Category: Featured


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By HAPPY MULOLANI  Zambia has achieved remarkable strides in the agriculture sector from 6.9 percent in 2019 to 7.9 percent in 2020-2021. A Consultant on Regional Integration from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shadreck Saili, cited the operationalisation of the Southern Africa Development Community’s Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) which is in tandem with the Eighth National Development (8NDP), as a unique model which has contributed to attaining some of the achievements as indicated in the third quarter report in 2023. Speaking during a stakeholders meetings on Enhancing the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Regional National Linkages (SRNL) strengthening...

Zambia’s ‘Kachasu’ illicit alcohol brew time-bomb worries CPCR’s Prof. Fastone Matthew Goma

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…as Gary Chilala Nkombo backs an alcohol-free Zambia By Derrick Sinjela and Simon Banda A Study on the Public Health Impact of the consumption of illicit alcohol in Zambia by the Centre for Primary Care Research (CPCR) laments that seventy-one percent (71%) of all alcohol consumed is illicit. Nostalgic, CPCR Director Professor Fastone Matthew Goma recollected that a nagging alcoholism had in the past compelled former First Republican President, the late Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda to contemplate resigning as Head of State. In a story published by the New York Times on Saturday 3rd June, 1974, President Kaunda threatened...

CPCR’s Dr. Cosmas Zyambo unveils a ‘PIONEERING Study’ on the Public Health impacts of the Harmful Consumption of illicit Alcohol in Zambia

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…’Low-cost, high-ABV illicit spirits pose the highest risks to the health and safety of Zambian society’. By Derrick Sinjela On Wednesday, 29th November, 2023, the Centre for Primary Care Research (CPCR) released the results of the first study on the public health impact of the consumption of illicit alcohol in Zambia at a special event held on the sidelines of the Conference for Public Health in Africa (CPHIA). Representing CPCR, Dr. Cosmas Zyambo, a senior lecturer at the School of Public Health and presenting said the groundbreaking study provides appropriate data that has long been missing from policy and programmatic...

Illicit Alcohol_Fact Sheet FINAL_28.11.23 Print (1)-1 Zambia

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  Illicit   ……   Zambia’s ‘Kachasu’ illicit alcohol brew time-bomb worries CPCR’s Prof. Fastone Matthew Goma …as Gary Chilala Nkombo backs an alcohol-free Zambia By Derrick Sinjela and Simon Banda A Study on the Public Health Impact of the consumption of illicit alcohol in Zambia by the Centre for Primary Care Research (CPCR) laments that seventy-one percent (71%) of all alcohol consumed is illicit. Nostalgic, CPCR Director Professor Fastone Matthew Goma recollected that a nagging alcoholism had in the past compelled former First Republican President, the late Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda to contemplate resigning as Head of State....

Zambia Chamber of Mines media statement on SADC drivers transporting minerals

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              Issued by Zambia Chamber of Mines Thursday 9th November, 2023 Media Statement Zambia Chamber of Mines responds to protest by truck drivers in the Democratic Republic of Congo over risk allowance for movement of mineral loads Viral social media misinformation of SADC country drivers fuelling industrial unrest in transportation of goods for the mining sector. It has been brought to the attention of the Chamber of Mines membership by the Truckers Association of Zambia (TAZ) that there have been misinformed claims on regional social media wrongly alleging that mining companies in the Democratic...

FNB Zambia launches FNB Foundation and donates K1 million to upgrade Kalikiliki Health Post

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Lusaka, Zambia – Wednesday November 2023 – First National Bank (FNB) Zambia has announced the launch of the FNB foundation, an independently run entity which will be a special purpose vehicle to manage and accelerate the Bank’s corporate social impact. The FNB Foundation activities will be premised on the deliberate focus on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Societal priorities outside FNB’s core business activities to allow the Bank to truly help to create a better world. Speaking at the launch, FNB Zambia Board Chairman, Mr. Richard Mazombwe said that the Bank sees itself as part of the...

Chipoka Mulenga at 20th AGOA Johannesburg Indaba

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By Simon Banda and Derrick Sinjela Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) Chipoka Mulenga has arrived in South Africa ahead of the 20th African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Forum which is taking place in Johannesburg. Mr. Mulenga is expected to attend various meetings such as the AGOA Ministerial meeting which will be preceded by the African Trade Ministers, and senior officials meetings. Other engagements include the Meeting of African Ministers of Trade and Industry, and the Commercial MoU Dinner by Consul General of the U.S. Consulate, among others. Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Ms. Mazuba Monze says...

“Protect inmates and adhere to human rights,” protests ActionAid Zambia’s Jovina Nawenzake

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By Derrick Sinjela and Simon Banda Dehumanising 2023 Prisons Audit Report revelations deemed alarming and a clear case of human rights violations by Zambian authorities have compelled ActionAid Zambia Interim Country Director Ms. Jovina Nawenzake to issue an alert. Noted violation of human rights happening in Zambia Correctional Service (ZCS) facilities supervised by Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security (MHAIS) Jack Mwiimbu have been classified as shocking compelling Ms. Nawenzake into challenging the United Party for National Development (UPND) Administration to swiftly intervene so as to nip traumatising inmate treatment in the bud. “According to Article 4 of the United...


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PRESS STATEMENT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FRA COMMENCES TRADING OF SOYA BEANS ON THE ZAMACE PLATFORM DATE: Wednesday 25TH OCTOBER 2023 The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) has commenced the selling of one hundred thousand metric tonnes (100,000 MTs) of soya beans on the Zambian Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE) platform. ZAMACE is a transparent market place for the trading of commodities, certification of storage sites, grading and valuation of stored commodities under warehouse receipts, as well as an enabler for the financial sector to finance warehouse receipts. It is an exclusively mandated entity prescribed to carry out this mandate under the Agricultural Credits...

United States Strengthens Investment in Lobito Corridor

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By Derrick Sinjela United States (U.S.) Acting Special Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, Helaina Matza, traveled to Zambia October 19 and 20 to advance U.S., Zambian, and EU efforts to develop the Lobito Economic Corridor and the Zambia-Lobito greenfield railway, which connects the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia with global markets through Angola. The Lobito Corridor has the potential to generate significant economic benefits for Zambians by upgrading critical infrastructure, expanding export possibilities, boosting the regional circulation of goods, and promoting job creation and regional travel. The primary objective of Special Coordinator Matza’s visit...

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