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Speech to be delivered by His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of The Republic Of Zambia at The Ground Breaking Ceremony Of Jiangxi United Industrial In Chibombo District, Central Province on Wednesday, 21st November, 2018

Speech to be delivered by His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu President of The Republic Of Zambia at The Ground Breaking Ceremony Of Jiangxi United Industrial In Chibombo District, Central Province on Wednesday, 21st November, 2018

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  • Hon. Christopher Yaluma, MP, Minister of Commerce, Trade and Indus try; • Hon. Sydney Mushanga, MP, Provincial Minister, Central Province; • Cabinet Ministers Present; • Your Excellency, Li Jie, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia; • Mr Xu Guojian, Chairperson for China Jiangxi Corporation; • Chinese High Level Officials; • Business Delegation from The People’s Republic Of China; • Captains Of Industry; • Distinguished Guests • Members Of The Press; • Ladies And Gentlemen: I am delighted to be here in Chibombo District, Central Province for the Ground Breaking Ceremony of Jiangxi United Industrial Development Limited. This event is a...

Statement by OYV on ‘The Agreed Position’ by The Church and ZCID to have The Church lead ‘The National Dialogue’

Statement by OYV on ‘The Agreed Position’ by The Church and ZCID to have The Church lead ‘The National Dialogue’

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OPERATION YOUNG VOTE (OYV) Lotti House, 6th Floor, Suite 21, Cairo Road P.O. Box 30153 Email: Cell: 0955/77-769 688 LUSAKA Wednesday 21st NOVEMBER, 2018:  THE long awaited consensus between the Church and the Zambia Centre for Inter-party Dialogue (ZCID) to have the Church through its three (3) Church Mother Bodies lead and chair the National Dialogue is unprecedented and must be commended and welcomed by all stakeholders. Operation Young Vote is particularly delighted at the fact that there has been realization on the need to move forward regarding National Dialogues which has been procrastinated upon for a long times now due...

Press Statement – World Fisheries Day, Panos urges Governments to allocate more resources for fish farming

Press Statement – World Fisheries Day, Panos urges Governments to allocate more resources for fish farming

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By Lilian Saka Kiefer Executive Director, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) Email:, Tel: +260978778148/9 Lusaka, 21 November 2018: TO commemorate World Fisheries Day on 21 November 2018, Panos Institute Southern Africa is encouraging governments in Southern Africa to increase the allocation of resources for fish farming and other aquaculture activities, and strengthen systems for supporting community participation in fish farming. Fish is a key part of the diet for many Southern African communities. Although Southern Africa has a number of lakes, rivers and dams which used to supply large volumes of fish, the fish stocks have greatly diminished. High...

Speech by Muvi TV General Manager Seidlitz Nkonjera at the launch of the Muvi TV Channel on TopStar

Speech by Muvi TV General Manager Seidlitz Nkonjera at the launch of the Muvi TV Channel on TopStar

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Friday 16th November 2018 Ladies and Gentlemen, Muvi TV has been a pioneer in Zambian TV and continues to bring homegrown, innovative, human interest, educational and entertaining programmes into homes. From the time that Zambia begun the digital migration journey, Muvi TV has grown and adapted to fit the trends sweeping across Africa. Our flagship programmes such as Banja, Ready For Marriage, Beads & Lipsticks, and of course the Muvi TV news are forever remembered and talked about. We have set trends and enhanced Zambian TV and film industry through TV producers, presenters, journalists, musicians, actors and comedians. Muvi TV...

Illegal Transport Operators warned, RTSA to hold Public Sittings to Grant Operator’s Licence for 2019

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By FREDRICK MUBANGA HEAD – PUBLIC RELATIONS LUSAKA, Monday 19th November 2018 — THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) has embarked on an operation to compel individuals and companies to comply with the Road Traffic Act No 11 of 2002 as regards the Licensing of Public Service Vehicles (PSVs). The Agency has the obligation to intervene in issues that hamper the smooth operation of the Transport Sector in Zambia in a bid to maintain harmony in the industry and ensure that sanity prevails. The Agency is currently reviewing its PSV database and has noticed with dismay that some firms...

UNFPA and UNICEF pledge $600, 000 towards Zambia 2020 Census

UNFPA and UNICEF pledge $600, 000 towards Zambia 2020 Census

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 …as USAID, UNAIDS assure of support   LUSAKA, Sunday, 18 November 2018 –   UNITED Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has pledged to provide US$500,000 in terms of Technical Assistance, equipment and financial resources while UNICEF has pledged to provide US$100,000. The pledges were made when the Minister of National Development Planning Hon. Alexander Chiteme, on behalf of the Vice-President Her Honour Mrs Inonge Mutukwa Wina, and Permanent Secretary Chola Chabala, Central Statistical Office Acting Director Goodson Sinyenga and other officials met Cooperating Partners and the private sector to mobilise resources for the 2020 Census for Population and Housing. United Nations...

UNICEF Regional Director joins Zambia in celebrating World Children’s Day

UNICEF Regional Director joins Zambia in celebrating World Children’s Day

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LUSAKA, Monday 19 November 2018 –   UNICEF’s Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa, Ms. Leila Pakkala, arrives in Lusaka this morning (19 Nov) on a two-day trip to the Republic of Zambia to commemorate World Children’s Day (20 November) and the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. During her stay, Ms. Pakkala will give an address at the opening of Zambia’s first ever Sanitation Summit (19-21 November), meet with the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia Ms. Inonge Wina (to discuss nutrition and early childhood development), and take part in a high-level visit...

United Nations (U N I E S)  Secretary-General Message on Africa Industrialisation Day Monday 20 November 2018

United Nations (U N I E S) Secretary-General Message on Africa Industrialisation Day Monday 20 November 2018

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Inclusive and sustainable industrial development is critical for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Africa. It generates jobs, reduces poverty, hunger and inequality, empowers women, expands opportunities for young people, while also improving health, safeguarding the environment and tackling climate change.   This year’s Africa Industrialization Day focuses on promoting regional value chains and underscores how industrial development in local pharmaceutical production contributes to healthy lives and well-being.   The development of a competitive and sustainable pharmaceutical manufacturing sector in Africa can help promote better health and well-being and sustainable economic growth. The availability of high quality and...



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By FREDRICK MUBANGA HEAD-PUBLIC RELATIONS-RTSA   CHPATA, 17TH November, 2018- Corruption among traffic and road transport officials is posing a great risk to road safety.   Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Zindaba Soko, has charged that the effect of corruption is not only a loss of State revenue, but may contribute to road traffic accidents if not curbed.   “Corrupt officials who allow motorists who speed, or who are driving vehicles that are not roadworthy, to proceed on their journey are posing a threat to road safety and the consequences for other road...

The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia, by Simon Kalolo Kabanda, 28/10/2018 (1)

The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia, by Simon Kalolo Kabanda, 28/10/2018 (1)

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THE “HOW” OF A REFERENDUM IN ZAMBIA Simon Kalolo Kabanda 28 October 2018 1.0. Introduction 1.1. The “How” of a Referendum in Zambia looks at factors that may hinder the success of a Referendum to amend the Bill of Rights, and proposes strategies that should lead to having a successful National Referendum in Zambia. 1.2. One impediment to holding the National Referendum to amend the Bill of Rights is the cost. In order to address this impediment, and pave way for a successful Referendum, the following should be considered: – That the Referendum should take place during the 2021 presidential...

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