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Men key in a healthy society prods Fransis Njang’iru

Men key in a healthy society prods Fransis Njang’iru

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By Derrick Sinjela published on Monday 11th July 2011 MANAGER Membership Advisory Services (MMAS) Fransis Njang’iru holds a view that men’s unhealthy choices families and the entire community. In an interview with the author in Lusaka, Zambia,  NJang’iru said health educators needed specific knowledge and skills for addressing men’s cultural beliefs. Njang’ru said gender specific skills and knowledge must be made integral to development of communication skills at national, regional, continental and global levels. “In Africa, there are many cultural barriers that prevent men from taking some key positive health decisions. Men are the key drivers of Sexually Transmitted Diseases...

ZACD protecting children with disabilities

ZACD protecting children with disabilities

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By Derrick Sinjela published Monday 11th July 2011 THE Zambia Association of Children with Disabilities (ZACD) has noted that parents blessed with children born with disability face challenges of stigmatization and discrimination. According to ZACD Committee Member Astridah Kaunda said 50 percent of parents and guardians of children born with disabilities faced the challenging prospect of divorce as men blamed their wives for the disability of their child. “Parents and guardians of children born with disabilities face a lot of challenges like stigmatization and discrimination in society. In a home, a man blames a wife for having a child with...

ZESCO to light up Livingstone with the 19th Congress of the Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA)

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Imagine Jane, a thirty-something, year-old, mother of three, in a remote part of Zambia, flipping the light switch on, in her hut made of poles, mud and grass thatch, and voila! The tiny, rondavelle, instantly lights up inside, as if it is daylight. Thanks to electricity, she and her family can enjoy modern comforts, like having an electric stove, a television set, a radio, and other appliances that require power. Picture a similar scenario, in every part of Africa, both rural and urban. “It sounds impossible”, you might say. Well, if the people at the Association of Power Utilities of...



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By Derrick Sinjela ZINDABAH MWANZAH GRADUATES IN EUROPE. Zambian Inspirational and Youth of Influence Zindabah Mwanzah,  known as Zindaba Zizee among print and electronic media peers, graduated as First Class honor Student at the University of Cyprus in Europe. Zindabah, a Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA, Zambian Children, Young People and Women in Development (ZCYPWD) was among the best Accounting and Finance Bachelor’s degree Students. A Colleague Joel Mwanza says Zizi is a role model to many Zambian youths back in his Country and a well known TV Personality at Muvi Television with more than 8 (eight) years experience in...

AFRICOM and the Recolonization of Africa

AFRICOM and the Recolonization of Africa

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By Itai Muchena, Reading Politics, Ohio State University, US AFRICOM and the Recolonization of Africa The Legacy of the Berlin Conference of 1884 by Itai Muchena The hodgepodge of geometric boundaries that today divide Africa into 50 plus irregular nations under Eurocentric subjugation all started in Berlin, Germany on November 15, 1884. The infamous Berlin Conference still remains Africa’s greatest undoing in more ways than one, where colonial powers superimposed their domains on the African continent and tore apart the social, political and economic fabric that held the continent together. By the time independence returned to Africa between 1956 and 1994,...

ROCS Marlon Lester Phiri seeks Menstrual Hygiene Management  in Zambia

ROCS Marlon Lester Phiri seeks Menstrual Hygiene Management in Zambia

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By Reformed Open Community Schools (ROCS) Executive Director, Marlon Lester Phiri ROCS CALLS FOR FIRM COMMITMENT TO ADDRESS   For immediate release               1st June,2017  The Reformed Open Community Schools (ROCS) would like to call on the various stakeholders in the country to fully commit themselves towards addressing matters related to menstrual hygiene at all levels of the community in order to break the silence about taboos and raise awareness on the importance of good Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) for women and adolescent girls in the country. As an organisation that works for the promotion of education in community schools targeting vulnerable adolescent children, ROCS feels...

Mines not exporting copper concentrate, says Nathan Chishimba

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MEDIA STATEMENT 28th June 2017 Issued by Zambia Chamber of Mines For immediate release By Talent Ng’andwe, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Zambia Chamber of Mines Zambia’s major mines are not exporting copper concentrate, Chamber of Mines Chief Nathan Chishimba said today, reacting to a call by the Mineworkers Union of Zambia that such exports should be banned. MUZ General Secretary Joseph Chewe was quoted in a news report last week saying that government should ban the export of copper concentrate by mining companies, because refining it into finished cathode copper is “giving jobs to other countries”. Chishimba said: “This call...

World Bank Approves US$26.5 Million to Electrify Rural Areas of Zambia

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LUSAKA, June 30, 2017 – The World Bank has approved $26.5 million International Development Association (IDA)* credit to increase electricity access in 36 rural areas in nine provinces of Zambia; (Northern, North Western, Luapula, Muchinga, Copperbelt, Eastern, Western, Southern, and Central). The Electricity Service Access Project will provide connections to the national grid for about 22,000 low-income households and about 1,000 MSEs in the selected rural areas. “The majority of the beneficiaries will receive electricity services for the first time. Access to electricity in rural areas is important because it helps replace consumption of kerosene, diesel, dry cell batteries, and...

Dr. Kenneth David Buchizya Kaunda hosts Barend La Grange

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By Barend La Grange In die jare 60/70 was daar die “détente” (Franse woord in politieke terme vir die verligting van gespanne verhoudings) samesprekings, onder andere die tussen mnr. John Vorster en dr. Kenneth Kaunda van Zambia. Die spanning tussen die destydse regering en die van Zambia en meeste ander Afrikalande was in daardie tydperk van ons geskiedenis baie hoog. Die politeke landskap is nie meer dieselfde nie en 10 gewone Afrikaners word vandag deur dieselfde man hartlik ontvang… In the years 60/70, there was the “Détente” (French word in political terms for the relief of. Relationships) consultations, among other...

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