Joint Civil Society Statement dated Saturday 6th June 2020 in Solidarity with Youth Advocating for Freedom of Expression in Zambia
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Linda Kasonde
By Linda Kasonde
Executive Director, Chapter One Foundation
THE undersigned civil society organisations stand in solidarity with all Zambians who are raising their voices on matters of public concern.
We stand in defence of Zambians demanding their full rights and freedoms, as provided by the Zambian constitution – including their inherent right to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
We echo the cry that Zambians are not accessing the full benefit of the country’s natural resources with citizens, especially young people, forced to endure poverty that could and should be alleviated with a prudent management of the country’s wealth.
We agree with sentiments that foreign investments into the extractive sector largely benefit political elites, leaving ordinary Zambians without a living wage or decent working conditions.
We agree that Zambians are treated as second class citizens in their own country both by the ruling elites and by some foreigners working in Zambia.
We further find it unacceptable that Ministers and power holders would demand apologies from Zambians who have exercised their right to express themselves on this state of governance and public resource management, in their own country.
The people of Zambia must be allowed to constitutionally express their discontent against acts of oppression and against a government that chooses to shield the perpetrators of discrimination and human indignity against our people.
In particular, we condemn statements by Lusaka Province Minister, Mr. Bowman Lusambo, who has threatened those who seek to stand up for our country.

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo and Religious Affairs and National Guidance Minister Reverend Godfridah Nsenduluka- Sumaili
We condemn the silence of the Republican President, who watches whilst the dignity of our citizens is trampled upon without redress.
We are however encouraged that out of the attempt by powerholders to intimidate citizens, has emerged signs of hope for our future as our youth find their voices and refuse to be silenced and intimidated for raising concerns about the governance of this country.
We applaud them and urge them to continue using their voices and their power constitutionally in the interest of Zambia!
Linda Kasonde
Executive Director, Chapter One Foundation
Signed for and on behalf of:
ActionAid Zambia
Alliance for Community Action
Caritas Zambia
Chapter One Foundation
Centre for Trade Policy and Development
Transparency International Zambia
Zambia Council for Social Development

Linda Kasonde Executive Director, Chapter One Foundation with Tadala Peggy