ZAM FEMEF’s Chilufya Chanda – Sinjela preaches school – community hygiene and sanitation
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Ms. Chilufya Chanda-Sinjela
ZAM FEMEF’s Chilufya Chanda – Sinjela preaches school – community hygiene and sanitation
By Derrick Sinjela in Mansa, Luapula Province, Zambia, Central Africa
THE Zambian Menstrual Hygiene for Female and Male Education Foundation (ZAM FEMEF) is prodding the next government to prioritise access to affordable and quality hygiene and sanitation in rural and peri-urban households.
As Zambia awaits, new office bearers at presidential, parliamentary and local government level, ZAM FEMEF Executive Director, Ms. Chilufya Chanda-Sinjela remains prayer of increased to vulnerable girls lack access to affordable sanitary pads, worsened with water blue’s at school, church and community level.
“ZAM FEMEF wants Zambia to initiate policy reforms compelling duty bearers at Local and Central Government to guarantee free sanitary pads at schools, church and grassroots community in rural and peri-urban households, who continue to grapple with high income unemployment, high poverty and heightening inequality,” prayed Ms. Chanda-Sinjela.

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To guarantee access to affordable and quality sanitary pads, ZAM FEMEF will intensify interaction between right-holders and duty bearers to collectively promulgate regulatory framework, designed to increase free sanitary pads, so as to increase female learners learning hours in community, primary and secondary schools.

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ZAM FEMEF is prodding communities in rustic Zambia to collaborate with the Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) and the National Assembly of Zambia (NAZ) in curbing cost-induced illiteracy among female learners, as a consequence of menstrual poverty.
ZAM FEMEF goal is set to considerably reduced menstrual hygiene destitution, which annually keeps 35 percent female school learners out of class.

Mrs Cecilia Mbewe was sworn in as Clerk of the National Assembly of Zambia by His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at State House on Wednesday 25th October, 2017. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3 of the National Assembly Staff Act, CAP 257 of the Laws of Zambia, the Members of Parliament at their Sitting of 5th October, 2017, ratified the Presidential appointment of Mrs Cecilia Nsenduluka Mbewe as Clerk of the National Assembly

Increased adherence to five golden roles of social distancing, washing hands, sanitizing, wearing masks and staying home, to curb Coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic has increased vulnerability as poor households earn income to though social interaction. Contact: Zambian Menstrual Hygiene for Female and Male Education Foundation (ZAM FEMEF) on – +260953488465

Zambian Menstrual Hygiene for Female and Male Education Foundation (ZAM FEMEF) Executive Director Chilufya Chanda- Sinjela +260973786969 on – +260953488465