Biblical Leadership Principles Series by UPPZ President Charles Chanda
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UPPZ leader Charles Chanda reaching out to Zambian voters
Biblical Leadership Principles Series
Prepared by Mr. Charles Chanda President- United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ)
THE truth of the matter is that the world today is lacking leaders and this is affecting the quality of life among those that are followers.
It is for this reason that I will be embarking on a series that is aimed at preparing future leaders.
All those who aspire to lead in one area or the other will find this series beneficial.
To the people that I am leading as UPPZ President, it is mandatory that you follow this series daily as I will use it at one point to test your full understanding of who a leader is.
God bless you as you follow through.
Character Development of a Leader
I will follow the life of David and Joseph in building this
Passion of a True Leader.
I will follow the life of Moses.
I trust that this will help you and me and make us able leaders that will help our present and future generations.
If any organisation is to succeed, premium should be placed in the development of leaders. As much as this is important, the challenge is that there is a kind of development that is not found in any text book in the world but is the most important and essential component.
This is the area of Character development. Character is built through activities that one is exposed to in early life and decisions that one makes.
This explains why the environment you grow in goes a long way in shaping what kind of a leader you will eventually become.
The experiences you pass through in life becomes the best lecturer and school. This is why there is no shortcut to prime leadership. I know that I am a leader and I wish to use this forum to help others.
We will use the early lives of certain Bible characters to get a full understanding of how character is built.
A nation cannot rise above its leaders that and this explains why it is important to ensure that you have the right kind of leaders.
If you have a Pharaoh as your national leader, pride will kill him if he fails to seek for a solution from a Joseph in the prison.
If you have a Nebechardnezer as a national leader, your nation will not prosper if the wickedness of your leader will cause him to acknowledge the wisdom in a Daniel that is within the kingdom.
To Be Continued Tomorrow…