What Is a Medium? Things You Need to Know About the Gift of Mediumship
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What Is a Medium? Things You Need to Know About the Gift of Mediumship
No doubt you have seen movies or TV shows featuring mediums – dark and mysterious shadows entering trance and swaying from side to side as they talk to spirits. And while this is not a truly accurate portrayal of what is a medium, it still gives you a slight idea of what mediumship involves.
Mediums serve as the bridge between the earthly and the spiritual worlds. They can communicate messages to and from spiritual beings by raising their energy vibrations to meet those of higher planes’ of being. In this article, discover what is a medium and what to expect from a mediumship reading.
What is mediumship?
Mediumship is a psychic ability to raise one’s energy vibrations which allows the person to communicate with spirits in the afterlife, spirit guides, angels, and other higher beings. However, they do not literally “talk” to the spirits. Instead, spirits relay the messages through them in some way or another. Some mediums receive images in their mind’s eye or hear sounds of voices speaking to them. Others enter the state of trance and channel the spirits through their body or divination items like the Ouija board, for example.
What is a medium?
Many mediums who communicate with the spirits regularly note that the spirits communicate a lot of information. To pass these messages to the people in the earthly world, mediums can use their abilities and hold a séance where they relay the information they receive from the spirits. Sometimes, spirits send messages in a random order and the medium has to find a way to piece them together to make sense of them.
There are many people who believe in the gift of mediumship, and perhaps just as many who are skeptical about it. However, just like with other psychic abilities, it is impossible to prove it with the means of science. If you are going to have a mediumship reading, make sure to choose an experienced reader who you can trust.
What to expect during a mediumship reading?
If you have chosen to have a mediumship reading, this information will help you prepare and be more aware of what will be happening during your session.
First, try to clear your mind before your visit. This is very important for any psychic reading because clearing your mind helps remove any energies that could otherwise interfere with your reading. So, to get the most out of it, do something relaxing like meditating or practicing deep breathing before the session.
Do your research beforehand and choose a trusted medium. See him or her as your trusted friend who you can confide in and be honest and open about your intentions. If you are skeptical about mediumship in general and your reading in particular, do not hide it. The reader will sense your honesty and trust, and this will help you establish a better connection with him or her.
Figure out what you want to achieve from your reading beforehand. If there is a loved one who has passed away you want to contact, let them know. Your medium will typically start with revealing some information about the spirit so that you can know that they made the right connection.
Keep an open mind and know that sometimes mediumship might not go well. It all depends on the spirits and the messages they communicate, and if they have nothing to say, then the medium won’t either. Just as the name suggests, mediums are connectors between the earthly and the spiritual worlds, so they cannot force the spirits to talk unless they want to.
What is the difference between a medium and a psychic?
All mediums have psychic abilities, but not all psychics have the gift of mediumship. The biggest difference between what is a medium and what is a psychic is in where they receive messages from. Mediums blend with the energies of the spirits to relay messages to the earthly world. On the other hand, psychics blend with the energies of people they do readings for in order to reveal context about their questions or situations.
If you want to find an answer to a question or want to consult a psychic reader before making an important decision, you would go to a psychic reader. On the other hand, if you want to send and receive messages to and from the spiritual world, as in the example of a loved one who has passed away, then you would turn to the help of a medium. Knowing what is a medium and what mediums do could also help you recognize the signs you might be one yourself.
Signs you might be a medium
If you learn to recognize the signs you might be a medium, it can be truly eye-opening. Some mediums struggle with their abilities a great deal because they do not know what they really mean. However, learning more about and understanding the gift of mediumship can help you discover your true powers. Here are the signs you might be a medium:
You can sense energies of spirits or see them
Since you are very connected to the spiritual world, you might be able to sense the energies of spirits or even “see” the outlines of their energies in the air around you.
You had imaginary friends during childhood
Sometimes, our imaginary friends are not so imaginary after all. If you had an imaginary friend in childhood, it might have actually been a spirit.
You feel out of place with others
This can happen a lot to mediums, especially in childhood, that they do not feel comfortable around other people. They cannot quite explain the feeling of being different, but it makes them shy and keeps them away from others.
You have visions or sense energies of places
If you have psychic dreams, visions, or can feel energies of places, you might be a psychic or a medium. Sometimes, when you enter a place, you can sense the vibe, whether it is good or evil, and this is often a sign of a psychic ability.
Now that you know what is a medium and you know how to recognize the signs of being one, you might be thinking deeper about the connection between the earthly and the spiritual worlds. Spirits communicate with us through mediums, and if you are looking to exchange messages with higher beings, then a visit to a medium is in order.Call /App/SMS:+260766450306
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