Statement by OYV on ‘The Agreed Position’ by The Church and ZCID to have The Church lead ‘The National Dialogue’
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Triple V Campaign Meeting with Inspector General of Police, Stella Libongani — with Juliet Kaira-Chibuta, Banza Chela, Francesca Vannini Parenti and Guess Nyirenda.
Lotti House, 6th Floor, Suite 21, Cairo Road P.O. Box 30153
Email: Cell: 0955/77-769 688
LUSAKA Wednesday 21st NOVEMBER, 2018:
THE long awaited consensus between the Church and the Zambia Centre for Inter-party Dialogue (ZCID) to have the Church through its three (3) Church Mother Bodies lead and chair the National Dialogue is unprecedented and must be commended and welcomed by all stakeholders.
Operation Young Vote is particularly delighted at the fact that there has been realization on the need to move forward regarding National Dialogues which has been procrastinated upon for a long times now due to disagreement on which stakeholder was better placed to lead the undertaking.
As an organization that championed the agenda that the Church should lead and chair the National Dialogue for obvious reasons which reasons we have been propagating, OYV is particularly thrilled that our call, advise and advocacy has been heeded to by the ZCID, which gesture is humbling.

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It is without doubt now that the bigger picture of the Dialogue is dawning on stakeholders and players while the myopic and greedy stance is phasing away.
Now that the bottleneck has been overcome and put behind, there is great need that all players and stakeholders in the political and democratic governance, socio-economic spheres including all citizens to embrace each other and accept sitting around the table to resolve the challenges that have befallen the nation.
Our advise as Operation Young Vote is that all stakeholders and citizens regardless of status must see this as an opportunity to propose debate and reach consensus on law, legislation and policy reforms to bring about those that reflect the aspirations of the citizens and the nation, heal the wounds, mend relationships and rebuild Zambia for the benefit of all citizens but more so posterity and future generations.
This then entails that stakeholders and players must be very much concerned with their input and less so with what their take-away would be.
As the organization pushing the Campaign “Young People – Drivers of Dialogue, Reconciliation and Peace (DDRP), with the Sub theme: Tolerance Key to Dialogue, we would like to appeal to the Church to be embracive of all stakeholders especially the Young People as they are the key target politicians use to cause divisions and violence. We, together, need to turn these young people into Dialogue, Reconciliation and Peace Ambassadors.
OYV is further appealing to all players and stakeholders especially the ruling party and government to embrace the spirit of Tolerance and allow citizens to speak freely on matters that concern and affect them.
With such an approach, OYV is convinced that the National Dialogue would yield the desired results whereas the opposite is true.

Rainbow Newspaper Executive President Derrick Sinjela with Operation Young Vote (OYV) Executive Director Guess Nyirenda, Anti-Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) Executive Director Richwell Mulwani and Supreme Newspaper Editor Fulman James Mukobeko Nico on Cairo Road, Lusaka, Zambia Friday 7th September 2018 Zambian Developmental Media Alliance (ZADEMA) and Zambian Children Young People and Women in Development (ZCYPWD)
Guess Nyirenda (Mr.) – Executive Director
OPERATION YOUNG VOTE – on Statement by OYV on ‘The Agreed Position’ by The Church and ZCID to have The Church lead ‘The National Dialogue’
Operation Young Vote (OYV) – For Good Leadership, Governance and Sustainable Development