Category: Gender & health

Tuesday 11th February, 2020: APRM National Governing Council (NGC) Media Statement

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The National Governing Council (NGC) of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in Zambia would like to commend the Government of the Republic of Zambia for embracing the Mechanism since the country acceded to it in 2006. Particularly the NGC would like to pay tribute to the National Assembly (Parliament) of Zambia for deciding to make the APRM as one of its priority focus areas for the year 2020. It is indeed gratifying that Parliament asked and invited before its Parliamentary Select Committee on Legal Affairs, Human Rights, National Guidance, Gender Matters and Governance a number of...

NRFA is building a homegrown sustainable National Road Tolling (NRT), says Engineer Wallece Mumba

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By Derrick Sinjela NATIONAL Road Fund Agency (NRFA) Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Wallece Mumba says the overall implementation of the National Road Tolling Programme (NRTP) as a home grown solution to sustainable road maintenance is attested by a local contribution at K 2.7 billion raised while foreign was at 76 per cent K3.4 billion was received from external contributions. Engineer Mumba is elated that the National Road Fund Agency team in 2019 recorded a 90 per cent budget target performance, now a global brand with many countries seeking counsel from Zambia. Alluding to the NRFA Act 13 of...

Summary of my 52 years on earth – Charles Chanda is with Uppz Zambia

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Charles Chanda is with Uppz Zambia. 7 hrs ·        SUMMARY OF MY 52 YEARS ON EARTH Few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, and they have not attained to … There are dreams not yet fulfilled. My hope and desire is to serve humanity. I dedicate this birthday to Joy and Charles Junior as l have not spent much time with them as compared to their elder sisters. Wish was home but national duty has taken the space and time. Travelling to Kalomo for Campaign. JOIN ME AS I CELEBRATE THIS 52ND BIRTHDAY Be...

A look at the Leadership Movement (LM) in Zambia

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  By Dr. Richard Silumbe President of the Leadership Movement The Leadership Movement (LM) is a political party Calling for Action to reclaim the Zambian vision and deliver the great gift to future generations – The Great Zambia 2021 will mark the end of the old Zambia and the beginning of a new Zambia; a 21st Century leadership will emerge. A new government will be ushered in; a government that will be open for service 24/7 all year round, anytime, anywhere; a government that will deliver a great gift to future generations – A Great Zambia. It will be a...

Get Leadership Movement (LM) Manifestos on +260 973 607 500 & +260 966 318 345

Get Leadership Movement (LM) Manifestos on +260 973 607 500 & +260 966 318 345

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The LM Party Manifesto book is now available! get yourself a copy, contact us by call/text to 0973607500/0966318345 or… Posted by Leadership Movement on Sunday, February 2, 2020 The Leadership Movement (LM) is a political party Calling for Action to reclaim the Zambian vision and deliver the great gift to future generations – The Great Zambia 2021 will mark the end of the old Zambia and the beginning of a new Zambia; a 21st Century leadership will emerge. A new government will be ushered in; a government that will be open for service 24/7 all year round, anytime, anywhere; a government...

Comrades Derricks Mwendafilumba congratulates Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prof Mulindi Mwanahamuntu

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Comrades Derricks Mwendafilumba: Congratulations Prof Mulindi Mwanahamuntu, Associate Professor obstetrics and gynecology and gynecology Levy Mwanawasa-Medical Medical University. Your dedication to duty and hardwork have been recognised and rightly rewarded. More work for you as you combine with Head Clinical Services Women and newly both Hospital UTH. Eva Mpheza Wonani Con gal rat u lat ions to this powerful team. You all deserve it, GOD BLESS YOU. Stella Chinkumbi Mwanas… Nice, congrats. Mahe Mwape Ni Liseli Big Bro ka appointment start of March is great mwe! Minah Mweemba Mutuna Congratulations. Selina Soko aisha..👏👏👏👌. Cheelo Kanyemba Jere Congratulations 👏👏. Hazel N...


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SARAH NGWENYA – KALOMO GRAIN MARKETING LTD By Rural Zambia, despite being a major producer of primary agriculture products, is battling with high levels of malnutrition. KGML is assisting to solve this problem through a combined social and market approach. Trading as Supreme Seed Ltd, the company is involved in the production of improved certified legume seed varieties and works with women-led farmer groups in Chongwe (Tiwine Seed Growers Association), Mumbwa (Patumu and Chikopa Farmer Groups) and Kapiri Mposhi districts (Pachepache and Kapiri Seed Growers Association), providing these farmers with cheap certified seeds that are high yielding and adapted to...

Former LAZ President Linda Kasonde (Left) and her successor Eddie Mwitwa (Right

LAZ Press Statement dated Tuesday 4th February 2020 on the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill No. 10 of 2019

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LAZ PRESS STATEMENT DATED 4TH FEBRUARY 2020 ON THE CONSTITUTION OF ZAMBIA (AMENDMENT) BILL NO. 10 OF 2019 As the nation awaits the consideration of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Bill, No. 10 of 2019 (“Bill No. 10”) by the National Assembly, which is due to resume its sittings on 11th February 2020, the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) reiterates its position on the Bill as indicated in the Press Statement of 15th July 2019 that Bill No. 10 is by and large retrogressive. LAZ is cognizant of the fact that in its widely publicized petition before the Constitutional Court...

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