“I want to teach Hon. Mr. Justice Evans Mweembani Hamaundu, his friends a lesson,” warns Lusaka Businessman Misheck Chatora
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I WANT TO TEACH JUDGE EVANS HAMAUNDU, HIS FRIENDS A LESSON, WARNS LUSAKA BUSINESSMAN MISHECK CHATORA A Lusaka businessman Misheck Chatora says he wants to teach Supreme Court Judge Evans Hamaundu a lesson, saying he is puzzled that despite accusing the judges of corruption they have failed to cite him for contempt. And Chatora’s Company, Maritime Freight and Forwarding Limited has filed an affidavit in support of motion against Zambian Breweries in the Supreme Court fallowing his dissatisfaction with how the previous matter was handled by justices Michael Musonda, Hamaundu, Roydah Kaomaand Nigel Mutuna. Chatora has reported the four justices...