Author: editor

ZICTA advises consumers to sanitise ICT gadgets and use Digital Payment Platforms, prods Hanford Chaaba

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ZICTA advises consumers to sanitise ICT gadgets and use Digital Payment Platforms It is undeniable now that Information Communication and Technologies (ICTs) have become indispensable in our lives, for instance, we always move with mobile phones with us now just the way we move with wallets and handbags, noted Zambia Information Communication Technology (ZICTA) Corporate Communications Officer, Hanford Chaaba (Mr) in a Media Statement issued on Thursday March 26, 2020 In view of this global and national concern of the coronavirus diseases, Mr. Chaaba reiterated that it is important that members of the public remember to sanitise their key ICT...

How a bug brought the world to it’s knees – Anthony Mukwita

Notice: Undefined index: catFilterList in /home/zambi/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-likes/api.php on line 243 Zambia now has 28 confirmed Coronavirus casesTHE cases of COVID-19 cases in Zambia have now reached 28, health… Posted by Kalemba on Saturday, March 28, 2020 Be the first to like. Like Unlike



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COVID19- A DRIVER FOR “DEGLOBALISATION” By Lewis Mwape At the dawn of Covid-19, I wrote about how a pandemic could affect a global Economic Systems and how at national level we needed to focus on both health care system particularly developing prevention measures against the spread of Covid-19 among the citizens and creating a resilient economy driven by locally supported economic activities. *As a nation we need to devise economic measures that would respond to a “World Without Others”….* *In just few months, the World has experienced a surprisingly major Global Economic contraction.* Economists have projected that the Global Economy...

Indiscriminate, Open-air burning of waste chocking Chawama residents

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Indiscriminate, Open-air burning of waste chocking Chawama residents By Patrick Soko The issue of land scarcity in Lusaka is prompting some residents of Chawama constituency to be burying the dam which has been used as drainage for many years, much to the displeasure of some people as they are continuously being subjected to open-air burning of waste thereby exposing them to health risks. Most of the people who reside near the dam and those who have businesses around it have been trying to expand their land by encroaching the Dam by claiming to own the land in question. While they...

Accelerating Africa’s industrialization based on agriculture as a business

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Written by: Silomba Thomson +260971602312 Most of African countries got independence in the early 60s. Since then, this has remained only political independence, that, evidently, this has been the thick genesis to most of countries experiencing conflicts and pandemonium provisions that have left most of people homeless and bursting them in informal sector. Without a thick doubt, most countries has suffered economically due to lack of accountability, transparency and not knowing the game they are in, leaders. I say so, because poverty has not been reduced but instead it has been getting debilitating in nearly most of countries if...

NRFA building a homegrown sustainable National Road Tolling, says Engineer Wallece Mumba

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By Derrick Sinjela published in The Rainbow Newspaper Zambia Limited on Page 7 in Issue Number 067 March 23-29, 2020 NATIONAL Road Fund Agency (NRFA) Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Engineer Wallece Mumba says the overall implementation of the National Road Tolling Programme (NRTP) as a home grown solution to sustainable road maintenance is attested by a local contribution at K 2.7 billion raised while foreign was at 76 per cent K3.4 billion was received from external contributions. Engineer Mumba is elated that the National Road Fund Agency team in 2019 recorded a 90 per cent budget target performance,...

Three things ‘Champions do! – ‘Recipe for Greatness’

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By Nelson Longesha +260 97 2560423 STUDIES have shown that man has an intrinsic desire to be a champion in every aspect of life. Champion in this context is being used in reference to dominance. Biblically, God created ‘MAN ‘to dominate in every area of life. Interestingly, in order to be a champion, you must know what champions do. You may ask but why Nelson? The reason is that if you don’t do what champions do, then you won’t have champions have either academically, in relationship or business world. Champions don’t live life like everybody else lives; they live their life...

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