Category: Business

I got the signal, Mama, I a going for Mayorship brags Chilufya Tayali

I got the signal, Mama, I a going for Mayorship brags Chilufya Tayali

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By Economic and Equity Party (EEP) President Chilufya Tayali   I WILL NOT WASTE TOR TIME, like a woman from the East, who keeps on skirting around, when a marriage proposal is made, pretending as if she doesn’t want yet she dying for it. I asked a question and you answered me positively, now, go tell the next person, that, Tayali is going for the position of mayor vote for him. The immediate question comes on my Presidential ambitions, I want to inform you that, this position will just be an opportunity for me to learn something more on leadership,...


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By Derrick Sinjela and Titani Zulu The National Pension Scheme Authority has unveiled new kit for the NAPSA Netball Club. The kit, which consists three sets of jerseys, tracksuits and other items, is worth K30, 000. Speaking when he unveiled the kit in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Yollard Kachinda, Director General, NAPSA, commended the club for its successes and contribution to the development of netball in Zambia. ‘NAPSA Netball Club has been a renowned club that won a number of titles and recorded huge successes insofar as netball in Zambia was concerned. Zambian netball history cannot be written without the mention...

Live   Royal wedding live: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marry and delight huge Windsor crowds – latest news

Live   Royal wedding live: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marry and delight huge Windsor crowds – latest news

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Telegraph  News Live  Royal wedding live: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle marry and delight huge Windsor crowds – latest news 337 g b 01:2103:09 o m i  Danny Boyle  19 MAY 2018 • 5:46PM Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Couple declared man and wife in glorious ceremony Newlyweds greeted by 100,000 on tour of Windsor Reception: Details on food, dance and bridal speech Dress: British Givenchy designer behind gown Royal cuties: Princess Charlotte sticks tongue out Bishop: US wedding preacher who stole show Guests:  Worlds collide as LA glitterati meet Windsors View from sofa: Gleeful gossip and Partridge moments Prince Harry and Meghan...

NBA approves HIV prevention Vaccine Trial

NBA approves HIV prevention Vaccine Trial

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By Derrick Sinjela THE National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved a second HIV vaccine clinical trial in Lusaka and Ndola at phase two for the prevention of HIV-1 infection in women involving 500 participants to be conducted by the Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) and the Zambia Emory HIV Research Project (ZEHRP). Last year,  NBA  approved one research trial involving HIV vaccine presented by CIDRZ on the safety and immunogenicity of HVTN 120/ALVAC which is being conducted in Lusaka) and a Malaria research involving use of modified bacteria to control malaria (by Macha Research Trust, which is...



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    By UNIP Spokesperson Reverend Alfred Banda It is obvious that the USA government under President Donald Trump has no respect for international law and institutions and has acted and continues to act at variance with accepted norms. The loss of life and injuries visited the Palestinian people is a sad development and must be condemned in the strongest terms possible. The Israel government has no licence to murder Palestinians at will, without restraint and in violation of human rights. The United National Independence Party (UNIP) questions the Zambian Ambassador’s endorsement of the illegal act of opening of an...

ZESCO 3.2 million energy saving bulbs, brags Henry Kapata

ZESCO 3.2 million energy saving bulbs, brags Henry Kapata

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….saves 145 megawatts of power By Derrick Sinjela and Richard Nyirenda ZESCO Limited Public Relations Manager Henry Kapata says the electric power utility firm has distributed over 3.2 million energy saving bulbs across Zambia’s 10 provinces-Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Southern and Western. Mr. Kapata said the power utility company has managed to save 145 Megawatts of power due to the distribution of the Energy Saving Bulbs. Mr. Kapata told ZANS News on February 2018 that ZESCO, started distributing energy saving bulbs to Kabwe District last week and will soon move to Kapiri Mposhi District, Central Province....

Chairman Mao Zedong hosts President Kenneth D. Kaunda

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Chairman Mao Zedong meeting with the visiting President Kenneth D. Kaunda of the Republic of Zambia in February 1974, advancing the strategic “Three Worlds” theory. Photo: China Xinhua Sports  Be the first to like. Like Unlike

TopStar Hands Over House & Car Grand Prize

TopStar Hands Over House & Car Grand Prize

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By Derrick Sinjela A TopStar female subscriber Precious Lubinda Wamundila from Lusaka’s Makeni is now an instant ‘Land-Lady’ winning a two-bed roomed grand prized house in the K750,000 worth TopStar House Money Car 2017 Christmas promotion, with Emmanuel Muzeya Dilema from Solwezi, North—Western Province who walked away with the Nissan NP300 van. TopStar has given out a two-bed roomed house and a brand-new Nissan NP300 Hardbody in the final presentation of prizes in the just-ended TopStar House Money Car promotion to two lucky subscribers at a colourful ceremony in Lusaka. Information and Broadcasting Services Minister Mulenga Kampamba, who officiated at...

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