Category: Education

U.S. PEPFAR Awards Small Grants to 25 Community Based Organizations

U.S. PEPFAR Awards Small Grants to 25 Community Based Organizations

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  NR/1164/09/28/2017 CONTACT:  Janet Deutsch FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                    Public Affairs Officer September 28, 2017                                        Phone: 357000  On September 19, 2017, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) awarded grants to 25 community-based organizations totaling more than $260,000 and covering nine Zambian provinces through its U.S. PEPFAR small grants program.  The projects work in the areas of HIV and AIDS prevention, care and support of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and democracy and governance related to the national HIV response. Speaking at the award ceremony, PEPFAR Coordinator Bethany Baxter highlighted that community-based work is essential for a sustainable HIV...

Malala Yousafzai (UN Messenger of Peace) on “Financing the Future: Education 2030″

Malala Yousafzai (UN Messenger of Peace) on “Financing the Future: Education 2030″

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Remarks by Ms. Malala Yousafzai (United Nations Messenger of Peace) at the event entitled “Financing the Future: Education 2030″. September 25th, 2017|VIDEO: Education Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! Be the first to like. Like Unlike

OYDC PRESS DIARY 7th October, 2017

OYDC PRESS DIARY 7th October, 2017

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Home “Inclusive Sport”, Football, Athletics, Handball, Judo Youth, Sport and Child Development Minister expected to officiate   National Olympic Committee of Zambia (NOCZ) 09;00 to 16;00 7th  October, 2017 Taekwondo Tourney Taekwondo Association of Zambia (TAZ) 08;00 to 14;00 7th  October, 2017 Swimming Gala Zambia Amateur Swimming Union (ZASU) 08;00 TO 18;00   8th October, 2017 Swimming Gala Zambia Amateur Swimming Union (ZASU) 08;00 TO 18;00   Noah Silomba Communications Officer Olympic Youth Development Centre Plot No. 33847, Great North Road Lusaka-Zambia Twitter: NsiL7 Mobile: +260-977-130-399 Email: Website: Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Africa: Made in Central Africa: From a Vicious to a Virtuous Circle (Video)

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Made in Central Africa : Du Cercle Vicieux au Cercle Virtueux (Vidéo) ADDIS ABEBA, Éthiopie, 5 octobre 2017/APO/ — “Made in Central Africa : Du Cercle Vicieux au Cercle Virtueux” est une vidéo commanditée par la Commission économique pour l’Afrique des Nations Unies (ECA) et produite par APO Group ( VIDEO  Partager  Copier code (embed) Visionner la vidéo : Distribué par APO pour United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). Be the first to like. Like Unlike

Zambia: Merck Foundation supports the training of Twenty Future Oncologists in Africa through one and two year Oncology Fellowship Program in 2016 & 2017

Zambia: Merck Foundation supports the training of Twenty Future Oncologists in Africa through one and two year Oncology Fellowship Program in 2016 & 2017

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By Sandrah Mulluka In partnership with Ministries of Health across Africa, the Merck Africa Oncology Fellowship Program provides one-year and two-year oncology fellowship programs and a three year master degree in medical oncology at Tata Memorial Centre, India, University of Nairobi, Kenya and Alexandria University, Egypt, respectively DARMSTADT, Germany, October 2, 2017/ — Merck gives back to society through Merck Foundation’s programs to build cancer care capacity in Africa. Merck Foundation provides Africa with Twenty New Oncologists through Merck Africa Oncology Fellowship Program established in India, Kenya and Egypt. SDG 3 calls us to sustainably invest on building healthcare capacity to...

Community members call for increased government support to access tree seedlings

Community members call for increased government support to access tree seedlings

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  By Lilian Saka Kiefer  Executive Director, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) Email:, Tel: +260978778148/9 Katete, Friday, 8th  September 2017 COMMUNITY members in Kagoro, Keni and Yambani areas of Katete District in the Eastern Province are calling for increased government support for them to access seedlings of indigenous and exotic tree species that will enable them to arrest rampant deforestation in the areas. In response to the massive deforestation and land degradation that has left most of the area bare and caused soil infertility, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) mobilised community members in the three areas and other parts of...

Nissan distributor continues its winning streak in Ghana

Nissan distributor continues its winning streak in Ghana

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By Nthabiseng Motsepe General Manager, Corporate Communications Nissan South Africa Japan Motors wins Motor Firm of the Year Award for third year in a row  Nissan retains prestigious marketing award Achieves largest market share in Ghana Is voted most worthy and respected auto brand  ACCRA, Ghana (October 2, 2017) – Japan Motors Trading Company (Japan Motors), Nissan’s sole distributor in Ghana,  continued its award-winning run when it was crowned 2016’s Motor Firm of the Year Award for a third consecutive time. The Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG) conferred the award at the Institute’s Marketing Awards ceremony in Accra on September...

2018 Budget measures unlikely to reduce high poverty levels-JCTR

2018 Budget measures unlikely to reduce high poverty levels-JCTR

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Press statement Wednesday 4th October, 2017. On Friday, 29th September, 2017, the Minister of Finance presented the 2018 fiscal year budget under the theme: “Accelerating fiscal fitness for sustained inclusive growth without leaving anyone behind”. The budget was presented at the time when according to the 2015 Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS), Zambia’s national poverty levels is at 54.4% and rural poverty at 76.6%. The poverty connotation is associated with citizens lacking access to essentials required for a dignified standard of living such as health, education and a decent standard of living. The cost of living has consistently been increasing in the...

Yotam Siachobe Muleya 1940 – 23 November 1959

Yotam Siachobe Muleya 1940 – 23 November 1959

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Yotam Siachobe Muleya (1940 – 23 November 1959) was a long-distance runner who represented Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) and the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Muleya broke racial barriers and opened a new era in Rhodesian sport when he beat the famous British four minute miler, Gordon Pirie, by 100 yards in a three-mile race at Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia in December 1958. Early life Muleya was born in Mudukula Village, in Choma District in the then Northern Rhodesia, the fourth surviving son of Jamu and Munsanda Siakwambwa.[1] As his immediate elder brother had died in infancy, Tonga custom called for...

National Assembly of Zambia 2016-2021 Members List

National Assembly of Zambia 2016-2021 Members List

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About the Zambian Parliament The first meeting of the Northern Rhodesia Parliament took place on 23rd May 1924 in Livingstone, the first capital of Northern Rhodesia. The Parliament elected in December 2001 was the twentieth Parliament to have been elected since parliamentary government began in Zambia. This makes the Zambian Parliament one of the oldest continuously functioning legislatures in the Southern African Sub-region. Since independence on the 24th October, 1964, Zambia has evolved through eleven (11) Parliaments. In this regard, by 24th October, 2014, the Zambian Parliament will have continuously have enjoyed Parliamentary democracy for fifty (50) years. According to...

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