Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022 – John T Njovu
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Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022 – John T Njovu
Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022 – John T Njovu
Monday 17th October, 2022
Dear all,
I wish to let you know that we shall have a talk on Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022. We are linking it to the struggle by indigenous communities across the world to find a place on the table of global social and economic developments.
I wish to invite you to register for this important webinar and let your colleagues and friends that may be interested in the topic to know about it 😊
Please find attached the two cards on the webinar that you could share.
The link for the registration is: More information can be found on the EvalForward website including the registration tab:
There are rising voices around the world calling for changes to human governance, social and economic development and humans’ relationship to land and wild life. The supremacist’s pyramid model of development and failed UN decades’ of development are increasingly being questioned. The new wind of change calls for the recognition that we live in a global village and God’s resources are not for the benefit of just a few while poverty is increasing even in the developed north. The Global North does not have a monopoly on wisdom as can be seen to where it has led the world to. This webinar is a chance for sharing ideas and for the Global North to learn from the Global South.
John T. Njovu
Zambian Indigenous Elder

Cultural Appropriate Evaluation during Zambia’s Independence Day; Monday 24th October, 2022 – John T Njovu