I got the signal, Mama, I a going for Mayorship brags Chilufya Tayali
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By Economic and Equity Party (EEP) President Chilufya Tayali

Economic and Equity Party leader Chilufya Tayali with Peoples Party Leader Mike Mulongoti at Chelstone Police April 2018 picture by Kasebamashila Kaseba

Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba with Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe and President Edgar Chagwa Lungu
I WILL NOT WASTE TOR TIME, like a woman from the East, who keeps on skirting around, when a marriage proposal is made, pretending as if she doesn’t want yet she dying for it. I asked a question and you answered me positively, now, go tell the next person, that, Tayali is going for the position of mayor vote for him.
The immediate question comes on my Presidential ambitions, I want to inform you that, this position will just be an opportunity for me to learn something more on leadership, while I showcase my zeal to serve. It is always good to learn something, test power in a lower position so that you are not confused when you are in the big seat.
Out of this position, Zambians will tell, if I can be a man to be entrusted with a bigger responsibility of President in 2021. In other words, I will stand as President in 2021. But we will all have something to refer to for the decision in 2021.

Ambassador Emmanuel with Executive Mayors Mwamba Wilson Kalumba and Christopher Kangombe grace Water Climate Conference at Silverbirch Hotel
I am aware that, Mayorship, is a lower position comparing to Presidency, however, it is not about the position but service. We should not be egocentric and proud to look at positions as if they are the end in themselves. As far as I am concerned, I am ready to assume any position as long as I have an opportunity to serve even one person.
Wondering if I will still offer checks and balances? Trust me, I will even be more venomous because I will be speaking from a seat of power mandated by the people through the votes.

Cornelius Mweetwa with Justice Ireene Chirwa Mmambilima, President Edgar Chagwa Lunguu and First Lady Esther Nyawa-Lungu
Mayorship is not a Presidential appointment for me to be a bootlicker to President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, neither will I need to appease the Patriotic Front (PF), because I would have been voted for by the people (PF, UPND, NDC, ZPPA, DF, EEP, etc).
I will also continue being a President of an opposition political so MUST continue offering checks and balances for the good of the Country. To be this is the best scenario that Zambia will ever have. I will be answerable to the people and the constitution, so things will move.
I will hold a press conference very soon to outline my manifesto (you see, this is the best time to talk about manifesto, not at the formation of a political party. Manifestos are dynamic here we are talking about Lusaka manifesto).

President Lungu with Hakainde Hichilema
Basically, I will follow “ADEDE” formula (Accountability, Discipline, Efficiency, Development and Equity) so put Lusaka in order and make it shine as a capital city.
Of course the campaign period is not yet open, but in the meantime, I would like to have people to be part of the campaign committee (call me to be part of it). I want people to open pages, groups on facebook and whatsapp. This has to be a people’s affair, not just me buying votes to get a position.
I am not a rich man like those building mansions all over, yet the people they are supposed to serve are having their homes demolished, calling them illegal squatters, when it is their cadres who sold land. Therefore, I need everyone’s support, including those of you in diaspora.
I have designed some T-shirts, Chitenges and posters, I would like to get some people offering to have them printed. Give a little contribution for us to do this campaign and succeed, because, this is not mine, alone, we have to do it together.
I will still be on this page, giving you even better updates while you give me feedback, advice, reports and intelligence information to make sure that we expose those who are corrupt or with fake PHDs like this fake Bishop Warrta Chomba masquerading as a PS.
Trust me I will be your friend, brother, father, and servant available to you any time and my number (0966888936) will still be answered to listen to you when you call.