Category: Business

U.S. Support Set to Boost Zambia Cross-Border Trade

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NR/1229/02/19/2020 CONTACT: Julien Kreuze FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Deputy Public Affairs Officer February 19, 2020 Phone: 357000 U.S. Support Set to Boost Zambia Cross-Border Trade Lusaka, Zambia – The Ministry of Commerce, Trade, and Industry (MCTI) today launched the Zambia Trade Information Portal (ZTIP), which was developed with support from the USAID Southern Africa Trade and Investment Hub. A key condition of Zambia’s World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO-TFA), the portal fulfills the government’s requirement to host up-to-date trade-related information—such as permits, forms, border procedures, current fees and charges, and exchange rates—for traders seeking to import to, or export from,...

Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) President Edith Zewelani Nawakwi eyes 2021 State House bid

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Nawakwi takes a shot at 2021 elections   By Edith Zewelani Nawakwi –President Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) …personalized profile, Good day friends,   MY name is Edith Zewelani Nawakwi born in Mwenzo, in Nakonde, Northern Province of Zambia and I’m an economist by profession.   I have a degree in Agriculture Economics and Business Management from the University of Zambia and a post-graduate diploma in Economics of Energy and Development from Imperial College London, London.   I was Energy Economist at the Ministry of Transport and communication in the year 1983 to 1985 and later became Executive Secretary...

Apply UNICAF Online/Masters/Zambia

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Friday 14 February 2020 08:31-“Freedom on paper, not in reality!”, Zambian journalist and an IPI member, founder of the Free Press Initiative Zambia, Joan Chirwa

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Friday 14 February 2020 08:31 Freedom on paper, not in reality! Zambian journalist and an IPI member, founder of the Free Press Initiative Zambia, Joan Chirwa wrote as part of the Article Collaboration between IPI and Evrensel Daily Joan Chirwa (Photograph: IPI)  DAILY NEWS Joan Chirwa* Police callouts, closures of media institutions, threats, heavy political control of the news media and all other ills that make journalists resign themselves to unprofessional practices have become a common feature in the media industry in many African countries. When and how did we get here? This is the question that many of us have...

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