Category: Business


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  By DERRICK SINJELA Commissioner General of Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS), Ms. Jeanette Makgolo led her team in a virtual meeting which shared with ZRA, the BURS experience on the Coordinated Border Management (CBM) and other trade facilitation reforms which have been implemented in Botswana, particularly, on their side of the Kazungula One-Stop-Border Post (OSBP). The ZRA team was led by Commissioner General, Dingani Banda during the Monday, 17th October, 2022. The two administrations have agreed to collaborate and harmonise process and procedures at Kazungula OSBP in order to improve processing efficiency; reduce the cost of doing business; maximise...


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Tuesday, 18th October, 2022 – Republic of Zambia Ministry of Finance and National Planning FINANCE and National Planning Minister Dr. SITUMBEKO MUSOKOTWANE says the release of K442.2 million to all schools, marks the final grant allocation under the free education programme is a promise kept. Following the Government’s decision, in October 2021, to provide free education from early childhood to secondary school level, all public schools have been receiving quarterly grants from the Treasury. These grants are remitted within the first two (2) weeks of the beginning of each quarter to ensure the smooth operation of schools, country-wide. The Minister...

Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022 – John T Njovu

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Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022 – John T Njovu Monday 17th October,  2022 Dear all, I wish to let you know that we shall have a talk on Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022. We are linking it to the struggle by indigenous communities across the world to find a place on the table of global social and economic developments. I wish to invite you to register for this important webinar and let your colleagues and friends that may be interested in the topic to know about it 😊...

Big boosters to stimulate Zambia’s growth!

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By Kelvin Chisanga, Zambian Social Economist (*+260 97 9305194*) Monday, 17th October, 2022 AS ZAMBIA tries to pull out of the current economic quagmire, we need to strongly put some deep innovative thoughts around economic growth with redistribution, foster broad based diversity in export values and work to trigger growth of skills in the labour force. Zambia requires strong and demanding needs to steer sectorial focus by making sure that both primary and secondary sectors of the economy are pushed up rather than the current happenings where we have always seen tertiary industry to be the one firing up our economic...

Southern Province Minister opens the ZICA Annual Business Conference 12th October 2022

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BY ZICA Annual Business Conference Publicity Team SOUTHERN Province Minister Cornelius Mweetwa has officially opened the Annual Business Conference (ABC) being held at Avani Victoria Falls Resort in Livingstone from Wednesday, 12th to Friday, 14th October, 2022. The Annual Business Conference brings together over 500 delegates and is jointly organised by the Zambia Institute of Chartered Accountants (ZICA), the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). Mr. Mweetwa, a United Party for National Development (UPND) Choma Central Member of Parliament (MP) highlighted that since the last Annual Business Conference convened in 2019, no one...

BA HH, UPND MULETUTWALA KWISA? …why destroy the credibility of ECZ just to fix Lusambo and Malanji?

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By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has announced that the Kabushi and Kwacha parliamentary by-elections will be held on Friday, 21 October, 2022. The Commission has further stated that the campaign period in both constituencies will run from 11 to October. We find this move by the ECZ problematic for a number of reasons. And we ask the Commission to reconsider their decision. First, following the earlier resignations of the two candidates in both Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies, which decisions were formally communicated to and acknowledged by the ECZ, it would be...

FNB takes its promise of real help to a new

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DERRICK SINJELA and Saeed Simon Banda FIRST Rand Group (F4G), the parent company for First National Bank (FNB) Zambia is reimagining help as it strives to make every day easier and tomorrow better for all its customers, taking a bold step forward on its journey into the future. Speaking during the announcement of the brand refresh, FNB Group CEO, Jacques Celliers, said, “For 184 years, our sense of care has been vital to our efforts to help millions of individuals, families, and businesses realize their dreams and aspirations. Our efforts to transition beyond banking are still deeply rooted in our...

PARATUS ZAMBIA WINS TOP SERVICE AWARD ….Paratus Zambia sees off its competitors to clinch Service Excellence Award 2022

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PARATUS ZAMBIA WINS TOP SERVICE AWARD   ….Paratus Zambia sees off its competitors to clinch Service Excellence Award 2022   By Lana Martens +27(0)82 458 9916   Meagan Karsten +27(0)73 234 4842 …and Meagan Karsten   PARATUS Zambia has won the Service Excellence Award for the ISP and IAP sector in Zambia. The service excellence awards are organised and managed by the Chartered Institute of Customer Management (CICM) to recognise, promote, and reward excellence, professionalism, and outstanding achievement in all business sectors of the country. With customer expectations continually rising, the business community is becoming increasingly aware of...

Alexander Bwalya `Chikwanda walks tightrope … ….revokes Statutory Instrument 35 and 55

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Bank of Zambia Governor, Dr. Denny Kalyalya and BoZ Deputy Governoer Operations, Bwalya Ng’andu with Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda and Amos Chanda`Chikwanda walks tightrope … ….revokes Statutory Instrument 35 and 55 By Derrick Sinjela and Favourite Kalando report for Rainbow Newspaper Limited New Chilenje, Lusaka DARING critics, Zambia’s Finance Minister Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda maintains that the Patriotic Front government will not idealise development but will stride toward creating practical interventions that empower citizens. Meanwhile, Chikwanda took a bold step as he announced the immediate revocation of Statutory Instrument No 35 of 2012 barring quoting of products and services in foreign currencies...


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Saturday, 08.10.2022 MPOSHA FLAGS OFF MULTI MILLION EURO ZAMBIA WATER AND SANITATION PROJECT IN CHILILABOMBWE GOVERNMENT has flagged off works on the 156 million euro Zambia Water and Sanitation project on the copperbelt with the aim of benefiting about 503,000 people . Water and Sanitation minister Mike Mposha says the project which targets Chingola, Chililabombwe and Mufulira will be done in a phased approach and is one of the many interventions that will address the water challenges. Mr. Mposha said this when he handed over the 9.9 million euro Zambia water and sanitation project in Chililabombwe district which is expected...

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