Category: Sustainable Development

World Celebrities to get Free Complimentary Land Plot IN ZOLLYWOOD CITY……..A New Dawn in Africa as Zambia becomes the Biblical Promised Land…

Notice: Undefined index: catFilterList in /home/zambi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-likes/api.php on line 243 *Because soon all the world eyes are going to be on this peace paradise/heaven on the continental of Africa with uninterrupted peace and tranquility making the country a peace heaven and the safest tourist and investment destination on the continent of Africa.* *Author: Dr Edgar Ng’oma* *Philosopher/Political Analyst* … world celebrities are being invited for the ground breaking ceremony of what becomes the volcanic erruption dubbed transformational economic Uhuru for Africa with a master plan to develop 165 smart cities in the 55 African states by an ambitious Zambian citizen owned company which is pursuing a philosophy that unless...

More than One thousand (1,000) World Celebrities of African Descent eye Zambia

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By Roving Ambassador Dr. Edgar Ngoma, State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) Mission Office, Lusaka, Zambia As a land located within the Common Market for East and Central Africa (COMESA) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), including the Great Lakes Region, Zambia has continued to be respected as a respectable global hospitality of choice for local, regional, continental and international guests. Aside from it hosting one of the seven wonders of the world – The Mighty Victoria Falls, Zambia is now expanding herself as a place of residence for People of Colour or African Descent, master minded by the...

Milestone in Marl: Minister President Armin Laschet inaugurates world’s largest polyamide 12 complex

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2021-07-08 Edda Schulze External Communications Phone +49 201 177-2225 Local press contact: Alexandra Boy Communications Chemiepark Marl Phone: +49 2365 49-9449 Evonik Industries AG Rellinghauser Straße 1-11 45128 Essen Germany Phone +49 201 177-01 Fax +49 201 177-3475 Supervisory Board Bernd Tönjes, Chairman Executive Board Christian Kullmann, Chairman Dr. Harald Schwager, Deputy Chairman Thomas Wessel, Ute Wolf Registered Office is Essen Register Court Essen Local Court Commercial Registry B 19474 Milestone in Marl: Minister President Armin Laschet inaugurates world’s largest polyamide 12 complex • High-performance polymers for new technologies in future markets • Investment of around half...

MEPhI holds first graduation ceremony for students from Zambia

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MEPhI holds first graduation ceremony for students from Zambia ON July 6, 15 Zambian graduates from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) received their BA diplomas. The ceremony took place at the Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering. This is the first time a group of students from Zambia graduate from a Russian university as nuclear energy specialists. The graduates in field of nuclear power and thermophysics were: Mabvuto Banda, Richard Vlahakis, Thandiwe Zulu, Chabala Kalenga, Machona Mbahwe, Nchimunya Mwiinga, Bertha Mumba, Morris Mungwalubilo, Mwenya Nachela, Mary Ngoma, Gershom Ngosa, Astony Katongo Nkausu, Victor Simangolwa, Humphery Simwinga, Taonga Chilambo. Among...

UPND’s Batuke Imenda and Gary Nkombo protest over ECZ ballot printing witness red tape

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By Pamela Mulenga and Derrick Sinjela United Party for National Development (UPND) Secretary General Batuke Imenda and Chairperson for Elections Gary Nkombo are still struggling to break through a rigorous United Arab Emirates (UAE) visa approval to witness printing of ballot papers in Dubai. In a Monday Commencement of Printing of the 2021 General Election Ballot Papers Media Statement, ECZ Corporate Affairs Manager Patricia Luhanga in confirming commencement of printing of ballot papers, said the process will end on Friday 30th July, 2021. Ms. Luhanga said the Electoral Body Commission has accredited the 19 applicants but only the PF have...

Edgar Chagwa Lungu lying, a 24-hour-economy in Zambia not attainable, insists Mark Simuuwe

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Edgar Chagwa Lungu lying, a 24-hour-economy in Zambia not attainable, insists Mark Simuuwe By Pamela Mulenga and Derrick Sinjela ZAMBIAN Political Philosopher Mark Simuuwe insists that attainment of a 24-hour- economy as envisaged in the 2021-20260Patriotic Front’s manifesto is wishful thinking. During a broadcast live An Economic Analysis Broadcast Live on Saturday 26th June 2021, Mr. Simuuwe laughed at the proposal on a account that the the PF leadership led by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Vice President Mrs. Inonge Mutukwa-Wina have no capacity to turn Zambia into 24-hour-economy due to financial constraints, built by a US$ 12 billion debt...

Biblical Leadership Principles Series by UPPZ President Charles Chanda

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Biblical Leadership Principles Series Prepared by Mr. Charles Chanda President- United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) THE truth of the matter is that the world today is lacking leaders and this is affecting the quality of life among those that are followers. It is for this reason that I will be embarking on a series that is aimed at preparing future leaders. All those who aspire to lead in one area or the other will find this series beneficial. To the people that I am leading as UPPZ President, it is mandatory that you follow this series daily as I...

Charles Chanda’s UPPZ 15-point solution will revive Zambia’s poor economy

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By Derrick Sinjela in Mansa, Luapula Province In a Saturday 26th June 2021, only 47 days’ remain before Thursday 12th August 2021, when United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda will be voted as the Seventh (7th) Republican President of Zambia. Backed by Running Mate, Simon Katimba Mbulu, Mr. Chanda  reiterates that  the UPPZ Government will constitutionally each Zambian a piece of land from Friday 13th August 2022, as citizenship is meaningless once one lacks such an inalienable privilege. As a practical citizen, years before seeking office, Chanda has effectively alleviated housing poverty, through implementing access to affordable...

 Tuesday June 22, 2021 Bank of Zambia (BoZ) Governor Christopher Mphanza Mvunga Opening remarks at “The Virtual Dissemination  Workshop of the 2020 Foreign Private Investment  and Investor Perceptions Survey RESULTS!”

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     OPENING REMARKS AT THE VIRTUAL DISSEMINATION  WORKSHOP OF THE 2020 FOREIGN PRIVATE INVESTMENT  AND INVESTOR PERCEPTIONS SURVEY RESULTS By MR CHRISTOPHER M. MVUNGA  GOVERNOR  BANK OF ZAMBIA JUNE 22, 2021 | LUSAKA Salutations: Permanent Secretaries; The Chief Executive Officer, Zambia Development Agency; The Interim Statistician General, Zambia Statistics Agency; Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Representatives of    Development Partners present; Captains of Industry; Distinguished invited Guests; Members of the Media; Ladies and Gentlemen. Let me begin by welcoming and thanking you all for joining this Virtual Dissemination Workshop of the 2020 Survey on Foreign Private Investment and Investor Perceptions in...

‘I am a beneficiary of Dr Kaunda’s Legacy on Education’ UPPZ President Charles Chanda pays tribute to KK

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…as UPPZ vows to introduce Grade 1 to Grade 9 Religious and Moral Studies By Derrick Sinjela in Mansa, Luapula Province Central Province UNITED Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia leader Charles Chanda attributes former First Republican President, the late Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda’s humble background as a basis upon the United National Independence Party (UNIP) free education policies were built. Mr. Chanda nostalgically recollects that during his 27-year-rule as Head of State and Government, Dr. Kaunda did not compromise on a policy decision to provide education to every child and citizen regardless on once situation in life. The UPPZ leader...

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