Category: Politics

*Le RPG arc-en-ciel contre l’appel à l’armée guinéenne de s’immiscer dans le processus d’alternance démocratique*

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_Chers militants et_ _sympathisants,_ _Chers compatriotes guinéens,_ Depuis le renversement du pouvoir civil au Niger par les militaires, suite au coup d’État, nous avons constaté un regain de sentiment panafricaniste parmi les militants et certains leaders sur nos différentes plateformes de communication. Nous savons tous que notre cher pays, la République de Guinée, est le berceau du panafricanisme. Nous sommes fiers d’être Guinéens et Africains. Le RPG arc-en-ciel est un parti démocratique qui s’est battu pendant plus de 50 ans pour l’avènement de la démocratie et de l’État de droit dans notre pays, et ce, au prix de lourds sacrifices....

TOFAZA, ZADEMA petition Princess Kasune Zulu over Tobacco Control Bill

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By Hellen Bwalya Public Health Advocates (PHA’s) led by Tobacco Free Association of Zambia (TOFAZA) Executive Director Brenda Chitindi and Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA) Executive President Derrick Sinjela are urging Zambia’s first female Minister of Justice (MoJ) Princess Kasune Zulu to expedite the passage of the Tobacco Control Bill (TCB), delayed for close to two decades (17 years), which Zambia ratified on Friday 23rd May 2008. In a letter to the Justice Minister, Princess Kasune, copied to Health Minister, Dr. Elijah Muchima, Special Assistant to the President for Legal Affairs, State Counsel (SC), Christopher Mundia and Vice President, Reverend...

Church Mother Bodies Renew Commitment to Electoral Monitoring

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By Hellen Bwalya The Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ), the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), and the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) today renewed their commitment to electoral monitoring through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The signing ceremony marked a significant milestone for the Church Mother Bodies Consortium (CCMG), an entity formed in 2014 to monitor general elections. The MOU aims to strengthen collaboration and innovation in electoral observation, ensuring credible and peaceful elections in Zambia. CCMG commemorated its 10th anniversary during the event, paying tribute to the late Fr. Alex Muyebe, a former Steering...


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By Fresher Siwale, President, New Labour Party (NLP) In recent times we have heard of tax measures introduced by the UPND administration. Among them is the requirement to obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate from Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) before a person can apply for a passport and driver’s licence. It is also a requirement for any person who wants to apply for any license to engage in business. The New Dawn Administration has also increased the Property Transfer Tax (PPT) from 5% to between 8 and 10%. In 1992, during the first Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Budget presentation the...

Situation critique de Dr Ibrahima Kassory Fofana

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January 19, 2025 À l’attention : – de la communauté internationale : CEDEAO, Union Africaine, ONU – et du Comité National de Rassemblement pour le Développement (CNRD), Objet : la situation critique de Dr Ibrahima Kassory Fofana Nous vous adressons ce message urgent concernant la situation critique de Dr Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, ancien Premier ministre de la République de Guinée, actuellement détenu et hospitalisé dans un état de santé alarmant. Situation actuelle Dr Kassory Fofana se trouve dans un état de santé extrêmement préoccupant, nécessitant des soins médicaux spécialisés que les infrastructures locales ne peuvent pleinement assurer. Malgré son état...

Critical situation of Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana

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January 19, 2025 To the attention of: – the international community: ECOWAS, African Union, UN – and the National Rally for Development Committee (CNRD), Subject: the critical situation of Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana We are sending you this urgent message concerning the critical situation of Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea, currently detained and hospitalized in an alarming state of health. Current situation Dr. Kassory Fofana is in an extremely worrying state of health, requiring specialized medical care that local infrastructures cannot fully provide. Despite his critical condition, he is forced to respond to...

*Guinea: Medical Injustice Against Former Prime Minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana*

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The recent decision by the Court for the Repression of Economic and Financial Offenses (CRIEF) to refuse medical evacuation abroad of former Prime Minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana raises serious concerns about the respect of fundamental human rights in Guinea. Accused of embezzlement of public funds, illicit enrichment and corruption, Dr. Fofana has been detained since April 2022. His health has seriously deteriorated, to the point that his lawyers claim that he is unable to appear before the CRIEF and requires specialized care unavailable in the country. In December 2024, the CRIEF had initially authorized his transfer to the American Hospital...

*Guinea: Medical Injustice Against Former Prime Minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana*

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The recent decision by the Court for the Repression of Economic and Financial Offenses (CRIEF) to refuse medical evacuation abroad of former Prime Minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana raises serious concerns about the respect of fundamental human rights in Guinea. Accused of embezzlement of public funds, illicit enrichment and corruption, Dr. Fofana has been detained since April 2022. His health has seriously deteriorated, to the point that his lawyers claim that he is unable to appear before the CRIEF and requires specialized care unavailable in the country. In December 2024, the CRIEF had initially authorized his transfer to the American Hospital...

“*Aux Distingués Membres de la diaspora africaine, des Afro-descendants du Monde entier*,”- _Lancine SACKO_ Défenseur de la Gouvernance Démocratique et des Droits Humains

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*Aux Distingués Membres de la diaspora africaine, des Afro-descendants du Monde entier* Je vous écris pour alerter sur une situation critique en Guinée, un enjeu majeur pour les droits humains et la démocratie en Afrique de l’Ouest. La Guinée, premier pays africain à refuser la domination coloniale française en proclamant son indépendance le 2 octobre 1958, est aujourd’hui confrontée à une crise menaçant ses principes démocratiques. Depuis septembre 2021, une junte militaire dirigée par un ancien légionnaire français a trahi ses promesses de transition démocratique, transformant l’espoir de réformes en une répression systématique des droits humains et des institutions démocratiques....

“*To Distinguished Members of the African Diaspora, Afro-descendants from Around the World* I am writing to alert you to a critical situation in Guinea,”_Lancine SACKO_ Defender of Democratic Governance and Human Rights

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*To Distinguished Members of the African Diaspora, Afro-descendants from Around the World* I am writing to alert you to a critical situation in Guinea, a major challenge for human rights and democracy in West Africa. Guinea, the first African country to reject French colonial rule by proclaiming its independence on October 2, 1958, is today facing a crisis threatening its democratic principles. Since September 2021, a military junta led by a former French legionnaire has betrayed its promises of democratic transition, transforming the hope of reforms into a systematic repression of human rights and democratic institutions. *Documented Violations* Our documentation...

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