Category: Gender & health

Request for provisional release of Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana for humanitarian reasons*

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To the attention of General Mamadi Doumbouya, President of the Transition, and the Members of the National Rally for Development Committee (CNRD)* London, October 30, 2024 *Subject: Request for provisional release of Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana for humanitarian reasons* _Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the CNRD_, We hereby respectfully address you to request your direct intervention in favor of the provisional release of Dr. Ibrahima Kassory Fofana, former Prime Minister, currently detained. We have received, from consistent and reliable sources, very worrying information regarding the state of health of Dr. Fofana. It is reported that his condition requires specific care...

*Lettre au Président de la Chambre des Communes (Royaume-Uni)*

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*Lettre au Président de la Chambre des Communes (Royaume-Uni)* Londres, le 21 Août 2024 _Honorable Sir Lindsay Hoyle_, _Député et président de la Chambre des communes_, J’espère que cette lettre vous parviendra en bonne santé. Au nom des membres de notre parti politique “RPG ARC -EN-CIEL”, Parti du Rassemblement du Peuple de Guinée et alliés, j’ai l’insigne privilège de vous écrire cette lettre. Par ce message, je souhaite vous faire part de la profonde gratitude et du respect que nous éprouvons à l’égard Parlement britannique et de ses membres. À maintes reprises, le Royaume-Uni s’est érigé en phare d’espoir, apportant...

Graves préoccupations concernant les violations des droits de l’homme commises par la junte militaire en Guinée

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Votre Excellence, Coordinateur des Nations Unies pour la République de Guinée Objet : Graves préoccupations concernant les violations des droits de l’homme commises par la junte militaire en Guinée Cher Coordinateur, J’espère que ce message vous trouvera en bonne santé.. Je me permets de vous faire part de ma profonde inquiétude face à la situation désastreuse qui prévaut en Guinée, et plus particulièrement face à la multitude de violations des droits de l’homme commises par la junte militaire. En tant qu’observateur attentif du climat sociopolitique de la Guinée et fervent défenseur des principes et objectifs des Nations unies, je suis...

Dictatorial Excesses in Guinea – Injustice, Human Rights Abuses, and Economic Devastation

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*URGENT DIPLOMATIC COMMUNIQUE* *TO:* International Community, United Nations, European Union, African Union, ECOWAS, and Diplomatic Corps *FROM:* Derrick Sinjela *SUBJECT:* Dictatorial Excesses in Guinea – Injustice, Human Rights Abuses, and Economic Devastation *LONDON, AUGUST 24, 2024* We bring to your attention the alarming situation in Guinea, where the Transition authorities have been ruling with an iron fist for nearly three years. Despite promises of restoring constitutional order and ensuring justice, the regime has engaged in dictatorial excesses, injustices, and human rights abuses. *SOCIAL SITUATION:* – Rapidly deteriorating living conditions – Widespread power cuts, water scarcity, and rising market prices –...

Xinhua Commentary: Closer BRICS cooperation promises more inclusive development

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Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia In a world that increasingly demands cooperation, the expanded BRICS offers a vision grounded in the belief that common development and sustainable progress require collaboration among nations, large and small. BEIJING, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) — As BRICS leaders convene in Russia’s city of Kazan, the world is grappling with overlapping global challenges like geopolitical tensions, climate change, food security, and financial instability. The newly expanded group is expected to strengthen cooperation among nations of the Global South and advance efforts to face those challenges and improve global governance toward greater equity and inclusiveness. BRICS is not...

Drosophila suzukii Detected in South Africa

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By Dominic Chandiwila Nali Drosophila suzukii is a fly native to East Asia and widely established in the Americas and Europe. It is a destructive pest that feeds mostly on soft-skinned fruits. Other than that, the pest has a wide range hosts as it is mostly harboured in non-crop. In Africa, Drosophila suzukii has been detected on Blueberry orchards in four provinces in South Africa after random surveys in collaboration with the research institutions and government in the reported areas. The Ministry of Agriculture through the Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Services said that the pest has so far been detected...

Buleya Malima, Nzenga and Sinazongwe irrigation schemes to be revamped

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By Dominic Chandiwila Nali Government says it is ready to revamp Buleya Malima, Nzenga and Sinazongwe Irrigation schemes in Sinazongwe district in Southern Province. This came to light when Agriculture Minister Reuben M’tolo inspected the three irrigation schemes. Speaking when he address farmers in the three irrigation schemes, the Minister said government is not grabbing land from the locals but merely focusing its attention on revamping the schemes in the district. “Government is not here to grab land from the local but to ensure that the irrigation systems in the three schemes work for the good of the nation”, Mr....

CIMMYT Expands Climate-Smart Interventions in Southern Africa

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PRESS RELEASE As Southern Africa faces unprecedented drought conditions CIMMYT continues to lead efforts in reducing the devastating impact of extreme weather. Through its role as a partnership convener, CIMMYT has brought together climate change advisories and climate-smart agriculture to empower farmers, who are demonstrating incredible resilience by continuing to produce food for their families and communities. “The current climate crisis highlights the urgency of scaling resilient agricultural practices. At CIMMYT, we believe that empowering farmers to adopt droughttolerant crops and sustainable methods is essential to securing food systems and ensuring communities can weather the challenges ahead,” said Bram Govaerts,...

Helga Matanda Anscombe Foundation gifts ZC Kafue marketeers chitenges in celebration of independence Day

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Kafue, Thursday, 24th October 2024 – Helga Matanda Anscombe Foundation today, Thursday, 24th of October, 2024 decided to gift ZC Kafue marketeers with chitenge materials dawning colours of the Zambian flag, which are red, green, black and orange. The foundation which was established a year ago gave out 100 2×1 meter chitenge materials to women marketeers that were busy selling a range of food stuffs at ZC market in Kafue district, in celebration of this year’s independence day. “We thought of putting a smile on the faces of the hardworking mothe’s by giving them chitenge materials,” explained Helga Tessa Matanda,...

Groundbreaking Research Proves Bicycles Power Economic Growth and Healthcare Access

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Landmark Study by World Bicycle Relief and IDinsight Provides Critical Evidence on the Power of Bicycles to Boost Livelihoods and Empower Rural Communities October 22, 2024 – LUSAKA, ZAMBIA – World Bicycle Relief (WBR), a non-profit social enterprise that supports rural and remote communities by helping adults and children overcome transportation barriers, in collaboration with IDinsight, today announced the results of a pioneering randomized controlled trial (RCT) that demonstrates the transformative impact of bicycles on livelihoods and health service delivery among adults in rural Zambia. With a particular focus on outcomes for women, the study provides robust evidence that bicycles...

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