Category: Featured

Bernadette Mulenga’s APVAZ and Zambian Youths preach peaceful Thursday 12th August 2021 polls

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By Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda GLOBALLY, it is agreed that once a society is confronted with a violent environment, it is women and children, both boys and girls that suffer the negative consequence of this burden. Fearing perpetuation of females and young people differing or enduring the brunt of poverty has prompted the United Nations (UN) to seek peace. This global response was recently led by Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, who participated in the 2021 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development at a panel for building partnerships between civil society and regional organizations to accelerate the Women, Peace and...

Mining Sector to solve Zambian’s poverty problems,” prods Ng’andu Peter Magande

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  Personal Viewpoint by Ngándu Peter Magande ZAMBIA`S economy is going through a very difficulty period due to a huge national foreign debt burden of US $ 12.74 Billion and a domestic debt of K143.8 Billion (US $6.45 billion). Domestic loans are made of unpaid money for goods and services acquired by the government from local suppliers. If you supplied excise books, medicines or fuel to a government department and you have not been paid, your money is in this billion debt. This is reminiscent of the situation of 2000, when the country had an external debt of US$6.3 billion,...

K1,250, 000 Chamulimba Health Centre project cheers Lion Hastings Eli Chiti

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By Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda LIONS Aid Zambia (LIAZ) Board Chairperson Dr. Hastings Eli Chiti has described construction project of health centre at Chamulimba in Rufunsa district as a milestone towards improving the health and productivity of the rural community. On her part, Rufunsa District Commissioner (DC) Mrs. Judith Chama praised Lions Aid Zambia for supplementing government efforts in responding to one of the needs of the people – access to health services. Lions Clubs International District 413 – District Governor Dr Peter Mangani, noted that LIAZ, as a development agency, continues enhancing a cause to serve humanity,...

ZAM FEMEF’s Chilufya Chanda – Sinjela preaches school – community hygiene and sanitation

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ZAM FEMEF’s Chilufya Chanda – Sinjela preaches school – community hygiene and sanitation By Derrick Sinjela in Mansa, Luapula Province, Zambia, Central Africa THE Zambian Menstrual Hygiene for Female and Male Education Foundation (ZAM FEMEF) is prodding the next government to prioritise access to affordable and quality hygiene and sanitation in rural and peri-urban households. As Zambia awaits, new office bearers at presidential, parliamentary and local government level, ZAM FEMEF Executive Director, Ms. Chilufya Chanda-Sinjela remains prayer of increased to vulnerable girls lack access to affordable sanitary pads, worsened with water blue’s at school, church and community level. “ZAM FEMEF...

Zambians must invest in emeralds, prods Charles Chanda

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Zambians must invest in emeralds, prods Charles Chanda By Derrick Sinjela in Mansa, Luapula Province, Zambia PREACHING a self-reliant message of reaping from natural resources, United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) President Charles Chanda is prodding citizens to invest in emerald mining, a mineral he tags as profitable. In encouraging citizens to invest in emerald exploration and mining. Mr. Chanda regrets that foreign investors continue to reap, while communities in which natural resources are dug, mined remain, poor, if not destitute. Aside from Luapula, rich in Manganese, through her ten (10) provinces; Central, Copperbelt, Eastern. Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern,...

General Ashton Chitoshi Bunda,a World War Profile Narrated

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General Ashton Chitoshi Bunda,a World War Profile Narrated Thursday 7th May 2020 By Ashton Kelly Bunda, Derrick Sinjela and Teddy Jilapi +260977508065 Former freedom fighter Dr.Ashton Mwansa Mulongoti Bunda has appealed to the authorities of Luapula province the current and future government leaders to remember his Grand father Ashton Mbita Chitoshi Bunda who fought in the world war 1 and 2 and attained the rank of Lieutenant General in his life ,and was killed in action during world war 2, he received a posthumous promotion to General from the 14th Australian prime minister John Curtin in 1945 after helping Britain...

CCZ’s Emmanuel Chikoya calls on Zambians to reflect on the ‘Cost of Freedom’

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#AfricaFreedomDay Tuesday 25th May 2021 CCZ CALLS ON ZAMBIANS TO REFLECT ON THE COST OF FREEDOM The Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) joins the rest of African in celebrating Africa Freedom Day which falls on the 25th of May annually. This year, the day is being commemorated under the theme, “Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want’’. For us, the theme is timely in consideration of the fact that if we are to build the Africa we want, then there is no way we can do that in the absence of our culture, arts and...

Rosatom announces winners of the “Atoms Empowering Africa” Online Video Competition

Rosatom announces winners of the “Atoms Empowering Africa” Online Video Competition

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Rosatom announces winners of the “Atoms Empowering Africa” Online Video Competition Rosatom announced the winners of the 6th Annual “Atoms Empowering Africa” Online Video Competition at the special online awards ceremony. During the competition the participants were encouraged to post their videos on Facebook to explore nuclear technologies and how these technologies could be utilized to benefit their region. It could be a video about how nuclear technologies can assist in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, how nuclear technologies can help developing countries industrialize, how non-power related nuclear science and technology can benefit the country or...

Pressure mounts on FCTC domestication of Tobacco and Nicotine Products Control Bill … as Zambia Youth Alliance petitions Health Minister Dr. Jonas Kamima Chanda

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By Derrick Sinjela and Ashton Kelly Bunda PRESSURE is mounting on the Zambian Government to domesticate the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) a global aspiration gathering dust at the Ministry of Health (MoH), 13 years after the country ratified the United Nations (UN) pledge. After realising a tortoise pace at which the FCTC is walking, a Monday 19th April, 2021 Petition by Zambia Youth Alliance (ZYA) Director Mr. Samson Mwale, as a Principal Petitioner) and five others Mwape Mwenya, Rabecca Nayame, Akakulubelwa Mwangana, Moses Silungwe and Shekinah Mwale sought audience with Dr. Chanda, but could only interact with Permanent...

Study in Russia Virtual Education Fair

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Rosatom and Russian Universities are pleased to launch Virtual Education Fair «Study in Russia». This free event will showcase Russian Universities Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees, especially programs related with Nuclear Engineering. Participants will be able to directly engage with Russian Universities representatives, as well as senior experts in the field and distinguished academic professors. Together, they will not only be able to address any queries related to university admission, but also to discover Russian Universities opportunities for international students. The Study in Russia Virtual Education Fair is presented in partnership with: • National Research Nuclear University (MEPHI) • National Research...

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