Category: Gender & health

Discover the Magic of Lucky Numbers

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Lucky numbers attract good fortune to those who use them, because their energy vibrations resonate with the energies of the people they bring luck to. But before you can discover your lucky numbers and start using them, it is important to understand the concept and learn about some areas of your life where using these numbers could help you attract luck every day. Here you can find out how to apply the magic of lucky numbers in your daily life. What are lucky numbers? Numerologists believe that all numbers carry energy vibrations that have an influence on our lives. Some...

What Is a Medium? Things You Need to Know About the Gift of Mediumship

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No doubt you have seen movies or TV shows featuring mediums – dark and mysterious shadows entering trance and swaying from side to side as they talk to spirits. And while this is not a truly accurate portrayal of what is a medium, it still gives you a slight idea of what mediumship involves. Mediums serve as the bridge between the earthly and the spiritual worlds. They can communicate messages to and from spiritual beings by raising their energy vibrations to meet those of higher planes’ of being. In this article, discover what is a medium and what to expect...

How to Use Your Life Path Number to Reveal Your Destiny

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Numerology is based on a belief that numbers carry energy vibrations and these vibrations have an influence on our character and destiny. But while all numbers play a role in shaping our being in some way or another, there are some numbers that are considered more important than others in numerology. One of such numbers is your life path number. This is one of the core numbers in your numerology chart and it can reveal a lot about your destiny. Learn more about how to calculate your life path number and what it means for your life. What does your...

Uncover the Secrets Your Name Holds with Name Numerology

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Numerology of your name reveals the influences of the universe that follow you since the time of your birth. By uncovering the secrets hidden in your name, you can learn about your destiny and soul’s intention. Knowing your potential, the opportunities and challenges on your life journey will help you find your purpose and become who you are truly meant to be. Uncover your calling and manifest your fullest potential with the secrets of name numerology. What is name numerology? Numerology believes in the importance of one’s name. The name you are given at birth holds great emotional and spiritual...

Understanding the Difference Between Soul and Spirit

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Two human body silhouettes against each other Soul and spirit are two words that many people use interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two. You will come to understand that the two words should be used in different situations. The soul is all-pervading, unlike the spirit that belongs to an individual. And being able to understand this distinction between the two words can help you in understanding how to use them and approach them in terms of spiritual teachings and techniques. Learn to understand what the two concepts mean and what is the difference between soul and spirit....

Zambia’s ASC Patrick Kangwa preaches e-governance

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    Acting Secretary to the Cabinet (ASC) Patrick Kangwa says the United Party for National Development (UPND) Alliance New Dawn Administration is keen to deliver a connected and inclusive one-language government by streamlining digital technologies across key sectors of our economy. And speaking earlier, at a 2022- 2026 Republic of Zambia Cabinet Office E-Government Division (Smart Zambia) Validation Meeting on the Implementation of the National E-Government Plan at Radisson Blu Hotel, Lusaka, Permanent Secretary – Management Division, E-Government Division – Cabinet Office, Ms. Kusobile Kamwambi commended the E-Government Division and the Ministry of Finance and National Planning on the...

Misheck Mwanza on Kachasu Distillaries, as an African heritage

Misheck Mwanza on Kachasu Distillaries, as an African heritage

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By  Misheck Mwanza, Zambian Economist Kachasu distilling is one of the most prominent sciences most African societies have learnt and mastered very well. I am made to believe that this particular science was introduced by the Portuguese several centuries back. Away from Africa, I understand that kachasu is also found and consumed in Brazil, where it is called Kachasa (mark the spelling). As Brazil is a former colony of Portugal, one may not be wrong to suspect that the Portuguese introduced this alcoholic science in that part of the world while, subsequently, onto the continent of Africa, through their colonies...

First Concrete laid at Xudapu NPP Power Unit 4 in China

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First concrete ceremony has taken place at Xudapu NPP Unit 4 constructed under the Russian VVER-1200 design. The construction has reached its active phase. “The project for construction of two new units of generation III+ at Xudapu NPP is being implemented according to the schedule, even ahead of schedule. The Russian party performs its obligations in full scope: a group of engineers supervising the project is working at the site, equipment and design documentation are delivered as per the contractual obligations”, said Alexey Bannik, Vice President for projects in China of Atomstroyexport JSC. Xudapu NPP Unit 3 is also in...


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THIS IS HOW INTIMACY CAN BE SUCH A VITAL ROLE IN STRENGTHENING A STRONG BOND BETWEEN MARRIED COUPLES Intimacy has a lot of psychological and physical benefits to it. A lot of couples might be facing problems like stress, emotional connections and others low sex drive which makes them less attracted to their partners. Dr Yahya Mizizi is hereby ready to help you from experiencing the above barricades that my hinder you from having intimacy in your marriage which solves the following difficulties in marriage. It’s a stress-buster. Imagine having come from work tired and you meet someone in the...


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  A STUDENT who recently graduated from the university has gone mad after ditching the man she promised to marry after finishing undergraduate studies. The lady was seen walking scantly dressed on the streets with unkempt hair and while talking to herself. According to reports, the said lady had agreed to marry the man immediately she graduated from the university. This pledge made the made commit to cater for her by providing and paying all her school fees from high school, up to university level. It is said that after her graduation, she felt the man was not her class...

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