November every year Dr. Bunda 87 years old narrated that his Grand father who was the adviser to the British prime minister Winston Churchill during the world war 2 and arrange a lunch meeting in 1945 in an effort to bring peace and unity among the warring parties Adolf Hitler of Germany ,and Benito Mussolini of Italy .
Dr. Bunda told Rainbow News crew that the government and the ministry of defense should liaise with the military service department of Britain and Australia to come up with a world war modern cenotaph accompanied with a trade and industrial centre in honor of General BUNDA ‘s so that they expose Luapula’s industrial potential to Britain and Australia where he served in world war 1 and world war 2.
“ remembering fallen world war soldiers will help increase high levels of patriotism in the everyday lives youths and children ,this will inspire them own the nation and its economy , and they will be an army of God as leadership demands good moral standards” Dr. Bunda stressed .
The 87 year Dr. Bunda said government and former Luapula province ministers should strive to emulate Australians who honored his Grand father who participated in both world wars by naming the Sydney “Bunda High way” road after him , and that the first republican president Dr.Kenneth Kaunda invited him to lay wreaths at the cabinet house cenotaph Lusaka, in honor of his Grand father and other world war fallen soldiers in 1970.

Ashton Kelly Bunda with Thursday 7th May 2020
He commended the current British high commissioner Nicholas Woolley who replaced Fergus Cohcrane –Dyet making follow-ups to dig deeper in the Zambian world war history by meeting surviving war heros and historians in an effort to establish a firm history and documents that will stand the test of time and teach young generations through history books in the achieves.
Dr. Bunda who helped the late president of Mozambique Samora Macheal draft their country’s constitution in 1960 s and he also largely participated in assisting the late Jonas Savimbi drafting the constitution of Angola before the civil strife that started in 1975 , narrated that his Grand father General , Ashton Mbita Chitishi Bunda was nick named “King Fisher” by the Britons in the second world war , due to his brevity ,and shrewd communication skills that helped Britain conquer Germany.
The ‘King fisher ‘ name came into being during in the second world war 2 ,when he made a mile stone attack by bombing and putting on fire the Germany broad casting services building when his army crew went to revenge the bombing of the British broad casting corporation (BBC) which was then called the “Big Ben”.
The 87 year old Dr.Bunda impressed it on the Rainbow News reporters that his Grand father General BUNDA won the heart of the Britons in the world war 2 , when he displayed his intelligent war tactics by painting the British war plane the same colors of the German war plane and managed to masquerade and succeeded to bring down the German main broadcasting media building , to the victory of British people.
General Bunda who won the hearts of the European countries for being one of the best mobilizers of human resource was roped in to the world war 1 , which started in July 28TH 1914 to 11th November 1918 by Sir John Monarch who was commander of the Australian Army corps in France ,then from chiefdom as chief Chitoshi in Luwingu and also managed to recruit his own cousin the famous Chisenga Lumbwe who attained the Regiment sergeant Major while serving as “king’s African Riffles “ and was later named after Chisenga Lumbwe basic school located in Arakan Baraks Lusaka .
General Bunda who was naturally peaceful and calm Chief was known to be an action and solution oriented person by his subjects and hence ,had no difficulties in recruiting influential comrades from the southern part of then Rhodesia currently(Zimbabwe) namely ,Mazimba Motto , Chikelema and Nyandoro in the world war 1 ,in an effort to secure a peaceful and bright future for the Southern Africa federation that included Malawi.
Lieutenant General Bunda who was promoted to General after his death also had a back ground of a school cadet trainer and also had survival skills artisan carpentry and joinery ,recruited one of Africa’s great leaders from the Southern African Federation of South and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland , now Malawi Hastings Kamunzu Banda in to the word war 1 and 2 and fought along side him in both world wars.
The two who became fond of each other also worked together at Malamano mission in Nyasaland currently Malawi and that prompted Hastings Kamuzu Banda to name one the higher learning institutions in Malawi , BUNDA agriculture college .
Dr. Bunda a former political science lecturer and historian said history as a school subject should be innovated as some of the individuals like his Grand father who contributed largely in both world war 1 and world war 2 did not have their works and achievements recorded from the African side so that they inspire future generations and hence increase high levels of patriotism in other aspects of life in Africa.
The 87 years old political scientist and historian who is a retired medical doctor his Grand father General Bunda who was born 1886 in Zambia and fought along side Sir John Monash commander of the Australian army corps in France impressed on the Rainbow history investigative crew that the world war 1 actually finished at Abercorn near now called Mbala near the border of German East Africa in 1918 on the 25th of November .
He emphasized that Zambian teachers and the education system should provide poppies and sensitize youths and children in primary schools and higher learning institutions to dedicate the month of November to commemorate war heroes including Armistice Day that falls on 11th November as well as 25the November that celebrates Zambia where the first world war ended.
“children and youths in primary schools and higher institution of learning should be taught or sensitized on observing the month of November to celebrate fallen soldiers of the world war 1and 2 and teachers should as well as the government help explain what the red and green flower which is stuck on the shirts of soldiers Athletes and ordinary people called the “poppy” stands for , this will help them to be peace makers and modern soldiers to build their economy and their spiritual lives “ Dr.Bunda explained.
The world war 1 whose roots emanated from the Balkans in Europe in July 1914 saw over 65 million men volunteered or conscripted to fight in mass.
Among other world war 1 heroes that were groomed by General BUNDA is Henry Makulu who later became the first black Commissioner of Public Service Chairman at cabinet office in Zambia .
General Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda earned the ‘King fisher’ name by the Britons because he was able to discern what his enemies planned and he predetermined ahead in his efforts to bring peace to reality.
Bunda advised the prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill to arrange a Luncheon with his adversaries, Benito Musolini of Itlay and Adolf Hitler of Germany in an effort to promote unity ,peace and brother hood on 1st September 1945 during the world war 2
And the other attributes as to how he named ‘King fisher ‘ by the Britons in the world war 2 ,General Bunda was an astute and shrewd in communications skills accompanied with good persuasive ways of negotiating as well as to broker peace with his superiors like Winston Churchill, Benito Musolini of Italy and Adorf Hitler of Germany .
According to Wikipedia , nearly two million Africans were recruited by European super powers fighting for more power and territory in the war. Though largely forced into the war ,it is disappointing that most of the African soldiers have not received much recognition globally.
Former freedom fighter Dr. Ashton Mwansa Mulongoti Bunda has appealed to the authorities of Luapula province the current and future government leaders to remember his Grand father Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda who fought in the world war 1 and 2 and attained the rank of Lieutenant General in his life ,and was killed in action during world war 2, he received a posthumous promotion to General from the 14th Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1945 after helping Britain conquer Germany.
Speaking ahead of annual the 25th November end of world war 1,celebrations whose last shots happened in Zambia Abercorn , now called Mbala “that falls on 25th November every year Dr. Bunda 87 years old narrated that his Grand father who was the adviser to the British prime minister Winston Churchill during the world war 2 and arrange a lunch meeting in 1945 in an effort to bring peace and unity among the warring parties Adolf Hitler of Germany ,and Benito Mussolini of Italy .
Dr. Bunda told Rainbow News crew that the government and the ministry of defense should liaise with the military service department of Britain and Australia to come up with a world war modern cenotaph accompanied with a trade and industrial centre in honor of General BUNDA ‘s so that they expose Luapula’s industrial potential to Britain and Australia where he served in world war 1 and world war 2.
“ remembering fallen world war soldiers will help increase high levels of patriotism in the everyday lives youths and children ,this will inspire them own the nation and its economy , and they will be an army of God as leadership demands good moral standards” Dr. Bunda stressed .
The 87 year Dr.Bunda said government and former Luapula province ministers should strive to emulate Australians who honored his Grand father who participated in both world wars by naming the Sydney “Bunda High way” road after him , and that the first republican president Dr.Kenneth Kaunda invited him to lay wreaths at the cabinet house cenotaph Lusaka, in honor of his Grand father and other world war fallen soldiers in 1970.
He commended the current British high commissioner Nicholas Woolley who replaced Fergus Cohcrane –Dyet making follow-ups to dig deeper in the Zambian world war history by meeting surviving war heros and historians in an effort to establish a firm history and documents that will stand the test of time and teach young generations through history books in the achieves.
Dr. Bunda who helped the late president of Mozambique Samora Macheal draft their country’s constitution in 1960 s and he also largely participated in assisting the late Jonas Savimbi drafting the constitution of Angola before the civil strife that started in 1975 , narrated that his Grand father General , Ashton Mbita Chitishi Bunda was nick named “King Fisher” by the Britons in the second world war , due to his brevity ,and shrewd communication skills that helped Britain conquer Germany.
The ‘King fisher ‘ name came into being during in the second world war 2 ,when he made a mile stone attack by bombing and putting on fire the Germany broad casting services building when his army crew went to revenge the bombing of the British broad casting corporation (BBC) which was then called the “Big Ben”.
The 87 year old Dr.Bunda impressed it on the Rainbow News reporters that his Grand father General BUNDA won the heart of the Britons in the world war 2 , when he displayed his intelligent war tactics by painting the British war plane the same colors of the German war plane and managed to masquerade and succeeded to bring down the German main broadcasting media building , to the victory of British people.
General Bunda who won the hearts of the European countries for being one of the best mobilizers of human resource was roped in to the world war 1 , which started in July 28TH 1914 to 11th November 1918 by Sir John Monarch who was commander of the Australian Army corps in France ,then from chiefdom as chief Chitosh in Luwingu and also managed to recruite his own cousin the famous Chisenga Lumbwe who attained the Regiment sergeant Major while serving as “king’s African Riffles “ and was later named after Chisenga Lumbwe basic school located in Arakan Baraks Lusaka .
General Bunda who was naturally peaceful and calm Chief was known to be an action and solution oriented person by his subjects and hence ,had no difficulties in recruiting influential comrades from the southern part of then Rhodesia currently(Zimbabwe) namely ,Mazimba Motto , Chikelema and Nyandoro in the world war 1 ,in an effort to secure a peaceful and bright future for the Southern Africa federation that included Malawi.
Lieutenant General Bunda who was promoted to General after his death also had a back ground of a school cadet trainer and also had survival skills artisan capentry and joinery ,recruited one of Africa’s great leaders from the Southern African Federation of South and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland , now Malawi Hastings Kamuzu Banda in to the word war1 and 2 and fought along side him in both world wars.
The two who became fond of each other also worked together at Malamano mission in Nyasaland currently Malawi and that prompted Hastings Kamuzu Banda to name one the higher learning institutions in Malawi , BUNDA agriculture college .
Dr. Bunda a former political science lecturer and historian said history as a school subject should be innovated as some of the individuals like his Grand father who contributed largely in both world war 1 and world war 2 did not have their works and achievements recorded from the African side so that they inspire future generations and hence increase high levels of patriotism in other aspects of life in Africa.
The 87 years old political scientist and historian who is a retired medical doctor his Grand father General Bunda who was born 1875 in Zambia and fought along side Sir John Monash commander of the Australian army corps in France impressed on the Rainbow history investigative crew that the world war 1 actually finished at Abercorn near now called Mbala near the border of German East Africa in 1918 on the 25th of November .
He emphasized that Zambian teachers and the education system should provide poppies and sensitize youths and children in primary schools and higher learning institutions to dedicate the month of November to commemorate war heroes including Armistice Day that falls on 11th November as well as 25the November that celebrates Zambia where the first world war ended.
“children and youths in primary schools and higher institution of learning should be taught or sensitized on observing the month of November to celebrate fallen soldiers of the world war 1and 2 and teachers should as well as the government help explain what the red and green flower which is stuck on the shirts of soldiers Athletes and ordinary people called the “poppy” stands for , this will help them to be peace makers and modern soldiers to build their economy and their spiritual lives “ Dr.Bunda explained.
The world war 1 whose roots emanated from the Balkans in Europe in July 1914 saw over 65 million men volunteered or conscripted to fight in mass.
Among other world war 1 heroes that were groomed by General BUNDA is Henry Makulu who later became the first black Commissioner of Public Service Chairman at cabinet office in Zambia .
General Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda earned the ‘King fisher’ name by the Britons because he was able to discern what his enemies planned and he predetermined ahead in his efforts to bring peace to reality.
Bunda advised the prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill to arrange a Luncheon with his adversaries, Benito Musolini of Itlay and Adolf Hitler of Germany in an effort to promote unity ,peace and brother hood on 1st September 1945 during the world war 2
And the other attributes as to how he named ‘King fisher ‘ by the Britons in the world war 2 ,General Bunda was an astute and shrewd in communications skills accompanied with good persuasive ways of negotiating as well as to broker peace with his superiors like Winston Churchill, Benito Musolini of Italy and Adorf Hitler of Germany .
According to Wikipedia , nearly two million Africans were recruited by European super powers fighting for more power and territory in the war. Though largely forced into the war ,it is disappointing that most of the African soldiers have not received much recognition globally.
Former freedom fighter Dr. Ashton Mwansa Mulongoti Bunda has appealed to the authorities of Luapula province the current and future government leaders to remember his Grand father Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda who fought in the world war 1 and 2 and attained the rank of Lieutenant General in his life ,and was killed in action during world war 2, he received a posthumous promotion to General from the 14th Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1945 after helping Britain conquer Germany.
Speaking ahead of annual the 25th November end of world war 1,celebrations whose last shots happened in Zambia Abercorn , now called Mbala “that falls on 25th November every year Dr. Bunda 87 years old narrated that his Grand father who was the adviser to the British prime minister Winston Churchill during the world war 2 and arrange a lunch meeting in 1945 in an effort to bring peace and unity among the warring parties Adolf Hitler of Germany ,and Benito Mussolini of Italy .
Dr. Bunda told Rainbow News crew that the government and the ministry of defense should liaise with the military service department of Britain and Australia to come up with a world war modern cenotaph accompanied with a trade and industrial centre in honor of General BUNDA ‘s so that they expose Luapula’s industrial potential to Britain and Australia where he served in world war 1 and world war 2.
“ remembering fallen world war soldiers will help increase high levels of patriotism in the everyday lives youths and children ,this will inspire them own the nation and its economy , and they will be an army of God as leadership demands good moral standards” Dr. Bunda stressed .
The 87 year Dr.Bunda said government and former Luapula province ministers should strive to emulate Australians who honored his Grand father who participated in both world wars by naming the Sydney “Bunda High way” road after him , and that the first republican president Dr.Kenneth Kaunda invited him to lay wreaths at the cabinet house cenotaph Lusaka, in honor of his Grand father and other world war fallen soldiers in 1970.
He commended the current British high commissioner Nicholas Woolley who replaced Fergus Cohcrane –Dyet making follow-ups to dig deeper in the Zambian world war history by meeting surviving war hero and historians in an effort to establish a firm history and documents that will stand the test of time and teach young generations through history books in the achieves.
Dr. Bunda who helped the late president of Mozambique Samora Macheal draft their country’s constitution in 1960 s and he also largely participated in assisting the late Jonas Savimbi drafting the constitution of Angola before the civil strife that started in 1975 , narrated that his Grand father General , Ashton Mbita Chitishi Bunda was nick named “King Fisher” by the Britons in the second world war , due to his brevity ,and shrewd communication skills that helped Britain conquer Germany.
The ‘King fisher ‘ name came into being during in the second world war 2 ,when he made a mile stone attack by bombing and putting on fire the Germany broad casting services building when his army crew went to revenge the bombing of the British broad casting corporation (BBC) which was then called the “Big Ben”.
The 87 year old Dr. Bunda impressed it on the Rainbow News reporters that his Grand father General BUNDA won the heart of the Britons in the world war 2 , when he displayed his intelligent war tactics by painting the British war plane the same colors of the German war plane and managed to masquerade and succeeded to bring down the German main broadcasting media building , to the victory of British people.
General Bunda who won the hearts of the European countries for being one of the best mobilizers of human resource was roped in to the world war 1 , which started in July 28TH 1914 to 11th November 1918 by Sir John Monarch who was commander of the Australian Army corps in France ,then from chiefdom as chief Chitoshi in Luwingu and also managed to recruit his own cousin the famous Chisenga Lumbwe who attained the Regiment sergeant Major while serving as “king’s African Riffles “ and was later named after Chisenga Lumbwe basic school located in Arakan Baraks Lusaka .
General Bunda who was naturally peaceful and calm Chief was known to be an action and solution oriented person by his subjects and hence ,had no difficulties in recruiting influential comrades from the southern part of then Rhodesia currently(Zimbabwe) namely, Mazimba Motto , Chikelema and Nyandoro in the world war 1 ,in an effort to secure a peaceful and bright future for the Southern Africa federation that included Malawi.
Lieutenant General Bunda who was promoted to General after his death also had a back ground of a school cadet trainer and also had survival skills artisan carpentry and joinery ,recruited one of Africa’s great leaders from the Southern African Federation of South and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland , now Malawi Hastings Kamuzu Banda in to the word war 1 and 2 and fought along side him in both world wars.
The two who became fond of each other also worked together at Malamano mission in Nyasaland currently Malawi and that prompted Hastings Kamuzu Banda to name one the higher learning institutions in Malawi , BUNDA agriculture college .
Dr. Bunda a former political science lecturer and historian said history as a school subject should be innovated as some of the individuals like his Grand father who contributed largely in both world war 1 and world war 2 did not have their works and achievements recorded from the African side so that they inspire future generations and hence increase high levels of patriotism in other aspects of life in Africa.
The 87 years old political scientist and historian who is a retired medical doctor his Grand father General Bunda who was born 1875 in Zambia and fought along side Sir John Monash commander of the Australian army corps in France impressed on the Rainbow history investigative crew that the world war 1 actually finished at Abercorn near now called Mbala near the border of German East Africa in 1918 on the 25th of November .
He emphasized that Zambian teachers and the education system should provide poppies and sensitize youths and children in primary schools and higher learning institutions to dedicate the month of November to commemorate war heroes including Armistice Day that falls on 11th November as well as 25the November that celebrates Zambia where the first world war ended.
“children and youths in primary schools and higher institution of learning should be taught or sensitized on observing the month of November to celebrate fallen soldiers of the world war 1and 2 and teachers should as well as the government help explain what the red and green flower which is stuck on the shirts of soldiers Athletes and ordinary people called the “poppy” stands for , this will help them to be peace makers and modern soldiers to build their economy and their spiritual lives “ Dr. Bunda explained.
The world war 1 whose roots emanated from the Balkans in Europe in July 1914 saw over 65 million men volunteered or conscripted to fight in mass.
Among other world war 1 heroes that were groomed by General BUNDA is Henry Makulu who later became the first black Commissioner of Public Service Chairman at cabinet office in Zambia .
General Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda earned the ‘King fisher’ name by the Britons because he was able to discern what his enemies planned and he predetermined ahead in his efforts to bring peace to reality.
Bunda advised the prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill to arrange a Luncheon with his adversaries, Benito Musolini of Itlay and Adolf Hitler of Germany in an effort to promote unity ,peace and brother hood on 1st September 1945 during the world war 2
And the other attributes as to how he named ‘King fisher ‘ by the Britons in the world war 2 ,General Bunda was an astute and shrewd in communications skills accompanied with good persuasive ways of negotiating as well as to broker peace with his superiors like Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany .
According to Wikipedia , nearly two million Africans were recruited by European super powers fighting for more power and territory in the war. Though largely forced into the war ,it is disappointing that most of the African soldiers have not received much recognition globally.
Former freedom fighter Dr.Ashton Mwansa Mulongoti Bunda has appealed to the authorities of Luapula province the current and future government leaders to remember his Grand father Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda who fought in the world war 1 and 2 and attained the rank of Lieutenant General in his life ,and was killed in action during world war 2, he received a posthumous promotion to General from the 14th Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1945 after helping Britain conquer Germany.
Speaking ahead of annual the 25th November end of world war 1,celebrations whose last shots happened in Zambia Abercorn , now called Mbala “that falls on 25th November every year Dr. Bunda 87 years old narrated that his Grand father who was the adviser to the British prime minister Winston Churchill during the world war 2 and arrange a lunch meeting in 1945 in an effort to bring peace and unity among the warring parties Adolf Hitler of Germany ,and Benito Mussolini of Italy .
Dr. Bunda told Rainbow News crew that the government and the ministry of defense should liaise with the military service department of Britain and Australia to come up with a world war modern cenotaph accompanied with a trade and industrial centre in honor of General BUNDA ‘s so that they expose Luapula’s industrial potential to Britain and Australia where he served in world war 1 and world war 2.
“ remembering fallen world war soldiers will help increase high levels of patriotism in the everyday lives youths and children ,this will inspire them own the nation and its economy , and they will be an army of God as leadership demands good moral standards” Dr. Bunda stressed .
The 87 year Dr.Bunda said government and former Luapula province ministers should strive to emulate Australians who honored his Grand father who participated in both world wars by naming the Sydney “Bunda High way” road after him , and that the first republican president Dr.Kenneth Kaunda invited him to lay wreaths at the cabinet house cenotaph Lusaka, in honor of his Grand father and other world war fallen soldiers in 1970.
He commended the current British high commissioner Nicholas Woolley who replaced Fergus Cohcrane –Dyet making follow-ups to dig deeper in the Zambian world war history by meeting surviving war heros and historians in an effort to establish a firm history and documents that will stand the test of time and teach young generations through history books in the achieves.
Dr. Bunda who helped the late president of Mozambique Samora Macheal draft their country’s constitution in 1960 s and he also largely participated in assisting the late Jonas Savimbi drafting the constitution of Angola before the civil strife that started in 1975 , narrated that his Grand father General , Ashton Mbita Chitishi Bunda was nick named “King Fisher” by the Britons in the second world war , due to his brevity ,and shrewd communication skills that helped Britain conquer Germany.
The ‘King fisher ‘ name came into being during in the second world war 2 ,when he made a mile stone attack by bombing and putting on fire the Germany broad casting services building when his army crew went to revenge the bombing of the British broad casting corporation (BBC) which was then called the “Big Ben”.
The 87 year old Dr. Bunda impressed it on the Rainbow News reporters that his Grand father General BUNDA won the heart of the Britons in the world war 2 , when he displayed his intelligent war tactics by painting the British war plane the same colors of the German war plane and managed to masquerade and succeeded to bring down the German main broadcasting media building , to the victory of British people.
General Bunda who won the hearts of the European countries for being one of the best mobilizers of human resource was roped in to the world war 1 , which started in July 28TH 1914 to 11th November 1918 by Sir John Monarch who was commander of the Australian Army corps in France ,then from chiefdom as chief Chitosh in Luwingu and also managed to recruite his own cousin the famous Chisenga Lumbwe who attained the Regiment sergeant Major while serving as “king’s African Riffles “ and was later named after Chisenga Lumbwe basic school located in Arakan Baraks Lusaka .
General Bunda who was naturally peaceful and calm Chief was known to be an action and solution oriented person by his subjects and hence ,had no difficulties in recruiting influential comrades from the southern part of then Rhodesia currently(Zimbabwe) namely ,Mazimba Motto , Chikelema and Nyandoro in the world war 1 ,in an effort to secure a peaceful and bright future for the Southern Africa federation that included Malawi.
Lieutenant General Bunda who was promoted to General after his death also had a back ground of a school cadet trainer and also had survival skills artisan capentry and joinery ,recruited one of Africa’s great leaders from the Southern African Federation of South and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland , now Malawi Hastings Kamuzu Banda in to the word war1 and 2 and fought along side him in both world wars.
The two who became fond of each other also worked together at Malamano mission in Nyasaland currently Malawi and that prompted Hastings Kamuzu Banda to name one the higher learning institutions in Malawi , BUNDA agriculture college .
Dr. Bunda a former political science lecturer and historian said history as a school subject should be innovated as some of the individuals like his Grand father who contributed largely in both world war 1 and world war 2 did not have their works and achievements recorded from the African side so that they inspire future generations and hence increase high levels of patriotism in other aspects of life in Africa.
The 87 years old political scientist and historian who is a retired medical doctor his Grand father General Bunda who was born 1875 in Zambia and fought along side Sir John Monash commander of the Australian army corps in France impressed on the Rainbow history investigative crew that the world war 1 actually finished at Abercorn near now called Mbala near the border of German East Africa in 1918 on the 25th of November .
He emphasized that Zambian teachers and the education system should provide poppies and sensitize youths and children in primary schools and higher learning institutions to dedicate the month of November to commemorate war heroes including Armistice Day that falls on 11th November as well as 25th November that celebrates Zambia where the first world war ended.
“children and youths in primary schools and higher institution of learning should be taught or sensitized on observing the month of November to celebrate fallen soldiers of the world war 1and 2 and teachers should as well as the government help explain what the red and green flower which is stuck on the shirts of soldiers Athletes and ordinary people called the “poppy” stands for , this will help them to be peace makers and modern soldiers to build their economy and their spiritual lives “ Dr.Bunda explained.
The world war 1 whose roots emanated from the Balkans in Europe in July 1914 saw over 65 million men volunteered or conscripted to fight in mass.
Among other world war 1 heroes that were groomed by General BUNDA is Henry Makulu who later became the first black Commissioner of Public Service Chairman at cabinet office in Zambia .
General Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda earned the ‘King fisher’ name by the Britons because he was able to discern what his enemies planned and he predetermined ahead in his efforts to bring peace to reality.
Bunda advised the prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill to arrange a Luncheon with his adversaries, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany in an effort to promote unity ,peace and brother hood on 1st September 1945 during the world war 2
And the other attributes as to how he named ‘King fisher ‘ by the Britons in the world war 2 ,General Bunda was an astute and shrewd in communications skills accompanied with good persuasive ways of negotiating as well as to broker peace with his superiors like Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany .
According to Wikipedia , nearly two million Africans were recruited by European super powers fighting for more power and territory in the war. Though largely forced into the war ,it is disappointing that most of the African soldiers have not received much recognition globally.
Former freedom fighter Dr. Ashton Mwansa Mulongoti Bunda has also appealed to the authorities of Luapula province the current and future government leaders to remember his Grand father Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda who fought in the world war 1 and 2 and attained the rank of Lieutenant General in his life ,and was killed in action during world war 2, he received a posthumous promotion to General from the 14th Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1945 after helping Britain conquer Germany.
Speaking ahead of annual the 25th November end of world war 1,celebrations whose last shots happened in Zambia Abercorn , now called Mbala “that falls on 25th November every year Dr. Bunda 87 years old narrated that his Grand father who was the adviser to the British prime minister Winston Churchill during the world war 2 and arrange a lunch meeting in 1945 in an effort to bring peace and unity among the warring parties Adolf Hitler of Germany ,and Benito Mussolini of Italy .
Dr. Bunda told Rainbow News crew that the government and the ministry of defense should liaise with the military service department of Britain and Australia to come up with a world war modern cenotaph accompanied with a trade and industrial centre in honor of General BUNDA ‘s so that they expose Luapula’s industrial potential to Britain and Australia where he served in world war 1 and world war 2.
“ remembering fallen world war soldiers will help increase high levels of patriotism in the everyday lives youths and children ,this will inspire them own the nation and its economy , and they will be an army of God as leadership demands good moral standards” Dr. Bunda stressed .
The 87 year Dr.Bunda said government and former Luapula province ministers should strive to emulate Australians who honored his Grand father who participated in both world wars by naming the Sydney “Bunda High way” road after him , and that the first republican president Dr.Kenneth Kaunda invited him to lay wreaths at the cabinet house cenotaph Lusaka, in honor of his Grand father and other world war fallen soldiers in 1970.
He commended the current British high commissioner Nicholas Woolley who replaced Fergus Cohcrane –Dyet making follow-ups to dig deeper in the Zambian world war history by meeting surviving war heros and historians in an effort to establish a firm history and documents that will stand the test of time and teach young generations through history books in the achieves.
Dr. Bunda who helped the late president of Mozambique Samora Machel draft their country’s constitution in 1960 s and he also largely participated in assisting the late Jonas Savimbi drafting the constitution of Angola before the civil strife that started in 1975 , narrated that his Grand father General , Ashton Mbita Chitishi Bunda was nick named “King Fisher” by the Britons in the second world war , due to his brevity ,and shrewd communication skills that helped Britain conquer Germany.
The ‘King fisher ‘ name came into being during in the second world war 2 ,when he made a mile stone attack by bombing and putting on fire the Germany broad casting services building when his army crew went to revenge the bombing of the British broad casting corporation (BBC) which was then called the “Big Ben”.
The 87 year old Dr. Bunda impressed it on the Rainbow News reporters that his Grand father General BUNDA won the heart of the Britons in the world war 2 , when he displayed his intelligent war tactics by painting the British war plane the same colors of the German war plane and managed to masquerade and succeeded to bring down the German main broadcasting media building , to the victory of British people.
General Bunda who won the hearts of the European countries for being one of the best mobilizers of human resource was roped in to the world war 1 , which started in July 28TH 1914 to 11th November 1918 by Sir John Monarch who was commander of the Australian Army corps in France ,then from chiefdom as chief Chitoshi in Luwingu and also managed to recruit his own cousin the famous Chisenga Lumbwe who attained the Regiment sergeant Major while serving as “king’s African Riffles “ and was later named after Chisenga Lumbwe basic school located in Arakan Baraks Lusaka .
General Bunda who was naturally peaceful and calm Chief was known to be an action and solution oriented person by his subjects and hence ,had no difficulties in recruiting influential comrades from the southern part of then Rhodesia currently(Zimbabwe) namely, Mazimba Motto, Chikelema and Nyandoro in the world war 1 ,in an effort to secure a peaceful and bright future for the Southern Africa federation that included Malawi.
Lieutenant General Bunda Born in 1886 was promoted to General after his death also had a back ground of a school cadet trainer and also had survival skills artisan carpentry and joinery ,recruited one of Africa’s great leaders from the Southern African Federation of South and Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland , now Malawi Hastings Kamuzu Banda in to the word war 1 and 2 and fought along side him in both world wars.
The two who became fond of each other also worked together at Malamano mission in Nyasaland currently Malawi and that prompted Hastings Kamuzu Banda to name one the higher learning institutions in Malawi , BUNDA agriculture college .
Dr. Bunda a former political science lecturer and historian said history as a school subject should be innovated as some of the individuals like his Grand father who contributed largely in both world war 1 and world war 2 did not have their works and achievements recorded from the African side so that they inspire future generations and hence increase high levels of patriotism in other aspects of life in Africa.
The 87 years old political scientist and historian who is a retired medical doctor his Grand father General Bunda who was born 1886 in Zambia and fought along side Sir John Monash commander of the Australian army corps in France impressed on the Rainbow history investigative crew that the world war 1 actually finished at Abercorn near now called Mbala near the border of German East Africa in 1918 on the 25th of November .
He emphasized that Zambian teachers and the education system should provide poppies and sensitize youths and children in primary schools and higher learning institutions to dedicate the month of November to commemorate war heroes including Armistice Day that falls on 11th November as well as 25the November that celebrates Zambia where the first world war ended.
“children and youths in primary schools and higher institution of learning should be taught or sensitized on observing the month of November to celebrate fallen soldiers of the world war 1 and 2 and teachers should as well as the government help explain what the red and green flower which is stuck on the shirts of soldiers Athletes and ordinary people called the “poppy” stands for , this will help them to be peace makers and modern soldiers to build their economy and their spiritual lives “ Dr.Bunda explained.
The world war 1 whose roots emanated from the Balkans in Europe in July 1914 saw over 65 million men volunteered or conscripted to fight in mass.
Among other world war 1 heroes that were groomed by General BUNDA is Henry Makulu who later became the first black Commissioner of Public Service Chairman at cabinet office in Zambia .
General Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda earned the ‘King fisher’ name by the Britons because he was able to discern what his enemies planned and he predetermined ahead in his efforts to bring peace to reality.
Bunda advised the prime minister of Britain Winston Churchill to arrange a Luncheon with his adversaries, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany in an effort to promote unity ,peace and brother hood on 1st September 1945 during the world war 2
And the other attributes as to how he named ‘King fisher ‘ by the Britons in the world war 2 ,General Bunda was an astute and shrewd in communications skills accompanied with good persuasive ways of negotiating as well as to broker peace with his superiors like Winston Churchill, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Adolf Hitler of Germany .
According to Wikipedia , nearly two million Africans were recruited by European super powers fighting for more power and territory in the war. Though largely forced into the war ,it is disappointing that most of the African soldiers have not received much recognition globally.